Approximate Estimate
Approximate Estimate
Approximate Estimate
Learning Outcome
Unit Outcomes (UO’S) Practical Outcomes (PrO’S) Course Outcomes (CO’S)
a. Explain the necessity of
Approximate estimate in the Prepare the Approximate estimate
situation Prepare the Approximate
for the given civil engineering
b. Describe the methods used estimate for the given civil works.
in determining the engineering works.
Approximate estimate for
the given structure
c. Prepare the Approximate
estimate for the given civil
engineering works
d. Select the relevant method
of Approximate estimate for
the given structure.
e. Calculate Approximate cost
of the given structure.
• This is made to find out an approximate cost in a short time and thus enable
the responsible authority concerned to consider the financial aspect of the
scheme for according sanction to the same.
• During preparation of the estimate detailed surveying, design, drawing etc.,
are not required.
• This estimate is prepared after preliminary investigation and preliminary
surveying is conducted.
• Rates are determined either from practical knowledge or from records for
similar works.
• Approximate estimate for the main parts of a project as for buildings, services
like sanitary, water supply, drainage, electrification, roads if any, cost of land
etc., are made separately. At the end a General Abstract of cost is drawn.
Provision of contingencies @ 3% to 5% is added with the Abstract which is
the total approximate cost of the project.
Purpose of Approximate Estimate
1. Approximate estimate gives rough idea of the cost required to
complete the building.
2. Due to approximate estimate its easy to check the feasibility of the
3. For government project approximate estimate is required for budget
provision and administrative approval.
4. It is necessary to find out the cost of the existing structure for the
following reasons:
i. Sale or purchase of property,
ii. Rent Fixation,
iii. Framing tax schedule of property,
iv. Insurance
Methods of Approximate Estimate
1. Plinth Area Method
2. Service Unit Method
3. Cubical Content Method
4. Typical Bay Method
5. Approximate Quantity Method
1. Plinth Area Method
•• The
cost of construction is determined by multiplying plinth
area with plinth area rate.
• The area is obtained by multiplying length and breadth (outer
dimensions of the building)
• In fixing the plinth area rate, careful observation and necessary
enquires are made in respect of quality and quantity aspect of
materials and labour, type of foundation, height of building,
roof, wood work, fixtures, number of storey’s, etc.
By using Plinth Area Method:
Rate of construction = = ₹ 10,000/m2
Approximate cost
of proposed
(5 crores)
Ex. 2) Prepare an approximate estimate of a town hall building having plinth area equal
to 1800 m2 .
i. Plinth area rate = ₹ 5200/ m2
ii. Special architectural treatment = 3% of cost of building
iii. Water supply and sanitary installation = 8% of cost of building
iv. Electric insulation = 8% of cost of building
v. Other services = 6% of cost of building
vi. Contingencies = 2% of overall cost of building
vii.Supervision charges = 10% of overall cost of building
• C ₹
• Cost of Special architectural treatment = ₹ 2,80,800/-
• Cost of Water supply and sanitary installation = 8% of ₹₹ 7,48,800/-
• Cost of Electric insulation = 8% of ₹₹ 7,48,800/-
• Other services = 6% of ₹₹ 5,61,600/-
• Overall cost 7,48,8007,48,8005,61,600 ₹ 1,17,00,000/-
• Cost of Contingencies 2% of 1,17,00,000 ₹ 2,34,000/-
• Supervision charges 10% of 1,17,00,000₹ 11,70,000/-
• Therefore, Total Cost 1,17,00,000 2,34,000₹ 1,31,04,000/-
Ex. 3) Prepare an approximate estimate from following data for a school
i. Number of classroom = 12
ii. Area of each classroom = 50 m2
iii. Area of other facilities = 150 m2
Similar school building having same specification and having built-
up area of 1750 m2 was constructed at ₹ 71,26,000.
By using Plinth Area Method:
•Ex. 4) Prepare an estimate for 3 span bridge of
40m each, the cost of existing bridge is
₹ 40,000 per m.
Total length of bridge
Approximate cost of new bridge
• 5) Prepare an estimate of a bridge having 5 spans of 40m each
using following data:
i. the cost of existing bridge = ₹ 1.2 crores
ii. Existing bridge having 3 spans of 50 m each
Total length of existing bridge
•• Approximate
estimate of bridges are prepared on the
basis of per running metre of span or per running metre
of linear water way.
• Approximate estimate of bridge depends upon roadway,
nature of bridge, depth and type of foundation etc.
• Approximate estimate of a bridge can be calculated as
1. Find linear water way during floods.
2. Find rate of construction per metre of linear water way.
3. Cost = Rate per m total length of linear water way.
Approximate estimate of Irrigation Project