Chemical Reaction Engineering: Subject Code:Ch.E-325
Chemical Reaction Engineering: Subject Code:Ch.E-325
Chemical Reaction Engineering: Subject Code:Ch.E-325
Subject Code:Ch.E-325
Cr. h: (3-1) 4
dN A
Classification of Reactions
In CRE the most useful scheme is the breakdown according to
the number and types of phases involved homogeneous and
heterogeneous systems.
A reaction is homogeneous if it take place in one phase alone.
A reaction is heterogeneous if it requires the presence of at
least two phases to proceed.
It is immaterial whether the reaction takes place in one, two, or
more phases; at an interface; or whether the reactants and
products are distributed among the phases or are all contained
within a single phase.
All that counts is that at least two species are necessary for the
reaction to proceed as it does.
Types of Reaction
Variables Affecting the Rate of
• In homogeneous systems the temperature, pressure,
and composition are obvious variables.
• In heterogeneous systems more than one phase is
involved; hence, the problem becomes more
complex. Material may have to move from phase to
phase during reaction; hence,
• rate of mass transfer
• rate of heat transfer
Chemical Identity
1. Decomposition
2. Combination
3. Isomerization
Classification of Reactions
single & multiple reactions
Series Reactions
Multiple or complex
elementary & non-elementary reactions
Rate of Chemical Reaction
• The rate of reaction tells us how fast number of moles of one
chemical species are being consumed to form another chemical
species. The term chemical species refers to any chemical
component or element with a given identity.
• The reaction rate is the rate at which a species looses its
chemical identity per unit volume.
• The rate of a reaction (mol/dm3/s) can be expressed as either,
The rate of Disappearance: -rA
or as
The rate of Formation (Generation): rA
Reaction Rate
Consider the reaction AB
If Species B is being formed at a rate of
0.2 moles per decimeter cubed per second, i.e,
rB = 0.2 mole/dm3/s
Reaction Rate
• For a catalytic reaction, we refer to -rA', which is the rate of
disappearance of species A on a per mass of catalyst basis.
(mol/g. cat/s)
Reaction Rate
Consider species j:
• rj is the rate of formation of species j per unit
volume [e.g. mol/dm3/s]
• rj is a function of concentration, temperature,
pressure, and the type of catalyst (if any)
• rj is independent of the type of reaction system
(batch, plug flow, etc.)
• rj is an algebraic equation, not a differential
Reaction Rate
Parameters Affecting Rates of Reaction
The nature of the species involved in the reaction
Concentration of the species
Catalytic activity
Nature of the contact of reactants
Wavelength of incident radiations
Rate law
rA=f (CA, T, P, Cat….)
The rate law does not depends upon the type of reactor used
Rate Equation
Molecularity & Order of Reactions
Free radicals
Chain reaction mechanism
d [ N 2O5 ]
R k[ N 2O5 ]
Types of rate laws
• Integrated Rate Law: how the concentration of species in the
reaction depend on time
• Differential Rate Law: how the rate of a reaction depends on
• Determine the differential rate law for a given reaction, the
form of integrated rate law can be automatically known, and
vice versa
Initial-Rate method
• To determine the instantaneous rate before the initial
concentration of reactants have changed significantly.
• Several experiments are carried out using different initial
• The initial rate is determined for each run.
2NO + 2H2 N2 + 2H2O is the reaction we’re studying, this is the data found during our
Exp #1 and #2, [NO] is unchanged, [H2] is doubled and this causes the rate to
double (0.0678/0.0339 =2), the H2’s rate order is 1.
Exp #1 and #3, [H2] is unchanged, [NO] is doubled and this causes the rate to
quadruple (0.1356/0.0339 =4), NO’s rate order is 2.
Rate = k [NO]2[H2]
The overall rate order for this reaction is 3 (1+2)
• Use the kinetics data to write the rate law for the reaction. What
overall reaction order is this? 2NO + O2 2NO2
• exp #1 and exp #2, [O2] remained constant, where [NO] is doubled. The rate
is quadrupled. The rate order for [NO] is 2.
• Exp #1 and exp #3, [NO] remained constant, where [O2] is doubled. The rate
is doubled. The rate order for [O2] is 1.
• Overall reaction order (1+2) = 3
NH NO N 2 2 H 2O
4 2
d [ NH ]
k[ NH 4 ]n [ NO2 ]m
Experiments Initial Rate
NH 4 NO 2
Rate k [ NH 4 ][ NO2 ]
1. Rate-Determining Step Approximation
2. Steady-State Approximation
Rate-Determining Step Approximation
k1[ NO] k 1[ N 2O2 ] [ N 2O2 ]
[ NO] 2
k 1
R k 2 [ N 2O2 ][ H 2 ]
k1k 2
[ NO] [ H 2 ]
k 1
k[ NO] [ H 2 ]
Steady-State Approximation
rate of production of N 2 O 2 rate of consumtion of N 2 O 2
d [ N 2O2 ]
d [ N 2O2 ]
k1[ NO] k 1[ N 2O2 ] k 2 [ N 2O2 ][ H 2 ] 0
k1[ NO]2
[ N 2O2 ]
k 1 k 2 [ H 2 ]
k1k 2 [ NO]2 [ H 2 ]
k 1 k 2 [ H 2 ]
k1k 2 [ NO] [ H 2 ]
k 1 k 2 [ H 2 ]
k1k 2 [ NO]2 [ H 2 ]
if k 1 k 2 [ H 2 ] R k1[ NO]2
k2[ H 2 ]
k1k 2
if k 1 k 2 [ H 2 ] R [ NO] [ H 2 ] k[ NO] [ H 2 ]
2 2
k 1
Temperature Dependence of Rate
Temperature dependent term of the Rate
Temperature and Rate
• The rates of most chemical reactions
increase with temperature.
