Prolog - Unification - Backtracking - Recursion - Lists - Cut

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• Unification
• Backtracking
• Recursion
• Lists
• Cut
• When two terms match we say that they unify.
– Their structures and arguments are compatible.
• This can be checked using =/2
|?- loves(john,X) = loves(Y,mary).
X = mary,  unification leads to instantiation
Y = john? 
yes Terms that unify Outcome
fred = fred. yes.
Terms that don’t unify ‘Hey you’ = ‘Hey you’. yes
fred = jim. fred=X. X=fred.
‘Hey you’ = ‘Hey me’. X=Y. Y = X.
frou(frou) = f(frou). foo(X) = foo(bar). X=bar.
foo(bar) = foo(bar,bar). foo(N,N) = foo(bar,X). N=bar, X=bar.
foo(N,N) = foo(bar,rab). foo(foo(bar)) = foo(X) X = foo(bar)
Tests within clauses
• These operators can be used within the body of a
– To manipulate values,
Sum is X+Y.

– To distinguish between clauses of a predicate definition

N < M, write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(M).
N > M, write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(N).
N =:= M, write(‘Numbers are the same‘).
|?- bigger(5,4).

N < M,
write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(M).
N > M,
write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(N).
N =:= M,
write(‘Numbers are the same‘).
|?- bigger(5,4).

bigger(5,4):- Backtrack
5 < 4,  fails
write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(M).
N > M,
write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(N).
N =:= M,
write(‘Numbers are the same‘).
|?- bigger(5,4).

N < M,
write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(M).
5 > 4,
write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(N).
N =:= M,
write(‘Numbers are the same‘).
|?- bigger(5,4).

N < M,
write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(M).
5 > 4,  succeeds, go on with body.
write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(5).

The bigger number is 5 Reaches full-stop

yes = clause succeeds
|?- bigger(5,5).  If our query only matches the final clause

N < M,
write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(M).
N > M,
write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(N).
5 =:= 5,  Is already known as the first two clauses failed.
write(‘Numbers are the same‘).
|?- bigger(5,5).  If our query only matches the final clause

N < M,
write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(M).
N > M,
write(‘The bigger number is ‘), write(N).
 Satisfies the same conditions.
write(‘Numbers are the same‘).

Numbers are the same

Clauses should be ordered according to specificity
Most specific at top Universally applicable at bottom
Reporting Answers
|?- bigger(5,4).  Question is asked
The bigger number is 5  Answer is written to terminal
yes  Succeeds but answer is lost

• This is fine for checking what the code is doing but not for using
the proof.

|?- bigger(6,4), bigger(Answer,5).

Instantiation error!

• To report back answers we need to

– put an uninstantiated variable in the query,
– instantiate the answer to that variable when the query succeeds,
– pass the variable all the way back to the query.
Passing Back Answers
• To report back answers we need to
1. put an uninstantiated variable in the query,

| ?- bigger(6,4,Answer),bigger(Answer,5,New_answer).
3 2
bigger(X,Y,Answer):- X>Y.
, Answer = X.
bigger(X,Y,Answer):- X=<Y.
, Answer = Y.

2. instantiate the answer to that variable when the query

3. pass the variable all the way back to the query.
Head Unification
• To report back answers we need to
1. put an uninstantiated variable in the query,
| ?- bigger(6,4,Answer),bigger(Answer,5,New_answer).
2 3

bigger(X,Y,X):- X>Y.
bigger(X,Y,Y):- X=<Y.

Or, do steps 2 and 3 in one step by naming the variable in

the head of the clause the same as the correct answer.
= head unification
The central ideas of Prolog
– any computation can “succeed'' or “fail'', and this is used as a
‘test‘ mechanism.
– any two data items can be compared for similarity, and values
can be bound to variables in order to allow a match to succeed .
– the whole activity of the Prolog system is to search through
various options to find a combination that succeeds.
• Main search tools are backtracking and recursion

– when the system fails during its search, it returns to previous
choices to see if making a different choice would allow
Satisfying Subgoals
• Most rules contain calls to other predicates in their body. These are
known as Subgoals.

