Thermodynamics I MECN 4201
Thermodynamics I MECN 4201
Thermodynamics I MECN 4201
Thermodynamics I
Lecture MECN 4201
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Inter American University of Puerto Rico
Bayamon Campus
Inter - Bayamon Course Information
2 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Course Information
C. Assumptions
D. Schematic
E. Analysis, and
F. Results
3 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Course Information
4 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Course Grading
5 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Course Materials
6 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Course Outline
7 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon
Introduction to
Thermodynamics I
8 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Course Objective
9 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Introduction
What is Thermodynamics?
Thermodynamics can be defined as the science of
energy. The name thermodynamics stem from the
Greek words: THERME (heat) and DYNAMIS (power).
Initially at early 1900’s: the capacity of heat to
produce work. Today the scope is larger including all
aspect of energy and its transformation. Engineers
are interested to study System <-> Surrounding.
Involves the study of work and heat interactions with
matter and its properties
Two important concepts in Thermodynamics are Energy
and Entropy.
Thermodynamics I
10 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Thermodynamics and Energy
11 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Introduction
Fuel Cells
Reacting and non-Reacting Processes
12 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Introduction
13 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Introduction
14 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon
Thermodynamics I
Basic Concepts
15 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Importance of Dimensions and Units
Engineering Units
Three systems:
SI (from Le Système International d’ Unités) System
of Units [M,L,t,T] – force is a secondary unit
British Gravitational System [F,L,t,T] – force is a
primary unit
English Engineering System [F,M,L,t,T] - both
mass and force are primary units
Thermodynamics I
16 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Importance of Dimensions and Units
17 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Importance of Dimensions and Units
18 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Importance of Dimensions and Units
19 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Example
20 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Example (continued)
21 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Systems and Control Volumes
22 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Systems and Control Volumes
23 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Systems and Control Volumes
Boundary MASS -> NO
Boundary m=constant ENERGY -> YES
Real Moving
Boundary Boundary
Thermodynamics I
24 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Example
Closed System
The air/fuel mixture in a
piston of an Internal
Combustion (IC) engine
is considered the control
mass. The system
boundary or control
surface is placed around
the gas mixture.
Thermodynamics I
25 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Example
Open System
An IC engine can be analyzed as an open system.
In this case, air, fuel, and exhaust streams flow
through the control volume. Heat (in the exhaust
stream) and work also cross the control surface.
Thermodynamics I
26 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Properties of a System
27 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Properties of a System
m 1
2 m 1
2 m Extensive
V properties
Thermodynamics I
2 V 1
2 V
P P P Intensive
28 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Properties of a System
29 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Properties of a System
30 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Density and Specific Gravity
31 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Density and Specific Gravity
32 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Density and Specific Gravity
33 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon State, Equilibrium, Processes and Cycle
Cycle is a sequence of processes that begin and
end at the same state.
34 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon State, Equilibrium, Processes and Cycle
35 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon State, Equilibrium, Processes and Cycle
36 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon State, Equilibrium, Processes and Cycle
37 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
What is temperature?
A definition of temperature in terms of concepts
that are independently defined or accepted is
difficult to give, despite the fact that we are
aware of it through our senses.
Temperature is a perception that is associated
with the notions of “hotness” and “coldness”
It is easier to obtain an objective understanding
through the equality of temperature, by using
Thermodynamics I
38 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
39 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
40 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
Temperature Scales
4 - Temperature Scales
Celsius Scale (oC)
Ice point H20 = 0oC
Boiling point H20 = 100oC
Fahrenheit Scale (oF)
Ice point H20 = 32 oF
Body temperature = 98.6oF
Boiling point H20 = 212oF
Thermodynamics I
41 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Pressure
What is pressure?
Pressure is the normal or compressive force per
unit area exerted by a fluid at a point.
Consider a small infinitesimal area A in medium
of fluid at rest. At some point on this surface, a
normal force is exerted by the fluid on the top
and bottom of this area. The pressure is defined
in the limit as this area becomes smaller, until it
is the smallest area that can be considered
Thermodynamics I
42 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Pressure
43 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Pressure
Absolute Pressure
Force per unit area exerted
by a fluid
Gage Pressure
Pressure above
Pgag=Pabs - Patm
Vacuum Pressure
Pressure below atmospheric
Thermodynamics I
Pvac=Patm - Pabs
44 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Pressure
45 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Variation of Pressure with Depth
46 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Variation of Pressure with Depth
47 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Variation of Pressure with Depth
48 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon Variation of Pressure with Depth
49 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon The manometer
50 1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon The manometer
51 1. Introduction
Thermodynamics I Inter - Bayamon
The manometer
1. Introduction
Thermodynamics I Inter - Bayamon
1. Introduction
Thermodynamics I Inter - Bayamon
1. Introduction
Thermodynamics I Inter - Bayamon
1. Introduction
Inter - Bayamon
Due Date:
Thermodynamics I
56 1. Introduction