AFP Core Values - IMM
AFP Core Values - IMM
AFP Core Values - IMM
Good day to everyone, our topic for today is about Armed Forces of the
Philippines Core Values.
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
Presently designated as ______
Presently assigned with ________
My previous assignments and schoolings to include trainings are as shown.
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
As excerpted from the AFP Code of Ethics series 2006, “The profession of
arms, as a noble calling, demands from its members not only specialized
knowledge and skills but also a distinct lifestyle governed by a commonly held
belief system containing non-negotiable enduring core values of honor,
loyalty, valor, duty and solidarity..."
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
The profession of arms, as a noble calling, demands from its members not only
specialized knowledge and skills but also a distinct lifestyle governed by a commonly
held belief-system containing non-negotiable enduring core values of honor, loyalty,
valor, duty and solidarity. The system guides the way members live their lives,
perform their duties, and account for their behavior under all circumstances of peace
and conflict situations. Every members of the AFP shall voluntarily bind himself to
build and sustain his character and life-style with the core values as foundation,
otherwise he shall have no place in the military service. These core values have been
incorporated into present time’s finest military traditions. The AFP Core of
Values: Honor, Loyalty, Valor, Duty and Solidarity.
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
Honor is the Military crowning value, the hallmark of military conduct, the quality of
the soldier’s consciousness of personal dignity and self-worth. No matter the arena,
honor is respected in one’s self as in the other. In outward form, honor is seen in
cleanliness of the person, courtesy manner, decency in daily living and prudence in
the use of personal or country resources. It shows in the candor, frankness in speech
as well as in action. When one leads an honorable life, he is supposed having a good
reputation; differed to because of his credibility and sincerity; and emulated for his
uprightness and transparency in all his dealings.
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
An individual soldier with honor does the following: Develop and maintain a keen
sense of ethical conduct, Adhere to the public code of professional AFP values, and
Identity with the ideals embodied in the AFP values.
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
Loyalty underlies the soldier’s Oath of Service. It demands obedience to the legal
prerogatives of duly constituted authority in the pursuit of the nation’s interest,
observance of the Chain of Command and compliance with orders to the best of
one’s ability as all orders must be obeyed. Loyalty while itself a cause, reaps the
harvest of military unity. It foster cohesion, sincere concern for the welfare of each
member of the AFP and those they work with, and is best expressed in each
member’s adherence to the military value system as herein explained, just as he is
bound to follow the rule of law and the declared policies and principles of the
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
We believe in valor as the power and strength, courage and ability to overcome fear,
which enables the soldiers to carry out their mission and to accomplish what is
seemingly impossible. It is more than bravery or ability to endure pain. Valor is
calmness and presence of mind in the heat of battle where danger or death is
imminent. It is the courage to stand for what is right and the perseverance to make
it difficult for others to do wrong.
Valor flows naturally from one’s love of the country. It is the ability to overcome fear
in carrying out one’s mission. Courage is beyond bravery. It is pursuing a mission
against all odds. It is calculating but not suicidal. With courage you do what is right.
It is also means moral courage in continuing the fight for a principled cause. Indeed,
it was both the physical and moral courage of the Filipino soldier, whose fierce
resistance against subjugating powers in the past and despite enemy’s superior arms
and number, which defined the road map to independence and to freedom. Such
courage beyond measure exhibited by valiant Filipinos rebelling against Spanish,
American and Japanese forces determined the course of Philippine history and
provided an important role.
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
In shaping the Filipino soldier’s identity. Even beyond valor, one could also see the
strong sense of honor that resonated with the call to arms in the past. Your valor will
allow you to do the following:
a.Control your fear in physical and moral context.
b.Take responsibility for your actions, mistakes and decisions.
c.Confront problems and do what you believe is right.
d.Report successes and failure with equal candor.
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
Duty is service plain and simple. Actual duty means being constantly alert, all senses
employed and used whether in the garrison or in the field. Duty means fulfilling your
obligation. The exacting standard of duty also requires that those in command
positions discharge their responsibilities to the fullest.
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
Solidarity is camaraderie at the visible level and internally being aligned with the
AFP’s goals, vision and programs for reform. Solidarity binds the Armed Forces to
oneness with the aspirations of the rest of the country in the manner of a Filipino
proud of his country.
Solidarity within the organization is the AFP's benchmark for action, growth, and
resilience as it protects the country and nurtures its development. With the
internalization by the soldier of all the core values herein and the ensuing self-
discipline and confidence that follows, solidarity with the organization is achieved.
Solidarity is also as much a manifestation of sound leadership as it is the expression
of a soldier's solid commitment to the service. It is solidarity that powers the smallest
unit to the largest command.
When expanded to cover a national scale, a solid AFP can now provide a model of
action, and the organization can become an effective social change agent. In this
light, the solidarity of the AFP is the soldier's own protection against threats to its
mission, whether internal or external and, by extension, a formidable opponent to
challenges to the sovereignty and the integrity of the country and a deterrent to
those initially intending to commit adverse acts.
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
In summing up, for the past twenty minutes, we are able to discussed and
demonstrate by application the core values.
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”
“By 2028, a world class Army, that is a source of national pride”