Sales Report 1492-1494
Sales Report 1492-1494
Sales Report 1492-1494
Both articles have actually the same essence providing two alternative
remedies to the buyer in case of deterioration or partial loss of the object
prior to the sale, namely: to rescind or withdraw from the contract or to
give it legal effect, paying the proportionate price of the remaining object.
Sale divisible Sale indivisible
The second option is Suppose the sale is not divisible,
available only if the sale is what price is the buyer to pay for the
remaining goods if he elects to
divisible. (Art. 1494, par.
continue with the sale? It is
2.) A contract is divisible believed that the buyer should be
when its consideration is made to pay only the proportionate
made up of several parts. price of the remaining goods as
(see Art. 1420.) When the provided for in paragraph 2 of the
consideration is entire and preceding article. If the sale is
indivisible, the object thereof may
single, the contract is
be considered as a specific thing.