Thermodynamics I MECN 4201

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Inter - Bayamon

Thermodynamics I
Lecture MECN 4201

1 Professor: Dr. Omar E. Meza Castillo
Thermodynamics I
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Inter American University of Puerto Rico
Bayamon Campus
Inter - Bayamon Course Information

 Catalog Description: Analysis of the basic concepts of

thermodynamics. Includes the study of the properties of
pure substances and the equation of the ideal state of gas.
Analysis of the transfer of energy by heat, work and
mass. Application of the first and second law of
thermodynamics. Analysis of the Carnot Cycle and
 Prerequisites: PHYS 3312 – Physics for Engineers II
CHEM 2115 – General Chemistry for Engineers.
 Course Text: Cengel, Y. A. (2008). Introduction to
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill.
Thermodynamics I

 Absences: On those days when you will be absent, find a

friend or an acquaintance to take notes for you or visit
Blackboard. Do not call or send an e-mail the instructor
and ask what went on in class, and what the homework
assignment is.

2 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Course Information

 Homework assignments: Homework problems will be

assigned on a regular basis. Problems will be solved using
the Problem-Solving Technique on any white paper with
no more than one problem written on one sheet of paper.
Homework will be collected when due, with your name
written legibly on the from of the title page. It is graded
on a 0 to 100 points scale. Late homework (any reason)
will not be accepted.
 Problem-Solving Technique:
A. Known
B. Find
Thermodynamics I

C. Assumptions
D. Schematic
E. Analysis, and
F. Results

3 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Course Information

 Quiz: There are four or more partial quizes during the

 Partial Exams and Final Exam: There are three partial
exams during the semester, and a final exam at the end
of the semester.
Thermodynamics I

4 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Course Grading

 The total course grade is comprised of homework

assignments, quizes, partial exams, and final exam as
 Homework (6 or more ) 20%
 Quiz (4 or more) 20%
 Partial Exam (3) 20%
 Final Exam 25%
 Final Project 15%
Thermodynamics I

 Cheating: You are allowed to cooperate on homework

by sharing ideas and methods. Copying will not be
tolerated. Submitted work copied from others will be
considered academic misconduct and will get no points.

5 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Course Materials

 Most Course Material (Course Notes, Handouts,

Homework, Final Project, and Communications) on Web
 Power Point Lectures will posted every week or two
 Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday @ 5:50 to 7:20 PM
 Email:
Thermodynamics I

6 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Course Outline

 Introduction and Overview

 Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
 Properties of Pure Substances
 Energy Transfer by Heat, Work and Mass
 The First Law of Thermodynamics for Closed
 The First Law of Thermodynamics for Open
Thermodynamics I

 The Second Law of Thermodynamics

 Entropy.

7 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon

Introduction to
Thermodynamics I


8 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Course Objective

 To explain the fundamental concepts of

thermodynamics such as system, state,
equilibrium, process, and cycle
Thermodynamics I

9 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Introduction

 What is Thermodynamics?
Thermodynamics can be defined as the science of
energy. The name thermodynamics stem from the
Greek words: THERME (heat) and DYNAMIS (power).
Initially at early 1900’s: the capacity of heat to
produce work. Today the scope is larger including all
aspect of energy and its transformation. Engineers
are interested to study System <-> Surrounding.
 Involves the study of work and heat interactions with
matter and its properties
 Two important concepts in Thermodynamics are Energy
and Entropy.
Thermodynamics I

 Energy is always conserved.

 Entropy determines whether a process is possible, i.e. a
process which produces entropy is possible, one that
destroys entropy is impossible.

10 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Thermodynamics and Energy

 Why do Engineers study Thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics I

11 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Introduction

 Applications: Thermodynamics in Engineering

 Power Generation
 Refrigeration and Heat Pumps
 Internal Combustion Engines
 HVAC Systems
 Jet Propulsion
 Supersonic Flows
Thermodynamics I

 Fuel Cells
 Reacting and non-Reacting Processes

12 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Introduction

 One of the greatest inventions ever – the

Steam Engine!
Thermodynamics I

13 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Introduction

 How one invention changed the world

Thermodynamics I

14 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon

Thermodynamics I

Basic Concepts

15 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Importance of Dimensions and Units

 Engineering Units
Three systems:
 SI (from Le Système International d’ Unités) System
of Units [M,L,t,T] – force is a secondary unit
 British Gravitational System [F,L,t,T] – force is a
primary unit
 English Engineering System [F,M,L,t,T] - both
mass and force are primary units
Thermodynamics I

16 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Importance of Dimensions and Units

