Machine Tools & Digital Manufacturing

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Machine Tools & Digital Manufacturing


Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Toc H Institute of Science & Technology
• Introduction to Digital Manufacturing: Concepts and research and
development status of digital manufacturing
• Definition of digital manufacturing – Features and development of digital
• Theory system of digital manufacturing science: Operation Mode and
Architecture of Digital Manufacturing System
• Operation reference mode of digital manufacturing system –
Architecture of digital manufacturing system
• Modeling theory and method of digital manufacturing science
• Critical modeling theories and technologies of digital manufacturing
• Theory system of digital manufacturing science – Basic architecture
model of digital manufacturing system.
• Manufacturing is defined as the action or process of
manufacturing something; production, fabrication, and also
the sector of the economy engaged in industrial
• Original manufacturing was accomplished by hand, but
most modern manufacturing operations are highly
mechanized and automated.
• History of manufacturing is as long as the history of human
• Manufacturing develops with the progress of human
• Initially manufacturing was a skill bound process.
• The skilled humans could slowly make a transition
from stone age to Bronze age.
• Regions which adopted and adapted to the skilled
manufacturing process gained glory and it
resulted in feudal dynasties.
• In the 17th century, manufacturing gradually
developed into a technology from skill.
• With inventions like Steam Engines, Weaving
Machines and metal cutting machines,
Manufacturing was no longer owned by
Manufacturing becoming a Science
• Modern manufacturing originated in the west.
• It gradually progressed into mechanical
manufacturing in the 19th century and
progressed in the direction of Mechanization
and electrification.
• Around 1980’s Concepts like Agile
Manufacturing, Lean Manufacturing,
Automated Manufacturing, Computer
Integrated Manufacturing emerged
• Manufacturing was now no longer a single
Skill or Technology.
• Manufacturing is now a Science.
• Science comprising of
– Engineering Science
– Organization Science
– Information Science
Engineering Science in Manufacturing

• The integration of computers and the physical

process of manufacturing technology,
developed manufacturing into an Engineering
• For Ex., Interpretation of atomic dislocation
theory & Interpretation of lattice physics
during some plastic deformation (Like Forging)
with the help of Finite Element Method (FEM)
• One another example of manufacturing
process developing itself into an Engineering
Science is in the field of Flexible
Manufacturing system (FMS).

• Now What is FMS?

• In the middle of the 1960s, market competition became more
• During 1960 to 1970 cost was the primary concern.
Later quality became a priority. As the market became more and
more complex, speed of delivery became something customer
also needed.
• A new strategy was formulated: Customizability. The companies
have to adapt to the environment in which they operate, to be
more flexible in their operations and to satisfy different market
segments (customizability).
• Thus the innovation of FMS became related to the effort of
gaining competitive advantage
FMS using Engineering Science
• FMS is a manufacturing technology which uses
a combination of mathematical & scientific
concepts like Simulation, Statistical Modeling,
Optimization, Queuing theory, Artificial
Organizational Science in Manufacturing

• From 1980 and further, many theories evolved to

meet the requirements of new ‘quality demanding’
Pull Out Production
New QC methods
• All these concepts/Philosophies were
incorporated in an organization to meet the
needs of a competitive world
• Need like – Quality, Delivery time, Customer
satisfaction, reliability, Serviceability etc,
• Slowly but steadily, Manufacturing technology
is using Organizational Science
Is it really worth to invest a huge
amount in the name of Quality??
Why did the Soviet Union lose the Moon Race?

Vasiliy Mishin (Project

Manager) & Nikolai Kamanin
(commander of the
cosmonauts) feels poor quality
control in soviet industries and
indiscipline in the factories
was one of the major reasons
for the delayed project.
Tata Indica V2
City Rover
Information Science in Engineering

