Architectura L History of Addis Ababa

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Establishment and Early Development
 Addiss Ababa is located at 9°2 ' north of equator and at 38°45' east.
It also lies at an average altitude of 2500 meters above sea leve
The northern most part of the city is about 3000 meters above sea
level (part of the Entoto Mountains) while the south most part is
about 2200 meters above sea level. Addis.
There is no large river passing close to Addis Ababa although a
number of smaller rivers and streams cross it from north to south,
such as Kabana, Kurtumi, Ginfile,K otobe and Akaki which are
streaming from entoto mountains.
They make deep gorges that have important role in structuring the
form of the city.
 Before the establishment of Addis Ababa, the rolling plain of the
area was called Finfinne and it was known for its fertile farm land
and dense forests with the streams and sloping terrain.
The Finfinne region was inhabited by the Oromo people who were
mostly pastoralists. The most interesting aspect of Finfinne was its
One of these visitors was the grandfather of MenelikI I. He became
interested in the natural beauty and climate of the Finfinne area, and
had intention so build his capital on the Finfinne plain. As a first
step towards the establishment of Addis Ababa, the king confiscated
pasture land from the Finfinne area at the beginning of 1860s.
Early settlement ('Taitu Plan').T he small
circles show the locations of the residences
of traditional military of ficials and the' sâfàr
Early settelement patterns
There were two major settelement patterns that has
there oun characters

1. Garresion sett. 2. Church villages

 Vacant lands Deje selam
 Expression of social rank School or Kene,
Garresion Patterns
Church Village

Traditional territories in vertical space:

garrison's äför' and a church with village
Land charters and infrastructure
 During the 1910s and the 1920s, there were significant
developments of moderni nfrastructure and services (roads,
schools, hospital, etc.), that contributed to the transformation
of the original urban form.
 This guided the development to be based on the
infrastructural lines rather than the ' säfär ' cluster system.
 The railway station that was established in 1917 became the
third public area, next to Arada/Giyorgis and the ' gibbi'.
 The development of a link among the three nodes - Arada,
gibi and the railway station- was another major transformation
of the original morphological structureof Addis
The three main
centers of Addis
Ababa in 1929
• the railway station
in the foreground,
Gibbi( Palace)ant he
right and
• Arada market on
the left.
The Sketch of Le Corbusier
At the invitation of Mussolini, L e Corbusier, the famous French-
Swiss architect and urban planner,prepared aguideline sketch as a
masterplan of Addis Ababa.
His sketch was based on his Radiant City concept of 1930 to 1933.
He conceived the city as a monumental structure traversed by a
grand boulevard that crosses the city from north to south
.On the other hand, the plan revealed L e Corbusier' sapproach of
using city planning as a general guide to introduce a new urban
planning theory and urban forms.
T he positioning of the military headquarter at the centre of the city
and the panoptical nature of the traffic square (in front of them
ilitary headquarter) depicted his vision of colonial planning .
One of the major differences between L e Corbusier's plan of Addis
Ababa and the radiai city was that Addis Ababa's plan had public
squares set a side for public use that were separate from traffic
T he public squares of the European area were along the main
boulevard of thec ity( at the quadrangle of the current National
Bank, Ethiopia Hotel and National Theater) while that of the native
square was proposed separately on the side of the native sector.
T he squares were set aside for public gathering,churches,
theatres,and municipal buildings.
Le Corbusier's proposal did not take into account the topography of
Addis Ababa.
Guidi and C. Valle's Master Plan
Guidi and C. Valle's Master Plan
 Guidi and C. Valle, two known Italian architects, were
commissioned to prepare a new plan
 They prepared the master plan in summer 1936 with all
elements of the regime'si deology that were used to restructure
the city emphasizing its monumental character.
In contrast to Le Corbusier's guideline sketch,G uidi and Valle's
plan did not include the native sector in the design of thec T he
native sector, with its grid iron street network, was kept on the
western side of the European city.
 The European city was designed with two parallel axes: the
commercial axis connecting Arada area/Giyorgisto the railway
station (south end).
Guidi and C. Valle's Master Plan

Modified regulatory plan ofAddis Ababa with

proposed links
Aerial view of the Guidi and Valle Master Plan
with location of major activities.
Master plans of
Addis Ababa
from 1941 - 2003
Plan of Luis De Marie
Sir Patrick Abercrombie's Plan
Bolton Hennessy and Partners' Plan
Plan of C. K. Polanyi
The Master Plan of 1986

Addis Ababa Master Plan: proposed land use

with in e'qat anď centres
The Master Plan of 1986
Addis Ababa
Master Plan:
proposed land use
with in e'qat anď
The Revised Master Plan of 2003

