Bangladesh Transport
Bangladesh Transport
Bangladesh Transport
A Moving Story
About Transportation
Transport is an important component of economic activity
in all countries but especially so in those that are
developing. Since ancient times, cities and trade canters
have developed in locations that took advantages of the
availability of transportation connections such as rivers,
roads, protected harbors and railways. The potential for
enhancing economic and social development through
improvements in the transport sector are very large
indeed. It helps the generation of economies of scale,
The transport development in Bangladesh has taken place within the context of a low level of overall
national development and essentially with an inward looking policy. Until now, the development and
maintenance of transport infrastructure has remained the responsibility of the public sector. In addition,
public sector is the main provider of rail and air services and is also involved in providing services in
road, inland water transport and shipping along with the private sector
Poor Quality of Transport
The conventional wisdom that government ownership and direct operation of services are required to
deliver social benefits of transport is no longer held sacred. Evidence in many countries has shown that
private sector ownership and operation of transport services can also deliver social benefits to the people as
a whole.
There are many reasons for low private sector involvement.
Absence of regulatory institutions,
An inappropriate legal framework
Inadequacy of capable and educated transport providers
Lack of Urban Transport Policy
The goals of an efficient transport system must be linked with fostering economic development,
enhancing the quality of the environment, reducing energy consumption, promoting transportation-
friendly development patterns and encouraging fair and equitable access and safe mobility to
residents of different socioeconomic groups. The existing institution should be defined roles and
make ready in the new environment
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