Safety Considerations in Robotics
Safety Considerations in Robotics
Safety Considerations in Robotics
SAFETY consideration
– Be acquainted with robotic safety.
– Understand safety standard.
– Recognize safety reliability.
– Be familiar with human factor issues.
– Be aware of safety sensors and monitoring.
– Realize safeguarding.
– Apprehend safety guidelines.
– Understand definitions.
In conventional machinery hazard zones may be difficult to recognize, but are fixed with time.
Also the main difference between conventional machinery and robot is that a robot can be :
– Programmed to do different jobs.
– React to changes in the process, even making decisions from a limited number of choices.
Safety engineering should be applied to robot safety, particularly in the human factors aspects
and systems safety approaches.
Robot safety must include the usual considerations of man, machine and workstations,
environment, and the interface behavior, but it must also consider software
Engineering deficiency
Lack of proper procedures
Inadequate programming
Law 0: A robot may not injure a human being or through inaction, allow a human being to
come to harm
Law 1: A robot may not injure a human being or through inaction, allow a human being to
come to harm, unless this world violate a higher order law.
Law 2: A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders
would conflict with a higher order law
Law 3: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict
with a higher order law
Safety is an important consideration in installing, programming, operating, and maintaining
robot systems.
Safety can also be considered as a judgment of the acceptability of danger, where danger is
the combination of hazard and risk.
Hazard is defined as injury producer, and risk is defined as the probability that an injury will
A machine or robot system designed with poor ergonomics will be uncomfortable and tiring to use,
may even be dangerous.
Besides the size of a robot’s work envelope, its speed, its proximity to humans, and interaction with
other machinery, many other factors should be considered and investigated such as:
– The layout of control panels.
– Teach-pendant accuracy.
– Personnel training
– Barrier guards.
– Safety devices.
– Interlocks.
– Warnings
In addition human factor issues should include evaluation of a robot workstations when an
operator enters the workstations for maintenance, programming, and the like.
The national bureau of standards defines three levels of safety sensor systems in
– Level 1 --- perimeter penetration detection.
– Level 2 --- intruder detection inside the workcell
– Level 3 --- intruder detection in the immediate vicinity of the robot.
Level 1 systems are intended to detect that an intruder has crossed the perimeter
boundary of the workcell without regard to the location of the robot.
Level 2 systems are designed to detect the presence of an intruder in the region
between the workcell boundary and the limit of the robot work volume.
Level 3 systems provide intruder detection inside the work volume of the robot.
Most industrail accidents occur are the results of unsafe acts by the worker. Uch acts
can occur due to:
– Improperly trained operators.
– Careless programmers activating the wrong controls.
– Component failure or other unsafe conditions in the plant.
Major concern in safety of all personnel involved with industrial robots is very
According to the national safety council(1991) the principal hazards associated with
robots are as follows:
– Being struck by a moving robot while inside the work envelope.
– Being trapped between a moving part of a robot and another machine, object, or
– Being struck by a work piece, tool, or other object dropped or ejected by a robot.
– To erect a physical barrier around the entire perimeter of a robot’s work
– A guard containing a sensing device that automatically shuts down the
robot if any person or object enters its work envelope can be effective.
– To put sensitized doors or gates in the perimeter barrier that automatically
shut down the robot’s movement when they are opened.
There are ways to minimize the potential of these errors:
1. Safety training
2. Dependable machine design
3. High-reliability controls
4. Proper layout work area.
5. Safe position and clear visibility for programming.
6. Establishing proper maintenance procedures.
7. Adequate installation performed in the presence of safety personnel.
8. Obeying safety rules and regulations of authoritative organizations.
Safety is an important component in industrial automation.
Robot safety depends on the size of the robot’s work envelope, its speed, and its
proximity to humans.
Safety sensors and monitoring provide the capability of the workcell controller and
its sensors to monitor the operation during unsafe conditions in the cell.