Dead Stars Conflict
Dead Stars Conflict
Dead Stars Conflict
External Conflict –
struggle between a
character and an
outside force
Man vs. Man
The most straightforward type of conflict pits
the protagonist directly against another
character with apparently opposing aims.
Internal Conflict –
struggle that takes
place inside a
character’s mind
Man vs. Self
Some literary conflicts take the form of a
character struggling to overcome fear,
addiction, emotional damage or other
crippling personal issue.
Conflict Game
Rising Action
He had gone neighboring with Don Julian to judge Del Valle's
house. He met Julia Salas. All the time he was calling her Mrs.
Del Valle which led to him to embarrassment. Coming to the
judge's house became often. Then he realized he was in love
with Julia in spite his engagement Esperanza.
After the procession of
The Lady of Sorrows Alfr
with Julia. It was whe edo caught up
n Julia found out ab
wedding so he congratu out Alfredo's
lated him
Alfredo needs to make
a very difficult situation
choose what he WANTS . Would he
to? Or would he choose
to? what he HAS
Falling Action
Julia didn't want Alfredo
not to honor his unders
Esperanza. She said go tanding with
odbye. He went home
And there, the last word to Esperanza.
has been said.