 English Engineering Units

 When is a pound not a pound?
 In English Engineering Units of course!
 In the EEU system, the unit of force is the pound
force (lbf or lbf) and the unit of mass is the
pound mass (lbm or lbm). Length is in (ft), time
in (s), and temperature in (R). Both force and
mass are primary. Absolutely brilliant!!!
 A force of one pound is the force that gives a
Thermodynamics I

one pound mass an acceleration equal to that of

the earth’s gravity g= 32.174 ft/s2. i.e. 1 lbf= 1
lbm x 32.174 ft/s2
 Newton’s Law then becomes:

17 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Importance of Dimensions and Units

 The constant gc = 32.174 (lbm ft)/(lbf s2) is

required in any relationships derived from
Newton’s law.
 This constant of proportionality has both units
and a value that is not equal to unity.
 Care must be taken when working in the EEU
system, to understand when a lbf or lbm are
specified. The course text adopts that (lb) is
(lbm). So be careful.
Thermodynamics I

 We will primarily use the SI system.

Occasionally, we will do an example in the EEU
 Finally, note:

18 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Importance of Dimensions and Units

 British Gravitational Units

 In this system, force is defined in (lbf), length in
(ft), time in (s), and temperature in (R). The
unit of mass the slug is secondary, such that:

 The weight of one slug in earth’s gravity is then:

Thermodynamics I

 This leads to, using Newton’s Law from EEU, as:

19 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Example

 Let’s say a person who weighs 150 lbf in earth

gravity is weighed on the moon where
g=5.348ft/s2. What is their new weight?
On earth we also say they have a mass of 150
lbm! Thus:

 In the BGU system, this person has a mass of

Thermodynamics I

4.662 slug, such that:

20 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Example (continued)

 Now this same person has a mass of 68.04 kg in

SI units
 On earth we would find this person weighs:

 On the moon, this person now weighs:

 In summary, SI is simpler. The BGU system is a

Thermodynamics I

little more practical than the EEU, as the pound

is force and not mass as well. But you should
see the equality in BGU and EEU, since lbm/gc

21 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Systems and Control Volumes

 Thermodynamic System: Three-dimensional

region of space which is bounded by an arbitrary
surface or a quantity of mass chosen for study..
 Control Surface: or Boundary may be real or
imaginary, may be at rest or in motion, and may
change its size or shape. It neither contains
matter nor occupies a volume in space.
Thickness of a boundary is mathematically zero.
Depending of its properties it can be adiabatic
boundary: not allowing heat exchange; rigid
boundary: not allowing exchange of work.
 A system can be very simple as a cylinder-
Thermodynamics I

piston, or as complex as portions of an oil

 Surrounding or Environment: All physical space
which lies outside the boundary.

22 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Systems and Control Volumes

 A Closed System or Control-mass consists of a fixed

amount of mass, its analysis involves no mass
transfer across the boundaries (mass cannot enter or
leave). However, energy transfer, in the form of heat
and work is allowed, as well as a change in chemical
composition within the system. A special type of
closed system that does not interact in any way with
its surroundings is called a isolated system. A
common example is the piston-cylinder device.
 A Control Volume or Open System is a properly
selected region in space where mass and energy may
Thermodynamics I

cross the boundary. It usually encloses a devices that

involves mass flow such as a compressor, turbine,
mixing chamber or nozzle.

23 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Systems and Control Volumes

Boundary MASS -> NO
Boundary m=constant ENERGY -> YES


Real Moving
Boundary Boundary

Thermodynamics I



24 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Example

 Closed System
The air/fuel mixture in a
piston of an Internal
Combustion (IC) engine
is considered the control
mass. The system
boundary or control
surface is placed around
the gas mixture.
Thermodynamics I

25 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Example

 Open System
An IC engine can be analyzed as an open system.
In this case, air, fuel, and exhaust streams flow
through the control volume. Heat (in the exhaust
stream) and work also cross the control surface.
Thermodynamics I

26 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Properties of a System

 Any characteristic that describe a system is called a

property. A property is a macroscopic characteristic of
a system such as mass, volume, energy, pressure
and temperature. The properties can be:
 directly measured
 defined by laws of thermodynamics, and
 defined by mathematical combinations of other
 The properties can be either intensive or extensive. A
property is called extensive if its value for an overall
system is the sum of its values for the parts into
Thermodynamics I

which the system is divided (mass, volume, energy,

etc). The extensive properties depend on the size or
extent of the system and can change with time.

