Dr. Rita Zahara, SP - Ok
Dr. Rita Zahara, SP - Ok
Dr. Rita Zahara, SP - Ok
Radiation is used in medicine in three ways
1. Diagnostic radiology
uses x-ray machines to obtain images of the inside of the patient's body
2. Nuclear medicine
uses radioactive substances introduced into the patient for diagnosis or treatment
3. Radiotherapy
uses high-power x-ray machines or radioactive sources to treat cancer
• Suatu cara perambatan energi
dari suatu sumber ke lingkungannya
• Radiasi 2 jenis :
1. Radiasi mengion (ionizing
2. Radiasi tidak mengion (non-
ionizing radiation)
(ionizing radiation)
- Energi besar (diatas 12 eV),
diakibatkan o/ disintegrasi
atom membentuk ion
silicon to semiconductor
New chrysanthemum Radial tire
The airport body scanners
machines produce so little low intensity x-ray radiation that a person would have
to undergo 1,000 to 2,000 screens to receive radiation similar to one chest x-
Estimated dose of radiation/year, US
Hari ke-5
Hari ke-21
Hari ke-11
Acute ulceration
3 days 10 days
Figures 1 & 2. acute ulceration in a Peruvian patient
who inadvertently placed a 26-Ci (0.962-TBq) irridiun-192
( 192 Ir) source in his back pocket, 3 days and 10 days
post exposure. The source remained in the patient's
pocket for approximately 6.5 hours (photos courtesy of Ricks RC and
reprinted with permission)
Radiation accident, Goiania, Brazil, Sept 13, 1987
Radiation accident, Goiania, Brazil, Sept 13, 1987
• Sumber : Ce-137
• symtoms: gastrointestinal and flu-like
symptoms, hair loss, malaise
• Korban : 112.800 orang dimonitor (sept-
Des 1987); 249 orang terkontaminasi(628)
4 meninggal 1st days, Total 60 org;
• Lingkungan : 2000 m2 terkontaminasi; 7 rumah
dihancurkan; 3500 m3 limbah;275 truk
• International Nuclear and Radiation Event Scale (INES) : Level 5 -
Accident with wider consequences
Goiania Radiation accident
a. radiotherapy unit in Goiania from which the cesium source was taken.
b. a tele-therapy unit
c. Goiania Olympic stadium where screening for cesium radiation exposure was performed
d. Contaminated rubble from a demolished house in Goiania, Brazil
a. Cesium-137 (60 died; 628 contaminated; over 6,000 exposed;
spread 100 miles away) source: GP,sept07
b. A graves of four Goiania residents who died from exposure to
radiation and were buried in lead coffins surrounded by concrete.
11 March 2011 (2011-03-11)
• International Nuclear and Radiation Event Scale (INES) : Level 7- Major Accident
International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale
• 7 – Major Accident
• 6 – Serious Accident
• 5 – Accident With Wider Consequences
• 4 – Accident With Local Consequences
• 3 – Serious Incident
• 2 – Incident
• 1 – Anomaly
• 0 – Deviation (No Safety Significance)
Standar Pemajanan
Ambang batas yg direkomendasikan o/
International Commission on Radiological
Protection didasarkan pd dosis ekivalen yg
diterima oleh seluruh tubuh dalam
pemajanan/tahun, yaitu :
Low Radiosensitivity
Muscle, brain, spinal cord
Effect of Radiation on Cells
• Inhibition of cell division
• Damage to chromosome (number of structure)
• Damage to genes (mutation)
• Dose equivalent
(absorb dose weighted for harmfulness of different radiations)
Acute :
- Pd mata Photokeratitis (inflamation of cornea)
dan conjunctivis
- Radiation burn (sunburn)
Chronic :
- Cataract(clouding of the lens)
- Premature ageing, keratosis (dry,spot on the skin)
- Skin cancer
Who is at risk?
- Outdoor workers (gardener, road
worker, building & construction
workers, surveyors, forestry workers,
agriculture workers, mining workers,
harbour workers, traffic officer
- Fair skin
• Elimination
• Substitution with safer alternative
• Engineering control (reduction to
minimum level)
• Administrative control (job rotation, 10-
2pm; etc)
• PPE (clothing, sunglasses, creams SPF15+)
UV radiometer
• Australia has the highest incidence of
skin cancer in the world.
• 2 dr 3 Australian yg mencapai usia
75th diperkirakan menderita kanker
Skin cancer
1. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
- Sering dijumpai, bentuk yg rel. tdk berbahaya
- Benjolan di permukaan kulit (muka, leher)
2. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
- Jarang ditemukan (20% kasus kanker kulit),
lebih berbahaya
- Kulit merah, melepuh/luka, dpt menjalar
3. Melanoma
- Paling jarang ditemukan (5% kasus), paling
berbahaya, sangat fatal
- Berawal dari tumor hasil sel yg berpigmentasi
di epidermis
Karsinoma Sel Basal
Exposure assessment
• Job tasks
• Hours of the day
• Availability of natural shade
• Feasibility of artificial shade (canopies,
• Rescheduling tasks where nat./art. shade
is inadequate
• Reorganizing work (indoor/outdoor)
• Availability of control option
5. Gelombang Radio/TV
• f : 3.105-3.108 Hz
: 1000 m – 1 m
Voltage Levels
• Low voltage lines : < 1000 V
• Medium voltage : 1000 V – 60 000 V
• High voltage : 60 000 – 150 000 V
• Extra High voltage : > 150 000 V
Dirty bombs contain radioactive material blown up
using conventional explosives, which disperse the
often highly poisonous radioactive substances