Revised Addis Ababa Master Plan of 2002 It

focuses reorganization of the 1986 master
plan with detailed studies.
architectural history from Menelik’s era to
the current time
Addis Ababa, or “New Flower” in Amharic, was founded in 1886. During
early imperial times the capital had been located in Axum, Lalibela, and
Gondar, as well as several other smaller cities.
Empress Taytu Betul, wife of Emperor Menelik II, first settled in the Entoto
hills. This settlement was “little more than a military encampment.” She later
moved to a valley in the foothills, attracted by natural hot springs on land
called Finfinnee by the Oromo people who lived there.
As historian Getahun Benti argues, “From its earliest days, Addis Ababa was
the staging station for the economic exploitation and political control of the
conquered provinces of which Oromia was the largest. It was at Finfinnee
that Empress Taytu Betul renamed the city “Addis Ababa,” a strong
proclamation of the ambitions of both Taytu and Emperor Menelik II.
Major capitals of Ethiopia
Partial view of
Menelik II’s Palace
in the area formerly
known as “Gabi,”
now grounds of
Prime Minister’s
Individual House

Individual houses in the city of Addis Ababa,

in 1897. The royal palace is visible at the top
of the hill. Reproduced with permission.
The History of Addis Ababa and its Historic
The name of the city Addis Ababa as taken from parts of the city called hora
Finfinnee (“hot springs”) in Oromo. In the late eighties of the nineteenth
century, many traditional buildings were built around this area, the most
important among them being Menelik’s palace which was built under the
direction of his Swiss advisor Alfred Ilg, together with nine skilled Gondairn
The involvement of these craftsmen and masons from Gonder was important in
fulfilling the need for skilled labours and in preserving the traditional
construction method of the country.
After the construction of the first places of Menelelik in Addis Ababa, regional
rulers and court dignitaries started to build their own residences on the large
tracts of land given to them by the emperor. The funds for construction came
from their agricultural land in the countryside or were lent by the emperor.
In 1907 The Bank of Abyssinia and Itegue taitu hotel were built, in
1908 the Menelik II School was built these buildings are an example of
the early public buildings which was intended to be imposing and
solid looking.
In general Addis Ababa historical buildings are influenced by
numerous foreign nationals like Indians, Arabs, Greek, Italian,
German, French architect who have resided here from time to time
for many different reasons.
To conclude these historical buildings, give the city unique character
(especially residence of former dignitary) that no other countries
have. Unlike most Africa cities, Addis Ababa’s social fabric is still
mixed between the rich and the poor.
Historic Building
Sample distribution of historical buildings in
Addis Ababa
1. Ras Mengesha Seyoum Residence
(Yeaka Sub City)

 The building is built in

the 1938 which belongs
 to the grandson of Ras
Seyoum Mengesha,
according to neighbors;
he still owns this house
(Master plan cited in
Addis Ababa Urban
Heritage Database,
2. Tegbared Technical and Vocational College (Lideta Sub City )
 The college built in 1934,
during the Italian
occupation the building
serve as Transport
organization which is
called Societa National
Transport Fratelli
Currently it as used as
technical and vocational
college (Addis Zemen
News Paper, 2011).
3. Aster Seyum Residence (Yeka Sub-City)
 A simple
building with
decorations built
1929. Currently it
used as cultural
and tourism office
for Yeka keble 06
(Addis Ababa
Urban Heritage
Database, 2009)
4. Etege Menen/Yekatit School (Gulele Sub City)

 First girl's school, built in

obedience to "Itege", Empress
Mennen’s wish in between
1930 and 1938. Complex
consists of two buildings
designed by the Greek
architect.This historic
building is currently used as
Yekitie 12 preparatory school.
The picture to the right shows
the broken window that is
found in the building.
5. Menelik II Entoto Palace (Gulele Sub
Menelik’s palace was City)
1875 under the direction of
his Swiss advisor Alfred Ilg,
together with nine skilled
Gondair craftsmen. The
involvement of these
craftsmen and masons from
Gonder was important in
fulfilling the need for skilled
labours and in preserving
the traditional construction
method of the country
(Bahru Zewdie, Fasil, 1986) This
building is among the
historic buildings of Addis
Ababa that is maintained
with Financial support of
the responsible authorities
6. Grazmach Sahle Mariam Residence (Kerkose subcity)
 The building was built 1919 which belonged to
former residence of Grazmatch Sahle Mariam who
worked in the 1930s for the Italians as a translator
(Milena Baistoni and Gian Paolochiar, 2004)
7. Fitawrari Atnaf Seged Residence (Kirkos Sub City)
 The residence built in the 1920s and its typically
Indian influenced architecture probably designed
by the Indian architect Woli Mohammed. The
building was belonged to Fitawrari Atnaf Seged,He
received the land during the reign of Zawditu (Addis
Ababa Urban Heritage Database, 2009) Fetawrari
Atnaf seged served as a commander during the
battle of Maychew in 1936 and was killed at the front
(Fasil Giorghis and Denis Gerard, 2007).
8. Dej. Enqu Sellassie Residence (Arada Sub-City)