27 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Properties of a System

 Intensive properties are not additive in the sense

previously considered. They are those that are
independent of the size or extent of a system, and
may vary from place to place within the system at
any time (temperature, pressure and density). When
an extensive property is divided by mass, the
resultant is called specific property. It becomes an
intensive property.

m 1
2 m 1
2 m Extensive
V properties
Thermodynamics I

2 V 1
2 V
P P P Intensive
  

28 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Properties of a System

 Consider a block of material of mass (m),

volume (V) and uniform temperature (T). If we
cut it up into pieces, the total mass of the
system and total volume are the sum of the
pieces, but the temperature is not the sum of
the temperatures of the pieces, nor is the
density the sum of the densities, i.e.
Thermodynamics I

29 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Properties of a System

 Continuum: Matter is made up of atoms that are

widely spaced in the gas phase. Yet it is very
convenient to disregard the atomic nature of a
substance and view it as a continuous,
homogeneous matter with no holes, that is, a
continuum. The continuum idealization allows us
to treat properties as point functions and to
assume the properties vary continually in space
with no jump discontinuities. The continuum
idealization is implicit in many statements we
Thermodynamics I

make, such as “the density of water in a glass is

the same at any point.”

30 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Density and Specific Gravity

 Density is defined as mass per unit volume.

 The density of a quantity of matter is defined as:

 V’ is the smallest volume containing enough

particles such that statistical averages are
significant. It is also the smallest volume that we
can consider the region a “point” and still
Thermodynamics I

maintain the continuum hypothesis.

 Density can vary from point to point within the

31 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Density and Specific Gravity

 The reciprocal of density is the specific volume

v, which is defined as volume per unit mass.
That is,

 Sometimes the density of a substance is given

relative to the density of a well-known
substance. Then it is called specific gravity, or
relative density, and is defined as the ratio of
Thermodynamics I

the density of a substance to the density of

some standard substance at a specified
temperature (usually water at 4°C, for which
ρH2O =1000 kg/m3). That is,

32 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Density and Specific Gravity

 The weight of a unit volume of a substance is

called specific weight and is expressed as

 Where g is the gravity acceleration

Thermodynamics I

33 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon State, Equilibrium, Processes and Cycle

 State is defined as the description of the condition of

a system at a given instant. The properties are
defined only when a system is in equilibrium (this
imply a state of balance). Any transformation of a
system from one equilibrium state to another is
called a process. The path of a process is the series
of states through which the system passes. A process
is described by its initial and final states, the followed
path and the interaction with its surrounding.
 When a system is infinitesimally close to equilibrium
at all times during a process, the process is called
Thermodynamics I

 Cycle is a sequence of processes that begin and
end at the same state.

34 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon State, Equilibrium, Processes and Cycle

Gas is compressed from

state 2 to state 1 or
expanded from state 1 to
state 2. The process occurs
from 1 to 2 or 2 to 1.
Thermodynamics I

35 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon State, Equilibrium, Processes and Cycle

A simple cycle for power

generation. Water flows
through the pump, is
heated in a boiler, steam
expands through a
turbine, and then the
condensed water flows
through the 1 pump
Thermodynamics I

36 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon State, Equilibrium, Processes and Cycle

 The Steady-Flow Process: The terms steady and

uniform are used frequently in engineering. The
term steady implies no change with time. The
opposite of steady is unsteady, or transient. The
term uniform, however, implies no change with
location over a specified region.
 A large number of engineering devices operate for
long periods of time under the same conditions,
and they are classified as steady-flow devices.
Processes involving such devices can be
Thermodynamics I

represented reasonably well by a somewhat

idealized process, called the steady-flow process,
which can be defined as a process during which a
fluid flows through a control volume steadily.

37 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

 What is temperature?
 A definition of temperature in terms of concepts
that are independently defined or accepted is
difficult to give, despite the fact that we are
aware of it through our senses.
 Temperature is a perception that is associated
with the notions of “hotness” and “coldness”
 It is easier to obtain an objective understanding
through the equality of temperature, by using
Thermodynamics I

the fact that when the temperature of an object

changes other properties also change
 Temperature is an intensive property.

38 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

If we had two blocks of copper each at a different

temperature and each in contact with a mercury
thermometer, which are suddenly brought into
contact, several things will happen:
As the warm block cools, its electrical resistance
and volume, measurably decrease, and the mercury
level drops
As the cooler block warms, its electrical resistance
and volume, measurably increase, and the mercury
level increases
Thermodynamics I

Eventually the two blocks come into thermal

equilibrium and the changes in properties cease and
the two thermometers read the same level