• Very rapid developments were happening in

the computer world & Electronics
• Developments in areas like Computer
technology, network technology, information
technology, multimedia, Sensor technology
• Concepts like Artificial Intelligence, Big Data,
Cloud Computing etc.,
• Manufacturing technology /Companies
started incorporating high-end multimedia
equipments to visualize the process
• High end computers used for project
• Optimization using software like Fluent,
Ansys, CATIA, Solidworks, MasterCAM etc.,
• Information Science also used to study the
labor behavior in manufacturing companies
• Used for easing the administrative work in a
• Information science used for documentation
purpose like maintenance record
• Introduction of ERP’s like SAP into the
manufacturing company
Digital Manufacturing
Manufacturing Industry Versions
• Manufacturing Industry Version 1.0 – Incorporated
Engineering Science
• Manufacturing Industry Version 2.0 –
Incorporated Organizational Science
• Manufacturing Industry Version 3.0 –
Incorporated Information Science
• Manufacturing Industry Version 4.0 –
Integrated all these Sciences to form the basis of
Concept of DM
• Manufacturing industries shouldered the
responsibility of building a nation’s economy.
• These industries provided technical
equipments, defense equipments, materials
for comfortable living.
• The entire world is experiencing rapid
development with the help of technology
• To keep up with the pace of these rapid developments,
global economic competition, fluctuating changes in
market demand, the manufacturing industries had to
transform itself by integrating Automation,
Intelligence, Network and globalization
• Manufacturing is now gradually shifting from Energy –
driven to Information-driven
• The concept of DM originated from NC or CNC
• Advancements in CAD & MRP (Materials requirement
planning) further contributed to development of DM
• MRP or Material Requirement Planning is
designed to answer three questions: 
– What is needed? 
– How much is needed?  
– When is it needed?
MRP Inputs
• The information input into MRP systems
comes from three main sources: a
• Bill of materials (BoM)
• Master schedule
• Inventory records
• The bill of materials is a listing of all the raw materials,
component parts, subassemblies, and assemblies
required to produce one unit of a specific finished
• The master schedule outlines the anticipated
production activities of the plant. Developed using both
internal forecasts and external orders, it states the
quantity of each product that will be manufactured and
the time frame in which they will be needed. 
• The inventory records file provides an accounting of
how much inventory is already on hand or on order, and
thus should be subtracted from the material
BoM MPS Inventory


Manufacturing Purchase Various

Orders Orders Reports
Definition of DM
Digital manufacturing is a manufacturing process
which, with the support of technologies such as
virtual reality, computer networks, rapid
prototyping and data base, is based on customer
demand so as to analyze, organize and recombine
the product information, process information and
resource information, implement the product
design and function simulation as well as rapid
prototyping, and then to perform rapid production
to meet customer demand and quality standards.
Concept of DM
Control –
Centered DM

–Centered DM
-Centered DM




Centered DM

Digital Model
DM idea taking Control for Center
• After the introduction of NC & CNC machines
into the manufacturing scenario, slowly the
concept of FMC (Flexible manufacturing Cell)
or work stations started evolving.
• To make it happen DNC (Direct NC) system
DNC system
• DNC system enabled a control over the
manufacturing scenario in a digitalized
• Control with respect to Material flow,
Machining flow etc.,
• Such a Digital control of the manufacturing
process helped in making processes 100%
automatic, detect and control parameters of
manufacturing process, notify the faults,
recommending maintenance schedule
DM idea taking Design for center
• Integration of CAD (Computer aided design),
CAPP (Computer aided Process planning), &
CAM (Computer aided manufacturing),
enables the design department of the
manufacturing company to form a digitalized
way of product/process designing, planning,
Scheduling & Generating part programming
Features of DM
Its important features are:

• Exchange of product/process information happens digitally

• Online evaluation and monitoring of product performance
(Rapid protyping)
• Online quality checks for predicting the product development
• It enables manufacturing activity to happen in any part of the
• Traditional manufacturing methods are improvised with the help
of DM
• Up-to-date market information-stronger supply chain-leaner
R&D Status of DM
• At present, the basic theoretical research of DM focuses
on computational geometry, geometric reasoning,
calculation of manufacturing, manufacturing
informatics and so on.
• The geometric centers of the American Polytechnic
University and the Southern Polytechnic State
University in Georgia, the Navy Research Institute,
NASA Research Center and other internationally
renowned research institutions have attached much
importance to the engineering application research of
the geometry
• Great progress in research in the area of application
of digital prototyping technology
• key theoretical issue in DM is to create constraint
analysis and solve the constraint problem, which is
how to realize the multi-objective global
optimization of product developing indicators, such
as time and cost, in the condition of being
constrained by function, geometry, physics,
technique and other factors.
– The constraint analysis includes mould typing, workpiece
fixturing, interference checking, measurement planning,
assembly planning, fixture designing and grasp planning
Operation mode of DM
• The digital manufacturing system is the
foundation on which various modern
advanced manufacturing systems become a
• Thus, it is necessary to clarify the operation
mode of the digital manufacturing system
Basic Operations of an Enterprise
• In simple words, the basic operations like Design, simulation and
production of a product are completed in a digital environment.
• That is, after receiving orders, a conceptual design and general
design are first carried out, followed by a computer simulation or
rapid prototyping process, and process planning engineering, the
process of CAM and CAQC (Computer aided Quality control), until
finally the product is formed.
• It is essential for production resources to be planned generally
and coordinated in the entire manufacturing process.
• If resources are insufficient or the core competence of the
manufacturing individual is limited, it is necessary to look for
partners and create manufacturing alliances, and on that basis,
production resources are planned and manufacturing processes
are monitored to ensure that products will be realized on
• In order to assure the effectiveness of the manufacturing
process, we must also first acquire the product demands
of potential markets. Therefore, we need to collect
market information, analyze customer needs and capture
opportunities in the market.
• In order to ensure that the manufacturing purpose of the
product is met, the product must be quickly launched to
the market after it is finished, to be able to possess
market share and profit from product.
• It is thus necessary to engage in marketing and collect
feedback information from users, and also to support
perfect product maintenance and service work.
Operation reference mode of DM
• From above explanation we can see, it is a
complex system related to many links.
• Obviously, the stable operation mode that
supports digital manufacturing systems should
include a great deal of subsystems
The management and decision-making systems of
manufacturing individual or alliance

