CCGT Cycle Selection Criteria

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The document discusses factors that influence the selection of a single pressure level for a combined cycle power plant (CCPP), including site conditions, fuel availability, economics, and plant configuration. It also covers design topics like heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) design and gas turbine and steam turbine selection for CCPPs.

The document discusses many factors on pages 6-7 that can influence selecting a single pressure level for a CCPP, including site conditions, fuel availability and quality, emissions requirements, economics, and plant operating mode and flexibility.

On page 29, the document discusses several design issues related to an HRSG for a single pressure CCPP, such as sizing for peak gas turbine flow and temperature, start-up time, fatigue loading due to peaking operation, and configuration options like once-through versus drum-type.

Factors influencing

Single Pressure Level Selection for

Combined Cycle Operation

How can FiCo support the Client

for project development?

P. S. Majumdar
30/06/20 1
First Gas Turbine
Single Pressure Level Selection for CCPP

1. Combined Cycle with Single Pressure Level

2. Overview of Factors for CCPP Cycle Selection (1/2)

3. Overview of Factors for CCPP Cycle Selection (2/2)

4. Influence of Fuel types on CCPP

5. Selection of Gas Turbine & Steam Turbine for CCPP (1/3)

6. Selection of Gas Turbine & Steam Turbine for CCPP (2/3)

7. Selection of Gas Turbine & Steam Turbine for CCPP (3/3)

8. Selection of HRSG for CCPP

9. Selection of Turbo-generator for CCPP (1/2)

10. Selection of Turbo-generator for CCPP (2/2)

Single Pressure Level Selection for CCPP
Back-up Slides

1. Project Conceptualisation- Assessing Client Inputs

2. Project Development as Owner’s Engineer (1/2)
3. Project Development as Owner’s Engineer (2/2)
4. Resource Planning as Owner’s Engineer
5. 21 Contracting Principles for Power Plants
6. Financial Evaluations
7. Development Timeline of Compressor, Turbine, Burner
8. Energy Flows and Efficiency enhancement
9. Swallowing Capacity as per Traupel’s Cone Rule
10. Qualitative CCGT Decision Map
11. GT/ST configurations for Power Steam Map
12. Electrical Inertia Constant, H & Start-up Time Constant T a
13. Generator Parameters- Short Circuit Ratio
14. HRSG Design Issues for Single Pressure CCGT 4
Combined Cycle with Single Pressure Level
Brayton/Rankine Cycle on T-S plane, Sankey Diagram, Efficiency basis

 ISO standards 3977-2 ( Gas Turbines - Procurement - Part 2: Standard Reference

Conditions and Ratings)
 Ambient Temperature - 15 deg C, Relative Humidity - 60 % and Ambient Pressure at Sea Level.
(Lower density of air with increasing Altitude affects performance)
 ZERO Inlet and Exhaust Losses (unachievable ideal condition)
 Base Load Operation at 100% rated power (for maximum efficiency)
 Variation of water temperature/wind temperature, velocity, direction affect CCPP Efficiency
Overview of Factors for CCPP Cycle Selection (1/2)
Factors FAVOURING Single Pressure Level (HIGH, Neutral, LOW)

Site Conditions Power Output Efficiency

Ambient Location Facilities Peaking Power Load Variation 1
Temp Air Quality Parity Factor
Elevation Fuel Quality (Sulphur) No. of Starts/Stops 2
Space HV Connection Duration of Part
Availability Cooling Water Flexibility
Load Operation
Topography Availability Separate power Average Life
Soil Conditions Trained Personnel trains (multi-shaft) Efficiency

Emission A
Total Plant Control Stringent
Systems Cost Contract/PPA
Long Term Quality Escalating
O&M Contract Fluctuation Energy Price
EPC Cost
Price Peak Power
Spares Project Differential
Strategy Development Variation
Transport Market
Cost Regulations
Maintenance Facilities
Interval and Emission 4
Storage Trading
O&M Costs Capital Investment Fuel On-Grid Tariff

Overview of Factors for CCPP Cycle Selection (2/2)
Factors FAVOURING Single Pressure Level (HIGH, Neutral, LOW)