• How is this temperature dependence
reflected in the rate expression?
• Rates increase with temperature
because rate constants increase with
temperature. An example is the 1st
order reaction:
CH3NC ---> CH3CN
[𝑪 𝑯 𝟑 𝑵𝑪]
Variation in k with
Activation Energy Needed to Reach Transition State
• This is an unstable configuration
and requires an activation ΔH
energy to be reached.
nitrogen carbon
• Once this transition state is reached, the process is energetically downhill. The
transition state is always the highest energy point in the reaction pathway. As
drawn, this reaction is exothermic because the energy of the products is less
than the energy of the reactants.
Temperature Dependence of Rate
• The order of each
reactant depends on the
detailed reaction
• Chemical reaction speed
up when the temperature
is increased.
- molecules must collide
to react
- an increase in
temperature increases
the frequency of
intermolecular collisions.
Arrhenius Equation
• Reaction rate increases with temperature
– molecules have more kinetic energy
– more collisions occur
– greater number of collisions occur with enough
energy to “get over the hill”
• i.e. with energy greater than or equal to Ea
Arrhenius Equation
• The Arrhenius Equation relates the value of the rate constant
to Ea and the temperature:
k = Ae
where k = rate constant
Ea = activation energy
R = gas constant (8.314 J/mol. K)
T = temperature in Kelvin
A = frequency factor (a constant)
A is related to the frequency of collisions and the probability that the collisions are oriented
favorably for reaction.
Arrhenius Equation
• The fraction of molecules that have an energy equal to or greater than the
activation energy is given by the expression:
𝒇 =𝒆
• Arrhenius noted that reaction-rate data depended on three aspects
(1) the fraction of molecules possessing an energy Ea or greater
(2) the number of collisions per second
(3) the fraction of molecules oriented in the right way for a reaction to
• These factors are incorporated into the Arrhenius Equation
• This equation relates k to temperature. A is the frequency factor, and is
related to aspects (2) and (3) listed above.
𝐥𝐧 𝒌 =− +𝐥𝐧 𝑨
k zpe RT
T(K) and k
z:the coll ision freq uency
p: steric factor
k Ae RT
Ea 1
ln(k) ( ) ln(A)
Plot ln(k) vs. 1/T
The collision frequency is
Collision theory
Showing Changes in k Graphically
• From the data below, determine the activation energy of the 1st order reaction
ln k
f(x) = − 19038.46 x + 30.52
1/T (oK-1) ln K
𝑘 2 𝐸𝑎 𝑇 2 − 𝑇 1
ln =
𝑘1 𝑅 𝑇1 𝑇 2 )
𝑘2 43500 𝐽 𝑚𝑜𝑙 −1 308 −298
ln = (
110 8.314 𝐽 𝑚𝑜𝑙 − 1 𝐾 −1 91784 )
ln =.57
( 𝑙𝑛 ) 2
𝑒 110 =𝑒 .57
𝑘 2 =194.7 𝑠 −1
• Plot of ln k vs 1/T is a straight line with large slope for
large E and small slope for small E.
• High E reactions are very temperature sensitive and low E
reactions are less.
• Any given reaction is more temperature sensitive at a low
T than at high temperature.
• From Arrhenius law ,the value of frequency factor or
constant does not affect the temperature.
The Collision Model
• The reaction rate depends on:
– collision frequency
– a probability or orientation factor
– activation energy (Ea)
• The reaction rate increases as the number of
collisions between reacting species increase.
– Concentration
– temperature
Collisions Frequency and
Molecular orientations
- Reactions result when atoms/molecules collide with sufficient energy to break bonds
- Molecules must collide in an orientation that leads to productive bond cleavage and/or
• Transition state:
– a particular arrangement of atoms of the reacting
species in which bonds are partially broken and
partially formed
– the state of highest energy between reactants and
– a relative maximum on the reaction-energy
Reaction Energy Diagrams
– a plot of potential energy changes that occur as
reactants are converted to products
• Given a reaction energy diagram for a chemical reaction, you
should be able to identify the reactants, products, transition
state, activation energy, the heat of reaction, and whether the
reaction is endothermic or exothermic.
Exothermic Reactions
Endothermic Reactions
Unstable intermediate Reactions
Reaction Energy Diagrams
Example: For each reaction energy diagram below, mark the
location of the reactants, products and transition state. Identify the
magnitude of Ea and DHrxn. Is each reaction endothermic or
Arrhenius Equation
• The activation energy of a reaction can be found by
measuring the rate constant at various temperatures and
using another version of the Arrhenius equation.