39 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

 Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

 States that when two bodies have equality of
temperature with a third body, they in turn have
equality of temperature with each other.
 Why is it the Zeroth Law?
 While this principle seems obvious, it is not
derivable from other laws, and because it
precedes the First and Second laws of
thermodynamics in the logical presentation of
Thermodynamics I

fundamentals, it has come to be known as the

Zeroth Law!
 This is the basis for measurement of

40 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

 Temperature Scales
 4 - Temperature Scales
 Celsius Scale (oC)
Ice point H20 = 0oC
Boiling point H20 = 100oC
 Fahrenheit Scale (oF)
Ice point H20 = 32 oF
Body temperature = 98.6oF
Boiling point H20 = 212oF
Thermodynamics I

 Kelvin (K) - Absolute

T(K) = T(oC) + 273.15
 Rankine (R) - Absolute
T(R) = T(oF) + 459.67

41 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Pressure

 What is pressure?
 Pressure is the normal or compressive force per
unit area exerted by a fluid at a point.
 Consider a small infinitesimal area A in medium
of fluid at rest. At some point on this surface, a
normal force is exerted by the fluid on the top
and bottom of this area. The pressure is defined
in the limit as this area becomes smaller, until it
is the smallest area that can be considered
Thermodynamics I

 Pressure is an intensive property.

42 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Pressure

 For a fluid at rest, pressure is the same in all

directions at this point. But can vary from point
to point, e.g. hydrostatic pressure.
 For a fluid in motion additional forces arise due
to shearing action and we refer to the normal
force as a normal stress. The state of stresses in
a fluid in motion is dealt with further in Fluid
 In the context of thermodynamics, we think of
pressure as absolute, with respect to pressure of
Thermodynamics I

a complete vacuum (space) which is zero.

 In Fluid Mechanics we often use gage pressure
and vacuum pressure.

43 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Pressure

 Absolute Pressure
Force per unit area exerted
by a fluid
 Gage Pressure
Pressure above
Pgag=Pabs - Patm
 Vacuum Pressure
Pressure below atmospheric
Thermodynamics I

Pvac=Patm - Pabs

44 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Pressure

 Common Pressure Units are:

Pa (Pascal), mmHg (mm of Mercury), atm
(atmosphere), psi (lbf per square inch)
 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 (S.I. Unit)
 1 kPa =103 Pa
 1 bar = 105 Pa (note the bar is not an SI unit)
 1 MPa = 106 Pa
 1 atm = 760 mmHg = 101,325 Pa = 14.696 psi
Thermodynamics I

45 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Variation of Pressure with Depth

 The pressure of a fluid at rest increases with

depth (as a result of added weight).
Thermodynamics I

46 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Variation of Pressure with Depth

To obtain a relation for the

variation of pressure with
depth, consider a rectangular
fluid element of height Δz,
length Δx, and unit depth
(into the page) in
equilibrium. Assuming the
density of the fluid ρ to be
constant, a force balance in
the vertical z-direction gives
Thermodynamics I

Where W=mg= ρgΔxΔz is the

weight of the fluid element

47 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Variation of Pressure with Depth

If we take point 1 to be at the

free surface of a liquid open to
the atmosphere, where the
pressure is the atmospheric
pressure Patm, then the pressure
at a depth h from the free
surface becomes
Thermodynamics I

48 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Variation of Pressure with Depth

A consequence of the pressure

in a fluid remaining constant in
the horizontal direction is that
the pressure applied to a
confined fluid increases the
pressure throughout by the
same amount. This is called
Pascal’s law, after Blaise
Pascal (1623–1662).
Thermodynamics I

The area ratio A2/A1 is called the

ideal mechanical advantage of
the hydraulic lift.

49 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon The manometer

The elevation change of Δz in a fluid at rest corresponds to

ΔP/ρg, which suggests that a fluid column can be used to
measure pressure differences. A device based on this
principle is called a manometer, and it is commonly used to
measure small and moderate pressure differences. A
manometer mainly consists of a glass or plastic U-tube
containing one or more fluids such as mercury, water,
alcohol, or oil.
Thermodynamics I

50 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon The manometer

Many engineering problems and some manometers involve

multiple immiscible fluids of different densities stacked on
top of each other. Such systems can be analyzed easily by
remembering that:
1. The pressure change across a fluid column of height h
is ΔP=ρgh
2. Pressure increases downward in a given fluid and
decreases upward (i.e., Pbottom>Ptop), and
3. Two points at the same elevation in a continuous fluid
at rest are at the same pressure.
Thermodynamics I

51 1. Introduction
Thermodynamics I Inter - Bayamon
The manometer

1. Introduction
Thermodynamics I Inter - Bayamon

1. Introduction
Thermodynamics I Inter - Bayamon

1. Introduction
Thermodynamics I Inter - Bayamon

1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon

Homework1  Web Page

Due Date:
Thermodynamics I

Omar E. Meza Castillo Ph.D.

56 1. Introduction

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