Tourism Spots
Tourism Spots
Tourism Spots
Unit 1
Elements of tourism
1. Pleasing weather
2. Scenic attractions
3. Historical and cultural factors.
4. Accessibility
5. Amenities
6. Accommodation
7. safety and security
8. Other factors
a. Guide/ escort facilities.
b. Basic medical facilities.
c. Electricity
d. Water
e. Communication system.
• Tourism is a multi-facet activity. Rapid and continuous growth
has been the key-note of tourism. The present day, a traveler
comes from a wider social background and his tastes and
desires are much more varied and his leisure time is much more
restricted. Now a days people have started moving for exciting
and exotic activities of mountaineering, water skiing, under
water swimming, pony tracking, etc. to utilize their leisure time.
• They like riding, boating, shooting, etc. organised by large
private groups, constructing their own specially designed low-
priced accommodation and very often providing their own
entertainment and other services.
Characteristics of tourism
Five main characteristics of tourism are:
1. Tourism arises from movement of people to, and their stay in, various
2. Therefore there are two elements in all tourism: the journey to the
destination and the stay including activities at the destination.
3. The journey and the stay take place outside the usual place of residence
and work, so that tourism gives rise to activities, which are distinct from
those of the resident and the working population of the places, through
which the tourist travels and in which they stay.
4. The movement to destinations is of temporary, short-term character, with
the intention of returning to the usual environment within a few days, weeks
or months.
5. Destinations are visited for purposes other than taking up permanent
residence or employment