Contract Labour R A Act 1970
Contract Labour R A Act 1970
Contract Labour R A Act 1970
The Contract Labour
(Regulation and Abolition)
Act, 1970 Act and the
Contract Labour (Regulation
and Abolition) Central
Rules, 1971 came into force
on 10.2.71.
Short Title, Extent, Commencement
And Application.
Section 1
4. It applies:-
b) Seasonal nature
What is Intermittent
nature of Job?
• If the work is performed for
more than 220 days in the
last 12 months or
"contractor", in relation to an
establishment, means a person
who undertakes to produce a
given result for the
establishment, other than a mere
supply of goods or articles of
manufacture to such
establishment, through contract
labour or who supplies contract
labour for any work of the
establishment and includes a
Sec 2 (i) WORKMEN
• Hours of work
• Fixation of wages
1. Every application for the
grant of a licence under sub- GRANT OF
section(1) of section 12 shall LICENCES
be made in the prescribed
form and shall contain the
Validity & Renewal
Security Deposit
b) A sufficient number of
latrines and urinals situated as
to be convenient and
accessible to the contract
labour and
c) Washing facilities
Section 19:
There shall be provided First-aid
and maintained by the facilities
contractor so as to be
readily accessible during
all working hours a first-
aid box equipped with the
prescribed contents at
every place where contract
labour is employed by
Section 20:
1. If any amenity required Liability Of
to be provided for the Principal
benefit of the contract
labour employed in an Employer In
establishment is not Certain Cases
provided by the
contractor within the
time prescribed thereof,
such amenity shall be
provided by the principal
employer within such
time as may be
2. All expenses incurred by the
principal employer in providing
the amenity may be recovered by
the principal employer from the
contractor either by deduction
from any amount payable to the
contractor under any contract or
as a debt payable by the
Welfare Provisions
Sr. No. Provision Conditions
5 Latrines & Urinals At least one latrine for every 25 male & female contract
labor separately
6 Washing Facilities Separate for female & male contract labor
7 First aid Facilities At least one First aid box for every 150 contract labor
1. A contractor shall be Section 21:
responsible for Responsibility for
Payment of
Payment of wages to each
worker employed by him
Shall be paid before the expiry
of such period as may be
In case of failure on the part of
the contractor to pay wages
either in part or in full, the
Principal Employer is liable to
pay the same.
No wage period shall exceed one month
Wages of terminated worker shall be paid
before the expiry of second working day from
the day on which his services were terminated
Wages to every worker shall be paid directly or
to any person authorized by him.
The wages paid to the contract workers shall be
authenticated by the representative of the
Principal employer at the end of the wage sheet
Display of notice showing wage period
Entries regarding payment of wages, etc. to be
made in Register
Payment to be made on working day
Wages to be paid without deduction (except
those permissible under Payment of Wages Act)
2. Duty of principle employer
8 Register of Deductions 20
9 Register of Fines 21
10 Register of Advances 22
11 Register of Overtime 23
12 Wages slip where wage period is more than one week 29
• All the records & register shall be
preserved for a period of 3 years from the
date of last entry.
Annual Return
• Annual return in Form 25 (In duplicate)
Principal employer by 15th Feb.
For obstructing the inspector or failing to
produce registers etc. - 3 months’
imprisonment or fine upto Rs.500, or both.
(Sec. 22)
Prohibition of Employment of
Contract Labour
Apart from the regulatory measures
provided under the Act for the benefit
of the contract labour, the
‘appropriate government’ under
section 10 (1) of the Act is authorised,
after consultation with the Central
Board or State Board, as the case may
be, to prohibit, by notification in the
official gazette, employment of
contract labour in any Establishment in
any process, operation or other work
Sub-section (2) of Section 10 lays down
sufficient guidelines for deciding upon the
abolition of contract labour in any process,
operation or other work in any
• Whether the work is of Perennial nature
(regular). Contd.
• Whether the work is incidental or
necessary for the work of an
2nd NCL 2002 Recommendation
• Contract labour shall not be engaged for core production / service
• However, for sporadic seasonal demand, the employer may engage
temporary labour for core production / service activity.
• Off-loading perennial non-core services like canteen, watch and
ward, cleaning, etc. to other employing agencies has to take care of
three aspects –
– (1) there have to be provisions that ensure that perennial core services are not
transferred to other agencies or establishments;
– (2) where such services are being performed by employees on the payrolls of
the enterprises, no transfer to other agencies should be done without consulting,
bargaining (negotiating) agents
• and (3) where the transfer of such services do
not involve any employee who is currently in
service of the enterprise, the management will
be free to entrust the service to outside agencies.
• The contract labour will, however, be
remunerated at the rate of a regular worker
engaged in the same organisation doing work of
a comparable nature or if such workers does not
exist in the organisation, at the lowest salary of
a worker in a comparable grade, i.e. unskilled,
semi-skilled or skilled.
Employment permitted by the State
Govt for employment of Contract
• Housekeeping
• Horticulture
• Loading & Unloading
• Material Movements
• Canteen Employment
• Security & Vigilance
• Opposite views held by the trade unions and the
employers’ organizations
• Some of the State Governments have proposed
measures to liberalise the Act to spur the growth of
industry, as for example, grant of exemption to
Special Economic Zones and Export Oriented Units
from the applicability of the Act to boost exports.
• Government of Andhra Pradesh have amended the
Contract Labour Act with a view to prohibiting
employment of contract labour in the core activities
of an establishment and to allow engagement of
contract labour in none-core activities of an
establishment such as watch and ward, sanitation,
cleaning works, etc.
• Government of Goa has introduced a bill in the
legislature to abolish contract labour in core
activities of an establishment.
( R & A) Act, 1970
Sl. No. Item 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06
• Gujarat State Electricity Board Vs
Union of India 09.05.1995
Supreme Court recommended that the
Central Government should amend the
Act by incorporating a suitable
provision to refer to industrial
adjudicator the question of the direct
employment of the workers of the ex-
contractor in the principal
establishments, when the appropriate
Government abolishes the contract
• Air India Statutory Corporation Ltd.
Vs United Labour Union & Others