Instructions For MS/PH.D Thesis Pattern/Format: Paper Specification
Instructions For MS/PH.D Thesis Pattern/Format: Paper Specification
Instructions For MS/PH.D Thesis Pattern/Format: Paper Specification
All theses (MS or Ph.D) presented in typescript for the degree of MS/Ph.D should comply
with the following specifications.
Paper Specification
A4 size be used, no restriction is placed on drawings and maps.
Method of Production
The text must be typewritten in acceptable type face and the original typescript (or copy of
equal quality) must normally be submitted as the first copy. The second and subsequent
copies may be produced by means of other acceptable copying methods.
MS Thesis
Three copies before defense in spiral binding or tape binding (one external examiner, one
supervisor, one co-supervisor if applicable) and five copies after defense (one BUITEMS
library, one respective department, one supervisor, one co-supervisor if applicable, one
candidate) on good quality paper (minimum 80 gsm) be submitted.
Ph.D Thesis
Five copies before defense in spiral binding or tape binding (two external examiners, one
internal examiner, one supervisor, one co-supervisor if applicable) and five copies after
defense (one BUITEMS library, one respective department, one supervisor, one co-
supervisor if applicable, one candidate) on good quality paper (minimum 80 gsm) be
Layout of Script
Typescript should appear on one side only, lines; at least one-and-a-half spaced. Footnotes,
quotations, references and photographic captions may be single spaced. Where appropriate,
these should contain lists giving the locations of figures and illustrations.
Title Page
Title page of the thesis should include title of the research project (16-22 pts, bold, upper
case letters, centralize), BUITEMS logo and complete University name (14 pts, bold, upper
case letters), degree name (12 pts, bold, upper case letters, centralize), student name (14 pts,
bold, upper case letters, centralize), supervisor(s) name and affiliation (12 pts, bold,
centralize), and date (month and year) of submission (12 pts, bold, centralize).
Initial Pages
Initial pages should include following components in same order. Pagination should be
Arabic roman letters (I, II, III, IV etc).
Certificate (14 pts, bold, upper case letters, centralize)
Dedication (14 pts, bold, upper case letters, centralize)
Index/Contents page (14 points, bold, upper case letters, centralize) Enlist all the
contents of the thesis with page number.
List of Figures, if applicable (14 pts, bold, upper case letters, centralize)
List of Tables, if applicable (14 pts, bold, upper case letters, centralize)
Summary/Abstract (14 pts, bold, upper case letters, centralize)
Acknowledgements (14 pts, bold, upper case letters, centralize)
Abbreviations if not described in the text (14 pts, bold, upper case letters, centralize)
Material and Methods (14-16 points, bold, upper case letters, centralize)
Write the detailed methodology, how work has been performed. Any subheading used should be in (12
points, bold, Sentence case letters).
Appendices (if applicable), Published work from the theses be included as appendix
(Reprints/ proof / preprint) or any other information specific to the respective discipline.
Reference pattern_Journal
Marazita ML, Ploughman LM, Rawlings B, Remington E, Arnos KS, and Nance WE. (1993)
Genetic Epidemiological studies of early onset deafness in U.S school-age population. Am J
Med Genet 46: 486-491.
Reference pattern_book
Karathwohl DR. (1988) How to prepare a research proposal. Guidelines for funding and
dissertations in the social and behavioural sciences. 3rd Ed. New York, Syracuse University
Blumenfeld H (2001) Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases. Yale University School of
Medicine, New York.
Reference pattern_conference
Asmussen LE, Hicks DW, Leonard RA, Knisel WG, and Perkins HF. “Potential Pesticide
Contamination in Groundwater Recharge Areas: A model Simulation”. Proceedings of the
Georgia Water Resource Conference, University of Georgia. 161-164, Georgia, May, 1989.
Additional Instructions:
Font Size
Title Page 16-22
Headings 14-16
Subheadings 12-14
Text 12
Footnotes 8-10
Footnotes be given on the same page where reference is quoted.
Type Style
Times New Roman
1½ inches (3.81cm) on the left-hand side
1 inch (2.54cm) at the top and bottom of the page
0.80 inches (2 cm) at the outer edge
The best position for the page number is at bottom-centre, and should start from
Introduction. Pages containing figures and illustration should also be paginated.
Figure legends
Figure legends should be below the figures, ordered as numeric with single line
spacing (10 points).
Table captions
Table captions should be above the tables, ordered as numeric with single line
spacing (10 points).
All final theses and published work presented for higher degrees must be bound in a
permanent form or in a temporary (hard binding will be provided after defense of
the thesis) form approved by the Advanced Studies and Research Board; where
printed pamphlets or off-prints are submitted in support of a thesis, they must be
bound in with the thesis, or bound in such manner as Binderies may advise.
The colour of binding for different degrees is as follows:
Ph.D. Dark Green
M.Phil/MS Dark Maroon
BS Dark Black
Spine of the thesis should show "MS/Ph.D thesis" on top across the width of spine, name
of the candidate in the middle along the length of spine, and the year of submission across
the width at the bottom. Lettering on spine should be in 18 pt. and may be in boldface.