• These subgoals can match:

– facts,
– other rules, or
– the same rule = a recursive call
Likes program
1) drinks(ali,tea).
2) likes(ali,coffee).
3) likes(hasan,coffee).

4) likes(Person,Drink):-

5) likes(Person,Somebody):-
Representing Proof using Trees
• To help us understand Prolog’s proof strategy we can
represent its behaviour using AND/OR trees.
1. Query is the top-most point (node) of the tree.
2. Tree grows downwards (looks more like roots!).
3. Each branch denotes a subgoal.
1. The branch is labelled with the number of the matching clause and
2. any variables instantiated when matching the clause head.
4. Each branch ends with either: |?- likes(ali,X).
1. A successful match ,
2. A failed match , or 2 X/coffee
3. Another subgoal. 1st solution
= “ali likes coffee.”
X = coffee
Representing Proof using Trees (2)
• Using the tree we can see what happens when we ask
for another match ( ; )
|?- likes(ali,X).
2 Backtracking

X/coffee 4
X = coffee

1st match is failed
and forgotten 1 X/tea

X = tea
2nd solution
= “Ali likes tea because Ali drinks tea.”
Recursion using Trees
• When a predicate calls itself within its body we say
the clause is recursing
|?- likes(ali,X).
Conjoined subgoals
X/coffee 4
X = coffee
drinks(ali,X). likes(ali,Drink)
1 X/tea X/coffee 2

X = tea
X = coffee
Recursion using Trees (2)
• When a predicate calls itself within its body we say
the clause is recursing
|?- likes(ali,X).
X/coffee 4
X = coffee
drinks(ali,X). likes(ali,coffee)
1 X/tea X/coffee 2
Somebody 2
X = tea /ali
X = coffee
Somebody = ali

3rd solution = “Ali likes Ali because Ali likes coffee.”

Recursion using Trees (3)
• When a predicate calls itself within its body we say
the clause is recursing
|?- likes(ali,X).
X/coffee 4
X = coffee

likes(ali,coffee) likes(Somebody,coffee)
1 X/tea
X/coffee 2 Somebody 3 / hasan
X = tea 2
X = coffee Somebody
4 solution =
“ali likes hasan = hasan
= ali
because hasan likes coffee.”
Infitite Recursive Loop
• If a recursive clause is called with an incorrect goal it will loop
as it can neither prove it
nor disprove it.

Somebody 2 3 5
= ali likes(Someb,coffee)
Somebody 2 likes(coffee,coffee)
= hasan Someb = ali

likes/2 is a likes(coffee,X) likes(coffee,X)

left recursive clause.

Why use recursion?
• It allows us to define very clear and elegant code.
– Why repeat code when you can reuse existing code.

• Relationships may be recursive

e.g. “X is my ancestor if X is my Ancestor’s ancestor.”

• Data is represented recursively and best processed

– Grammatical structures can contain themselves
– E.g. NP  (Det) N (PP), PP  P (NP)
– Ordered data: each element requires the same processing

• Allows Prolog to perform complex search of a

problem space without any dedicated algorithms.
Prolog Data Objects (Terms)
Simple objects Structured Objects

Constants Variables Structures Lists

X date(4,10,04) []
A_var person(bob,48) [a,b,g]
Atoms Integers _Var [[a],[b]]
-6 [bit(a,d),a,’Bob’]

Symbols Signs
a Strings <--->
bob ==>
l8r_2day ‘a’

‘L8r 2day’
• To create a single data element from a collection of
related terms we use a structure.
• A structure is constructed from a functor (a constant
symbol) and one of more components.