• This is the core management and decision-making system of

the entire manufacturing organization, responsible for handling
plans, operations, detection, control and maintenance in the
enterprise, and is the backbone of the entire system.
• The individual is the smallest independent manufacturing unit,
and may be a manufacturing department, workshop, digital
intelligent manufacturing equipment or an independent
• The alliance is a organization that is composed of a number of
digital manufacturing individuals and can realize the integral
function of product.
Market analysis and evaluation system
• This is mainly responsible for collecting market
information, tracking existing market products analyzing
new market demand and evaluating the value and
feasibility analysis.

Product collaborative design and simulation system

• Aiming at demand for the new product, this system
coordinates the design members in the manufacturing
alliance and uses their respective core competences and
advantages to achieve collaborative product design, realize
the simulation and rapid prototyping manufacturing of the
designed product, and evaluate the design results, to
achieve a low-cost, high-quality and high-speed product
design result that is also harmless environmentally
Collaborative product & production control

• This system takes charge of coordinating members in the

manufacturing organization by using their core
manufacturing capabilities to implement rapid product
• It also ensures that all equipment and devices in the
manufacturing environment are carefully planned and
built, controlled collaboratively and run reliably.
• Optimization of the manufacturing process and product
performance are achieved by using the technology
optimization method, digital scheduling method and
operating algorithm of system optimization
Product quality management system
• This is responsible for the quality detection and
management of products, which ensures that
quality products reach the market.

Product marketing system

• This system is responsible for the formulation
and implementation of the product marketing
strategy and the commercialization of products in
order to gain the biggest sales return and achieve
the goal of product manufacturing.
Customer Service System

• This is responsible for the maintenance and

service of products to ensure the correct use
of products, to gain market reputation, and
promote the social benefits of products.
• Customer demand can be used as the basis for
market analysis of new products.
Architecture of DM System
• The architecture of digital manufacturing system
should include
– Basic theories of digital manufacturing science
– Key technology of the digital manufacturing system
– Network
– Application fields of digital manufacturing
• The foundation of digital manufacturing science
includes modeling theory of the digital
manufacturing system
• The key technologies of the digital manufacturing
system include
– Product description technology
– Manufacturing process expression and control technology
– Manufacturing data acquisition
– Storage and processing technology
– Networks and grid technology
– Engineering database technology
– Virtual and simulation technology
– Metadata technology
• Product description technology refers to the
use of digital technology to describe product
information, including description and
expression norms
• Manufacturing process expression and
control technology includes how to express
and control various certain and uncertain
manufacturing processes, and the examples of
uncertain manufacturing processes include
the process of tool wear, market development
and the decision-making process.
• Manufacturing data acquisition, storage and
processing, include the acquisition, expression,
storage, processing and application of
manufacturing knowledge.
• Network and grid technology refer to the network
support technology which guarantees the
collaborative design and production of the system
in remote, heterogeneous environments. Among
them, the grid network technology, which applies
and develops network technology, guarantees the
independence of network resources, and the
sharing of applications in an efficient and safe way.
• Engineering database technology: there are
many problems concerning data storage and a
management in a manufacturing system, but
there is so far no suitable database technology
to meet the corresponding requirements.
• Virtual and simulation technologies include
virtual design, manufacturing process
simulation and digital prototyping.
• Metadata is data about data, by which we can
understand the name, purpose and usage of
Modeling Theory
• The idea of modeling is to construct a model, i.e. a formal
representation of a process that can subjected to an analysis
(evaluating coherence, simulating action, estimating costs etc.).
• To perform this task, modeling languages are used.
• Modeling languages can be both graphical and/or textual.
• Most formalisms for modeling production systems are graphical
• Frequently, a small graphical symbol is more comprehensible and
meaningful than a long text.
• Until now, over 70 modeling languages have been developed.
However, this huge number brings some difficulties with selecting a
Examples of Modeling Languages
Articulator, BAM, BPEL4WS, BPML, Chou-UML, CIMOSA,
Conversation Builder, CSP, CSPL, E3, EAI, ebXML, EDOC,
Process Weaver, Promenade, PSL, RAD, REA, Rosetta Net,
System Dynamics, TEMPO, UEML, UML, UML2, UPM,
GRAI Method
• GRAI is short for Graphs with Results and Actions
Inter-related, and the further developed GRAI
Integrated Methodology (GIM)[
• The GRAI method owns to the enterprise modeling
domain. The purpose is to design or reengineer
production systems (manufacturing or service).
• The GRAI method focuses on the decisional aspect
(control system).
• From a general point of view, the GRAI method applies
to performance improvement.
Application domains of the GRAI method

