Human Skin Grade 6
Human Skin Grade 6
Human Skin Grade 6
Grade 6
The skin is the exterior covering of
the body. It weighs more than 6
pounds in the average adult, and
covers more than 3,000 square
inches. It is the largest organ of
the body. It is supplied with blood
vessels and nerves.
General Information
► Skin has 2 layers
► Epidermis - outer layer
► Dermis – inner layer
► Sweat glands excrete
sweat through pores.
► Sweat is made up of
urea, salts, and water.
► Body’s first line of
► Largest organ of the
Skin has three layers:
•The epidermis, the outermost layer of skin,
provides a waterproof barrier and creates our skin
Stratum corneum
The stratum corneum
(STRĂT um KOR nee um) is
the outermost strata of
the epidermis. It is
mostly dead cells, filled
with a protein substance
called keratin. It is
thicker on the soles of
the feet than on the
eyelids…where there is
less pressure.
The stratum lucidum
(LOO seh dum) is a
Stratum lucidum
translucent layer
lying directly
beneath the
corneum. It may not
even exist in thinner
skin. Cells in this
layer are also dead
or are in the process
of dying.
The stratum granulosum
(grăn yū LŌ sum) is one
Stratum granulosum
or more layers of cells
starting to die and
become hard. They are
in the process of
(kare ah tin ī ZĀ shun)
becoming fibrous protein
similar to that in hair and
The stratum germinativum
(jer mah nah TĪV um)
is composed of several
layers of living cells
capable of cell division. It
is the innermost layer of
Stratum germinativum
the epidermis, and
contains melanin… the
pigment that gives color to
the skin. The more
abundant the melanin…
the darker the skin color.
Damage to this layer, such
as in severe burns,
requires skin grafts.
The dermis is
beneath the
epidermis and
is composed
of connective