 The building is built in

1920 the construction
shows a mix of un plastered
brick masonry combined
with wooden supports, It
may be the only house with
this construction in Addis
Ababa. (Addis Ababa
Urban Heritage Database,
9. Muse Christo Magliaris/Negadiras Resides
(Arada Sub City) The first owner of the building was
a Greek, Christo Magliaries, who
had it built between 1910 and 1913
on a tract of land that he obtained
from the royal family in exchange
for a velvet cloak. The house
becomes the residence of Christo
and his wife. Between 1936 and
1941, the house became the
residence of an Italian general,
whereas U.S. officers lived there for
three years during the Vietnam
War (Milena Balistoni and Gian
Palolochiar, 2004)
10. Bank of Abyssinia (Arda Sub-City)
The Bank of Abyssinia
was founded in 1907 as
an Anglo-Egyptian
company and was the
first bank of Ethiopia
designed by Sebastiano
Castagna and built by
the Italian constructor
Vaudetto completed in
1907(Addis Ababa urban
heritage data base,2009)
11. Sibhate geberegzhabhare Residence (Nifas
sike lafto)
The building is built in the
1960 and the owner built one
story which resembles the
‘Fasiledes castle’ of Gonder
and it is believed that the
building was built for
different purposes including
the stage on the top of the
building for recreation and
inside it has large salon,
dining room and library
(Nifas silke lafto Cultural and
Tourism Office, 2011)
12. Dejazmach Wobe Haile Mariam Residence (Arda sub-city)
The house belongs to former
residence of Dejaszmach Wube Haile
Mariam, a nobleman of Menelik's
court. It’s built in the end of the 19th
or beginning of the 20th Century
(Addis Ababa Urban Heritage
Database, 2009). During the
occupation, the house was used as a
political office by the Italians. Today,
the circular part of the house and
some of its adjoining rooms are used
as a popular traditional Ethiopian
venue, the Addis Ababa restaurant
(Fasile Giorghis and Denis Gerard,
13. Badgelling Hotel

The building was built in the

two first decades of the 20th
Century, during the reign of
Emperess Zewditu. It’s
constructed with “chikka" and
wood. (Addis Ababa Urban
Heritage Database, 2009) This
building is among the historic
building that the responsible
owners use it as restaurant and
the income they get from the
tourists support 75% of their day
to day life.
14. Itegue Taitu Hotel

The hotel was built in 1907 and was

also known as Itegue hotel and hotel
imperial. It was the empress herself
who wanted this hotel and she gave
the task of designing in to the
Armenian Minas Kherbekian. As the
house prepared all kinds of food
European and Ethiopian food, the
emperor hosted his periodic banquet
there. (Milena Balistoni and Gian
Palolochiar, 2004
special Examples
1. Meskel Square
The square is bordered by a 50m wide vehicle street on the northern
side, two museums on the eastern side, and an exhibition center on its
southern side and a high school on its south western side.
This place has a total area of 47790 m2.
 It has a total height of 6.7 meters from its northern to southern edge

Planning and design

 The planning and design of Meskel Square indicates a modern approach
. The first time the square was used, it was guided by other functions. The
landscape played an important role in the construction and later
development of the square. C.K.Polonyi (Hungarian designer) followed
the existing landscape when proposing an amphitheatre at the square and
using it as the main design theme of the square. Further, there have been
small modifications to the square whenever there were special occasions.
Development of the square
 the landscape had a potential to be changed in to the
current shape of the square, a square with the shape of an
amphitheatre. The base for the foundation of the square
was the construction of the Estifanos Church in 1958. This
church was built by Emperor Haileselasie. The previous
church which was used by the Emperor was the St. George
church. After the construction of the Estifanos church, in
combination with the UN head quarters and the Gion
international hotel, the place was a promising new center
for the city. This led to finding a place near Estifanos
church for the celebration of the “Meskel” festival. and
starting from 1961, “Meskel” was celebrated in this space.
Map showing the development of the Square.
Celebration of Meskel at Meskel Square
Meskel Square Today
1. Occasional Functions of the Square
2. Day to day functions of the
- Sport activity Relaxing activities
Trade activities
2. Churchill Avenue
Along the monumental Churchill Avenue, laid out by French Planner L.
De Marien in the 1960s, we found
- the Ethiopian National Theatre
- the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, and
- the Ethiopian Television and Radio Building.
- Municipality of Addis Ababa
They all possessed a very sculpture quality in their construction, and
were “modern” landmarks along the Addis Ababa street that was
inspired by the Champs-Elysees.
 To be clear, these singular moments along the street did not give the
same type of coherence of urban fabric that one would find in
Haussmannian Paris.
3. The John F. Kennedy Library

 Another major public work that was created during

the 1960s is the John F. Kennedy Library on the
campus of Addis Ababa University.
The John F. Kennedy Library is situated slightly off the
ceremonial path of the university campus that leads
from its historic gates to Ras Makonnen Hall.
The Washington-based architecture firm McLeod,
Ferrara, and Ensign, designed the John F. Kennedy

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