Single Electron Transistor
Single Electron Transistor
Single Electron Transistor
Transistors (SET)
EE 240
Group 6
Adit Gupta, Sandeep Kotak,
Ana MartinezMarrosu, Erik Stegall
An ultra-small device, that transfers one electron at a time, based on Coulomb interaction. This occurs
on a tiny conducting layer know as an island. This island’s electrostatic potential increases
significantly with the introduction of just one electron.
Single-electron transistors SET's are considered to be the elements of the future. In this future,
integrated circuits will be highly dense and low powered. These ultra-low powered circuits will be of
a nanometer scale electronic and they will be able to detect the motion of individual electrons.
Problems, however, are that SET's have low voltage gain, high output impedances, and are
sensitive to random background charges. Also, for SET’s to be useful in practical applications they
must be able to operate in room temperature. SETs are required to be no larger than ~10 nm.
This is why its highly unlikely that single-electron transistors would ever replace field-effect
transistors (FET's) which work better in applications where large voltage gain or low output
impedance is necessary.
The start of the SET transistor began in 1985 thanks to Dmitri Averin and Konstantin
Likharev. They proposed the idea of a new three-terminal device called a
single-electron tunneling (SET) transistor. Two years later Theodore Fulton and
Gerald Dolan at Bell Labs in the US, created such a device and demonstrated
how it would operate.
What are SET transistor made from:
Single-electron transistors have been made with just a few
nanometers using;
1. Metals
2. Semiconductors
3. Carbon nanotubes
4. Individual molecules. [5-7]
The charging of electrons for a tunnel junction with an
Dmitri Averin, Capacitance C and an Charge Q has been the bases for
currently a how SETs would function.
A single electron passing through a junction has a change in electrostatic energy = ΔEc =-e(2Q-e)/2C
Wc = e^2/2C>>KbT when this true the electron is blocked, called Coulomb blockade, when not true electrons can be travel through the junction.
Rt >> h/e^2=25.8 kΩ tunneling resistance must be greater then resistance quantum along with the a charged electron energy is greater than the thermal energy
is required for tunneling to occur.
Polarization charge Qt/Ct+ Qg/Cg= Vg, Qt is polarization charge of tunnel junction and Qg is the gates.
1/(Cs+Cg)*(-ne+e/2_CgVg) > Vd > 1/(Cs+Cg)*(-ne-e/2+CgVg) using Thevenim’s theorem. Used for the relationship of the drain voltage Vd and the gate voltage
What’s to come,
“quantum” computers.
The Future:
Professor Daniel Prober and Professor Robert Schoelkopf from the Department of Applied
Physics at Yale, have created an ultra fast, single-electron transistor which could lead to the
development of "quantum" computers with supercomputer powers and the size of a thumbtack.
The breakthrough involves inducing a small part of the transistor that will "resonate" with the
arrival of each electron. This resonance creates a way for tracking each electron and also gives
an extra bit of energy to push the electrons as they are moving through the switch, this makes it
1,000 times faster than any previous device.
Work Cited:
•Stevenson T. R, Pellerano F.A, Stahle C.M, Aidala K, Schoelkopf R.J. 2002,
Applied Physics Letters, 80, 16.