Seminars are for one, two, and three days. The budget expected the
average class days per seminar to be 2.5 days; the actual average
was 2 days. The manager’s salary included above is USD 60,000 and
was budgeted at that level.
Actual Fav. (Unfav.) Budget Budget
Seminar Participants 7,020.00 1,380.00 8,400.00
Number of Seminars Given 175.00 25.00 200.00
Revenue 1,404,000.00 (396,000.00) 1,008,000.00
Variable Cost
Food 70,200.00 10,800.00 81,000.00
Workbooks and Handouts 274,890.00 85,100.00 360,000.000
Instructor’s Fees 280,000.00 40,000.00 320,000.00
Rental of Sites 21,600.00 (2,630.00) 18,970.00
Equipment Rental 8,110.00 (510.00) 7,600.00
Total Variable Cost 654,800.00 132,770.00 785,570.00
Contribution Margin 749,200.00 (263,230.00) 1,012,430.00
Fixed Costs of Government Contract Seminars
- Salaries of Managers and Assistants 124,000.00 (4,000.00) 120,000.00
- Office Expenses 13,000.00 (640.00) 12,360.00
- Promotion of Seminars 89,000.00 7,500.00 95,500.00
Total Fixed Cost 226,000.00 2,860.00 96,500.00
Profit Before Allocated Cost 523,200.00 2,860.00 783,570.00
Divisional Overhead Allocated 389,000.00 9,000.00 398,000.00
Total Expenses 1,269,800.00 144,630.00 1,414,430.00
Net Income 134,200.00 (251,370.00) 38,570.00
Since Government Contract Seminars is a Profit Center, the manager has
control on both expenses and revenues. The manager of the Government
Contract Seminar can either adjust the seminar fee in order to earn a profit
or he/she can lower the cost of the variable expenses to earn a reasonable
profit. The manager however doesn’t have direct control over the number of
seminar participants. They can influence the revenue by manipulating the
price and cost.
In general, are the variances in this report controllable by the manager of the profit center?
Which costs and related variances are not controllable by the manager?
Most of the variances are controllable by the manager as these came from
subtracting the actual from the budget. However, not all costs and related
variances are controllable by the manager in the table.
The Manager has no control over items that are fixed whether the segment
controlled by the manager exists or not. In short, these costs are charged from the
company as whole not from the “Government Contract Seminar” segment. These
fixed costs are office expenses and promotion of seminars.
Divisional overhead allocated cannot be also controlled by the manager since it is
allocated by the whole company.
Suggest improvements in the report. Prepare a performance report which you believe
better describes the manager’s performance than the preceding report.
Since it is stated that the figures given in the problem are for
Government and Contract Seminars segment, items that are not
charged from the segment must be separated.
Performance Report