Operating Mode Degradation Availability
Load 2 Shift operation / Fuel changing
1 flexibility
Variation Cycling between
Mature Technology
2 No. of base load/peak load Long Term
Starts/Stops Start-up O&M Contract
Reliability/ Redundancy
Duration of Modular R&M
3 Part Load Black Start
Operation Frequency Control Single
A Levellised Inflation Rate
NPV Discount Rate Availability
IRR Economic Life Rising O&M Cost
Discount Rate Taxation Construction Increasing Performance Degradation
Pay Back Time Time Override
Cost Override Increasing Fuel Price Escalation
Ease of securing
Bank Financing Tougher Emission Regulations
Sensitivity Quality Non Increasing Deregulation of Electricity
Emission Conformance
4 Trading
Economics Risk Evaluation

Influence of Fuel Types favouring Single Pressure Level
Avoid approaching acid dew point temperatures at HRSG from TET

Level CCPP

Low grade liquid fuels with high ash and sulphur content like Residual Fuel, Heavy
Distillates, etc. fired in particular models of Gas Turbines producing high turbine
Exhaust Gas Temperature (TET) onwards to HRSG above acid dew point; favour
Single Pressure Level Applications for CCPP (70 – 150 MW).
Selection of Gas Turbine & Steam Turbine for CCPP (1/3)
Sensitivity of Power and Efficiency on Altitude and Ambient Temp.

Power vs. TET (varying Power vs. TET (varying

Ambient Temperature) Altitude)

High Turbine Exhaust Gas Temperature (TET) – above acid dew point in HRSG;
favour Single Pressure Level for a Site with defined altitude and temperature.
Selection of Gas Turbine & Steam Turbine for CCPP (2/3)
HRSG Steaming, Power Steam Maps, OC/CC Power with/without SF

Supplementary Firing in HRSG is beneficial for Peak Power in Single Pressure

CCPP, since Efficiency is not the primary driver.

w/o SF with SF

Selection of Gas Turbine & Steam Turbine for CCPP (3/3)

Typical Power Steam Map with/without SF for CCPP

• Flexibility of GT output with SF favours Single Pressure CCPP for Peaking Power.
• Sliding Pressure in ST of Single pressure CCPP NOT favourable below 50% load!

• Cogeneration Steam for District Heating is preferred for high Power Coefficient P c
(Elec. Power / Heat Output), ideally with back-pressure steam turbines in CCGT.
• Cogeneration Steam for Desalination Plants with MSF (multi-stage flash) distillation
is ideally extracted from condensing turbines in CCGT for higher Pc, with SF. 11
Selection of HRSG for CCPP
Factors FAVOURING Single Pressure Level (HIGH, Neutral, LOW)

Vertical HRSG’s with lower footprint are

preferable for Single Pressure Level CCPP,
unless there are height and/or emission
restrictions. Exhaust Temperature >= 140 oC
Selection of Turbo-Generator for CCPP (1/2)
4-Pole TG have Lateral Critical Speed beyond operating frequency

 Single Pressure Level CCPP’s generally operate in the 70 – 140 MW power range
 4-Pole Air Cooled Generators are generally offered for such applications. Check for:
 Design and Construction features of small Generators which are influenced by fluctuations of
Transmission Network like Short Circuit Ratio (SCR), sub-transient/grid Reactances, etc.
 Grid Fluctuations are more difficult to absorb for smaller generators.
 Peaking power requirement introduce greater swing factors (K-value) for transmission networks.
 However, single pressure levels for CCPP are really justified for peaking power. Optimisation required!
 Decrease in power generation capability with increase in Ambient Temperatures
 Capability of satisfying BS-EN:60034 requirement of generating 60% output with loss of 50% cooling
capacity is to be checked for compliance to avoid financial penalties during fault scenarios.
 Over-pressurisation with Fans are provided to overcome decrease in generation capability.
 The power and efficiency of fans vary with ambient temperature and approach design limits.
 Axial Fans with variable pitch (VARAX) sometimes offered to overcome above limitations.
 Auxiliary power consumption is increased if fans are present for over-pressurisation. Cost/benefit analysis of
variable frequency drives (VFD’s) for such applications to be evaluated.
 Self cleaning filters are generally provided for such fans. However, Availability Guarantees are affected by
fan tripping and contractual breach of power dispatch volumes incur financial penalties.
 Start-up of Fans after a trip condition with louvers covered with snow might affect Availability Guarantees.

