DLP - Human Skin
DLP - Human Skin
DLP - Human Skin
1. How well they now the functions and parts of
human skin?
2. How to take care of skin and what are the skin
deceases that is harmful/fatal to human?
3. Picture of skin.
Instructional Delivery:
1. Definition of skin
2. Layers of skin
a. Epidermis
b. Dermis
c. Hypodermis (deeper subcutaneous tissue)
3. Functions of the skin
B. Establishing a
purpose for the
C. Presenting
instances of the
new lesson
D. Discussing new Exercise 1
concepts and Direction: Identify the parts of the human skin
practicing new __ 1. Dermis
skills #1 __ 2. Epidermis
__ 3. Hypodermis
__ 4. Hair Follicle
__ 5. Sweat Gland
__ 6. Fat
__ 7. Connective Tissue
__ 8. Papillary Region
__ 9. Reticular Region
__ 10. Melanin