• Production systems engineering,

• Choice and implementation of software packages for
management: ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning), SCM
(Supply Chain Management), CRM (Customer Relationship
Management) or other computerized solutions (decisional...);
• Choice and implementation of performance indicators
• Development and implementation of industrial strategies;
• Support to quality approaches;
• Knowledge Management.
GRAI Model
• It defines the reference conceptual structure
of the production system of any
manufacturing or service firm or of any
• It defines the basic concepts and their
• DECISION: Activity of choice between several
• To DECIDE, it is necessary to know:
– expected performances of this decision (OBJECTIVES),
– elements on which one can play (DECISION VARIABLES or
action variables),
– limits of the potentiality of the decision variables
– the result of the previous decisions (PERFORMANCE
– a support to choose among possible actions (CRITERIA)
• IDEF, initially abbreviation of ICAM Definition, renamed in
1999 as Integration DEFinition,
• It refers to a family of modeling languages in the field
of systems and software engineering.
• They cover a wide range of uses, from functional modeling to
data, simulation, object-oriented analysis/design and
knowledge acquisition.
• These "definition languages" were developed under funding
from U.S. Air Force and although still most commonly used by
them, as well as other military and United States Department
of Defense (DoD) agencies, are in the public domain.
Different Versions of IDEF
• IDEF0 : Function modeling
• IDEF1 : Information modeling 
• IDEF1X : Data modeling 
• IDEF2 : Simulation model design
• IDEF3 : Process description capture 
• IDEF4 : Object-oriented design 
• IDEF5 : Ontology description capture 
• IDEF6 : Design rationale capture 
• IDEF7 : Information system auditing
• IDEF8 : User interface modeling
• IDEF9 : Business constraint discovery
• IDEF10 : Implementation architecture modeling
• IDEF11 : Information artifact modeling
• IDEF12 : Organization modeling
• IDEF13 : Three schema mapping design
• IDEF14 : Network design
Evolution of IDEF
• IDEF is a method designed to model the decisions, actions, and
activities of an organization or system.
• Effective IDEF models help to organize the analysis of a system and
to promote good communication between the analyst and the
• IDEF is useful in establishing the scope of an analysis, especially for a
functional analysis.
• As a communication tool, IDEF enhances domain expert
involvement and consensus decision-making through simplified
graphical devices.
• As an analysis tool, IDEF assists the modeler in identifying what
functions are performed, what is needed to perform those
functions, what the current system does right, and what the current
system does wrong.
• Thus, IDEF models are often created as one of the first tasks of a
system development effort.
Petri Nets
• Petri Nets were developed originally by Carl Adam Petri [Pet62], and
were the subject of his dissertation in 1962.
• Since then, Petri Nets and their concepts have been extended and
developed, and applied in a variety of areas:
– Office automation
– work-flows
– flexible manufacturing
– programming languages
– protocols and networks
– hardware structures, real-time systems
– performance evaluation
– defense systems
– Telecommunications
– Internet
– e-commerce and trading
– railway networks
– biological systems.
• A Petri Net is a collection of directed arcs
connecting places and transitions. Places may
hold tokens. The state or marking of a net is its
assignment of tokens to places. Here is a
simple net containing all components of a
Petri Net:
• Arcs have capacity 1 by default;
• if other than 1, the capacity is marked on the
• Places have infinite capacity by default, and
transitions have no capacity, and cannot store
tokens at all.
• With the rule that arcs can only connect
places to transitions and vice versa
Different Examples of Petri Nets Ex. 1
Different Examples of Petri Nets : Ex. 2

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