Gas Dynamics: Instructor: Dr. Asadullah
Gas Dynamics: Instructor: Dr. Asadullah
Gas Dynamics: Instructor: Dr. Asadullah
Gas Dynamics
First investigate some special characteristics of any normal shock. Throughout this
section it is assume that the medium is a perfect gas, and this will enable us to develop
some precise relations. We begin by recalling equation (6.25):
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
Entropy Changes for Normal Shocks
The entropy change for any process with a perfect gas can be expressed in terms of the
specific volumes and pressures by equation (1.52). It is a simple matter to change the
ratio of specific volumes to a density ratio and to introduce γ from equation (1.49):
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
we are going to use equations (5.25) and (5.28). These equations express the pressure
ratio and density ratio across the shock as a function of the entropy rise s
as well as the Mach number and γ .
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
we are going to use equations (5.25) and (5.28). These equations express the pressure
ratio and density ratio across the shock as a function of the entropy rise s
as well as the Mach number and γ .
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
Now equation (8.2) (in a slightly modified form) can be substituted for the pressure
ratio and similarly, equation (6.26) for the density ratio, with the following result:
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
Isentropic Turns from Infinitesimal Shocks
We have laid the groundwork to show a remarkable phenomenon. Figure 8.1 shows a
finite turn divided into n equal segments of δ each. The total turning angle will be
indicated by δtotal or δT and thus
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
Each segment of the turn causes a shock wave to form with an appropriate change in
Mach number, pressure, temperature, entropy, and so on. As we increase the number of
segments n, δ becomes very small, which means that each shock will become a very
weak oblique shock and the earlier results in this section are applicable. Thus,
for each segment we may write
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
In the limit as n→∞, we conclude that:
1. The wall makes a smooth turn through angle δT .
2. The shock waves approach Mach waves.
3. The Mach number changes continuously.
4. There is no entropy change.
The final result is shown in Figure 8.2. Note that as the turn progresses, the Mach
number is decreasing and thus the Mach waves are at ever-increasing angles. (Also, µ2
is measured from an increasing baseline.). The Mach waves coalesce to form an
oblique shock inclined at the proper angle (θ), corresponding to the initial Mach
number and the overall deflection angle δT .
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
We return to the flow in the neighborhood of the wall, as this is a region of great
interest. Here we have an infinite number of infinitesimal compression waves. We have
achieved a decrease in Mach number and an increase in pressure without any change in
entropy. Since we are dealing with adiabatic flow (dse = 0), an isentropic process (ds =
0) indicates that there are no losses (dsi = 0) (i.e., the process is reversible).
The reverse process (an infinite number of infinitesimal expansion waves) is shown in
Figure 8.3. Here we have a smooth turn in the other direction from that discussed
previously. In this case, as the turn progresses, the Mach number increases. Thus the
Mach angles are decreasing and the Mach waves will never intersect. If the corner were
sharp, all of the expansion waves would emanate from the corner as illustrated in
Figure 8.4. This is called a centered expansion fan. Figures 8.3 and 8.4 depict the same
overall result provided that the wall is turned through the same angle.
Prandtl–Meyer Flow
All of the isentropic flows above are called Prandtl–Meyer flow. At a smooth concave
wall (Figure 8.2) we have a Prandtl–Meyer compression. Flows of this type are not
too important since boundary layer and other real gas effects interfere with the
isentropic region near the wall. At a smooth convex wall (Figure 8.3) or at a sharp
convex turn (Figure 8.4) we have Prandtl–Meyer expansions. These expansions are
quite prevalent in supersonic flow, as the examples given later in this chapter will
show. Incidentally, you have now discovered the second means by which the flow
direction of a supersonic stream may be changed.