Selection of Turbo-Generator for CCPP (2/2)
Checking of Protection Features for Single Pressure Applications

 Brushless Excitation is offered for Single Pressure Level CCPP Applications. However:
 Diodes and Fuses of a rotating rectifier can only be replaced during a complete standstill.
 Single shaft installations of CCPP would require complete shut-down of generation capability to recover
from faults/trips. Availability Guarantees for Base Load (Open Cycle) operation to be checked.
 Protection Features for high differentials in generated power in small generators for switching
between base load to peak load and vice-versa (specially for single shaft applications):
 2-phase short-circuit at generator terminals
 3-phase short-circuit at generator terminals
 Mal-synchronisation by load angle,  = 120 degrees
 Mal-synchronisation by load angle,  = 180 degrees
 Consideration of generator reactance xd”, transformer reactance xT and grid reactance xNet
 Two-phase and Three-phase re-closing after an electrical disturbance in one transmission line
 Low-Cycle Fatigue (LCF)- brittle fracture analysis effect on rotor life
 High-Cycle Fatigue (HCF) as per Haigh Diagram
 Sagging Line calculation with and without exciter bearing
 Calculation of Electrical Inertia Constant, H and start-up time constant Ta
Thank You!


30/06/20 15
Project Conceptualisation- Assessing Client Inputs
What does the Client have? How much help FiCo has to provide?
 It is assumed that the Developer is the Owner and seeks FiCo assistance for financing,
planning/regulatory sanctions to achieve financial closure. BOOT, BOOM not discussed.

 It is assumed that Developer has clear, unrestricted access to

 Land (with transport roads, port), Water (w/wo ACC?),
 Fuel Import facilities (w/wo terminals? Dual fuel?),
 Power Evacuation facilities &
 Waste Disposal and Effluent Treatment facilities.
 Otherwise, FiCo to provide assistance on the above.

 Single Pressure Cycles are ideal for fuels with HIGH ash / sulphur content, for peak load
operation- with moderate GT EGT to reduce excessive temperature rise. Check suitability.

 Comply with (part load?) Emission criteria (NOx) (SCR?) & possible provisions for CCS.
 Site information:
 Geological characteristics (for soil resistivity, load bearing capabilities, contours, flood protection)
for Layouts
 Elevation (Reference above FFL) and meteorological conditions (deviation from ISO conditions)
for Guarantees.

 Peaking capabilities for maximising income generation with steam fogging and/or
supplementary firing for ABT to factor in selection of GT and HRSG. 16
Project Development as Owner’s Engineer (1/2)
General Overview

Project Development as Owner’s Engineer (2/2)
Guidance to Client on techno-economic basis, stakeholders and risks

 Techno-economic basis for sizing and rating of equipment:

 Estimate margins for long-term degradation over life time
 Estimate the extent of variations from design basis :
 For generating extra income,
 Without rapid consumption of life time operational capability,
 Evaluate options and costs for recovering from abnormal events
 Availability Guarantees incorporating Seismic Criteria, Electromagnetic Pulse, etc.
 External Stakeholder interactions (Load Flow Analysis plus about 70 interfaces)
 Electricity Transmission and Distribution Authorities, Load Dispatch Centres
 Regulatory Agencies (Water/Land/Air Pollution), ATEX, PED, etc.
 Transportation (Roads, Railways, Ports)
 Risk Assessment
 For ACC, the project schedule is to be synchronised with the direction and velocity of
winds prevailing at site during performance guarantee test, prior to commercial
operation date (which relieves the OEM from contractual obligations regarding PG test)
 Assurance of overall operational capability for all anticipated modes
Resource Planning as Owner’s Engineer
Roles and Responsibilities of Experienced Personnel

P r o je c t S a le s M a n a g e r
C lie n t In te r fa c e

L e g a l A id P la n n e r
R e g u la to r y C o m p lia n c e
C r o s s J u r is d ic tio n In te r fa c e s S c h e d u le r

C o m m e r c ia l M a n a g e r C o n c e p t O w n e rs E n g in e e r in g M a n a g e r
P o w e r P la n t / S ite
F a c ilit y In t e g r a t o r

M a r k e t I n te llig e n c e T h e r m o d y n a m ic B a s is /G u a r a n te e s M e c h a n ic a l ( M a in P la n t , B O P , e tc .)
L ife tim e O p e r a tio n / W a rr a n t ie s P r o c e s s , O p e r a tio n P h ilo s o p h y w ith C & I
C o lla tio n o f L a y o u t, w ith C iv il & R e g u a la to r y In te r fa c e s
C o m m e r c ia l In fo r m a tio n R a t in g & S iz in g
E le c tr ic a l In te r fa c e s f o r E q u ip m e n t & Layout
V a r i a b l e I n p u t s , B . C . 's
B u s in e s s A n a ly s t C o n tra c t S tru c tu re C iv il
A n a l y s i s o f e x i s t in g in f o r m a t i o n G e o te c h n ic a l In v e s tig a t io n , G r o u n d S u r v e y
N u a n c e d t r a n s f e r o f R is k v s T it le F o u n d a t io n , F lo o d P r o te c tio n , C o n t o u r A n a ly s is
s tic h e d fr o m d iv e r s e s o u r c e s N E C 3 S o il L e a c h in g , C h e m ic a l A tta c k , E a r th in g
G r o s s T r e n d s a n d In p u ts fo r M o d e llin g F ID IC
F in a n c ia l M o d e lle r P r o je c t M a n agem ent E le c tr ic a l ( L a y o u t a n d E v a c u a tio n )
S c e n a r io A n a ly s is P r o g r e s s iv e T r a n s fe r o f R is k N e tw o r k A n a ly s is , L o a d F lo w
V a r ie d O u tc o m e s P r in c e 2 & P rim a v e ra In te r a c tio n s w ith D N O , B a c k C h a r g in g
W e ig h ta g e o f R is k & M itig a tio n A c tu a r ia l P r o je c t R is k A n a ly s is A v a ila b ility G u a r a n te e s , B la c k S ta rt

T a x a tio n E x p e rt M u ltip le O E M E q u ip m e n t E x p e r ie n c e C & I O p tim is e d O p e r a tin g P h ilo s o p h y

P r o c u r e m e n t & O p e r a tio n E x p e rie n c e o f d iffe r e n t C lo s e d L o o p / O p e n L o o p
O p tim is a tio n o f C o n tr a c t S tr u c tu re O p e r a tio n a l P h ilo s o p h ie s P F U P /P F U C
e . g . H ig h S e a s S a le L im its / In te r fa c e s / C o n s tra in ts F e e d b a c k / D is a s te r R e c o v e ry

In s u r a n c e S p e c ia lis t T e c h n o - E c o n o m ic E r e c tio n C o m m is s io n in g , O & M s u p p o r t

C /E A R , A L O P , T P L O p t im is a t io n e . g . S ite M o b ilis a tio n P r o g r a m
D IC D ID M e r c h a n t P la n t M e r it O r d e r, S c h e d u le o f F a c ilitie s , S tr a te g y
F o r c e M a ju e r e ( U n fo r s e e n ? ) C o ld E n d O p t im is a t io n - S T to C T N e e d fo r A d v is o r o r S u p e r v is o r

21 Contracting Principles for Power Plants
Graded Importance in Single Pressure Level CCPP (HIGH, Neutral, LOW)

Project Planning and Execution Risks and Liabilities

Scope, Obligations, Programme Limitations of Liability

1. Contract Effectiveness, Scope 11. Care of the Works; Client’s Risks

2. Site Conditions 12. Insurance
3. Approvals, Permits and Consents 13. Delays; Delay LD’s
4. Delivery / Acceptance (PAC) 14. Performance Guarantees / LDs
5. Quality Assurance 15. Defects / Warranties (FAC)
6. Extension of Time, Extra Costs; FM 16. Indemnities
7. Variations / Change Orders 17. Limitations of Liability

Financial Obligations Contractual and Legal Remedies

8. Payment, Security of Payment 18. Suspension and Termination Rights

9. Bonds and Guarantees 19. IPR; Confidentiality
10. Taxes and Duties 20. Disputes, Law, Jurisdiction
21. General Provisions
Financial Evaluations
ROI, Parity Factor, Probability Calculations
Return on Investment (ROI)
 Levellized Cost of Electricity not useful for determining ROI- only useful for
comparisons against a certain time period
 NPV, IRR calculations coupled with realistic O&M values (increasing over
time) and set-offs against commercial asset depreciation provide realistic
estimates of ROI (against increasing revenue/fuel prices)
Spark spread as cost of replacement power for intermittent renewables likely to increase with
greater mandatory renewable obligations favouring Single Pressure Level CCPP’s
Inferior fuels provide attractive ROI on single pressure level CCPP
 Further potential with Shale Gas like Geothermal Steam

Parity Factor Calculations (for selecting optimum equipment size- getting

the maximum bang for the buck) Microsoft Excel

97-2003 Worksheet
 Probability and Cost of achieving Performance Guarantees
 Setting Evaluation factors for Power and Efficiency comparisons Microsoft Excel
 Assigning Liquidated Damages for Power and Efficiency shortfalls 97-2003 Worksheet
 Setting up Acceptance / Rejection margins- probabilities / tolerances
 Uncertainty Analysis of Performance Guaranty measurements Microsoft Excel
97-2003 Worksheet 21
Development Timeline of Compressor, Turbine, Burner
Energy Flows and Efficiency enhancement
Improvements justifying multiple pressure selection

• Increasing the efficiency of

the combined cycle is possible
with supplementary firing only
if the efficiency of the steam
cycle is increased.
• Without supplementary firing,
increasing the efficiency of the
gas turbine is beneficial only if
the efficiency of the steam
turbine does not drop greatly.
• Additional recovery of waste
heat possible with additional
steam generation in pre-
heater loop to raise efficiency
in single pressure CCGT.
• Additional generation of
steam at optimum
pressure & temp. paves
the way for 2-pressure
and 3-pressure cycles for
maximum efficiency.
Swallowing Capacity as per Traupel’s Cone Rule
Substantially lower no. of stages in GT vs. ST

Rated OEM Increased

Performance Power with
(Efficiency) Natural Gas,
with 100% with extra
Methane, as Propane &
the simplest Butane- as
Hydrocarbon heavier

Without Beckmann correction

Qualitative CCGT Decision Map
Market Imperatives- Geography, Fuel Availability, Economics, etc.

Low Fuel Price & Capital Cost favours Single Pressure CCGT for Peaking Power

Hard Soft Factors:

Power Differential
Fuel Cost
O&M cost
Cost Maintenance
O&M cost

GT/ST configurations for Power Steam Map
General Cogeneration Option considered
Electrical Inertia Constant, H & Start-up Time Constant Ta
Derivation from the Swing Equation

Generator Parameters- Short Circuit Ratio
HRSG Design Issues for Single Pressure CCGT
“Combines” the topping and bottoming cycle

 HRSG design is critically dependent upon peak GT flow (sizing) and temp. (rating).
 However, they seldom occur together! Significant issue for peaking-power single pressure CCGT.
 Max. GT FLOW occurs during lowest ambient temperature and max. GT temperature occurs during
70-80% of peak LOAD, when steam production (tube cooling is reduced).
 Start-up time for Steam Turbine is to be lower for peaking-power single pressure CCGT.
 Start-up of HRSG (as a function of spray capacity and location) to be optimised for sealing steam
 HRSG’s for this application would undergo significant fatigue loading due to peaking duty.
 As there is no Design Code stress check for fatigue stress, OEM Code Compliance is of no use.
 Thick walled components like HP Superheater / Reheater manifolds to be evaluated for actually
anticipated regimes of operation. Once-Through HRSG’s without Drum would see lower fatigue.
 Notches, Stress Raisers, high part-to-part thickness transitions should be avoided!
 External Deaerator (with trace heating) is preferred for rapidly lowering O 2 content in FW.
 Amenable to simpler/cheaper Phospate Dosing rather than AVT (All Volatile Treatment).
 Horizontal flow configuration might become more preferable in certain situations like:
 Increased supplementary firing between stages and higher peaking duty (with single row tube)

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