• The components can be of any type: atoms,

integers, variables, or structures.
• As functors are treated as data objects just like
constants they can be unified with variables
|?- X = date(04,10,04).
X = date(04,10,04)?
Structure unification
• 2 structures will unify if
– the functors are the same,
– they have the same number of components,
– and all the components unify.
| ?- person(Nm,london,Age) = person(bob,london,48).
Nm = bob,
Age = 48?
| ?- person(Someone,_,45) = person(harry,dundee,45).
Someone = harry ?

• (A plain underscore ‘_’ is not bound to any value. By using it you

are telling Prolog to ignore this argument and not report it.)
Structure unification (2)
• A structure may also have another structure as a
|?-addr(flat(4),street(‘Home Str.’),postcode(eh8_9lw))
= addr(flat(Z),Yy,postcode(Xxx)).
Z = 4,
Remember to
Yy = street(‘Home Str.’),
close brackets!
Xxx = eh8_9lw ?
yes Reported variables are
ordered according to
• Unification of nested structures number of characters
recursively: in the variable name.

– first it unifies the entire structure,

– then it tries to unify the nested structures.
Structures = facts?
• The syntax of structures and facts is identical but:
– Structures are not facts as they are not stored in the
database as being true (followed by a period ‘.’);
– Structures are generally just used to group data;
– Functors do not have to match predicate names.

• However predicates can be stored as structures

X. By instantiating a variable with a structure which
is also a predicate you can pass commands.
| ?- X = write(‘Passing a command’), command(X).
Passing a command
X = write('Passing a command') ?
• A collection of ordered data.
• Has zero or more elements enclosed by square
brackets (‘[ ]’) and separated by commas (‘,’).
[a]  a list with one element
[]  an empty list
1 2 3
1 2

[34,tom,[2,3]]  a list with 3 elements where the

3rd element is a list of 2 elements.
• Like any object, a list can be unified with a variable
|?- [Any, list, ‘of elements’] = X.
X = [Any, list, ‘of elements’]?
List Unification
• Two lists unify if they are the same length and all their
elements unify.
|?-[a,B,c,D]=[A,b,C,d]. |?-[(a+X),(Y+b)]=[(W+c),(d+b)].
A = a, W = a,
B = b, X = c,
C = c, Y = d?
D = d ? yes

|?- [[X,a]]=[b,Y]. |?-[[a],[B,c],[]]=[X,[b,c],Y].

no B = b,
X = [a],
Y = [] ?
Length 1 Length 2 yes
Definition of a List
• Lists are recursively defined structures.
“An empty list, [], is a list.
A structure of the form [X, …] is a list if X is a term and
[…] is a list, possibly empty.”
• This recursiveness is made explicit by the bar notation
– [Head|Tail] (‘|’ = bottom left PC keyboard character)

• Head must unify with a single term.

• Tail unifies with a list of any length, including an empty
list, [].
– the bar notation turns everything after the Head into a
list and unifies it with Tail.
Head and Tail
|?-[a,b,c,d]=[Head|Tail]. |?-[a,b,c,d]=[X|[Y|Z]].
Head = a, X = a,
Tail = [b,c,d]? Y = b,
yes Z = [c,d];

|?-[a] = [H|T]. |?-[a,b,c]=[W|[X|[Y|Z]]].

H = a, W = a,
T = []; X = b,
yes Y = c,
Z = []? yes

|?-[] = [H|T]. |?-[a|[b|[c|[]]]]= List.

no List = [a,b,c]?
• Prolog’s proof strategy can be represented using
AND/OR trees.
• Tree representations allow us trace Prolog’s search
for multiple matches to a query.
• They also highlight the strengths and weaknesses of
recursion (e.g. economical code vs. infinite looping).
• Recursive data structures can be represented as
structures or lists.
• Structures can be unified with variables then used
as commands.
• Lists can store ordered data and allow its sequential
processing through recursion.
Lists - Identifying a list
• Last lecture we introduced lists: [a,[],green(bob)]
• We said that lists are recursively defined structures:
“An empty list, [ ], is a list.
A structure of the form [X, …] is a list if X is a term and
[…] is a list, possibly empty.”

• This can be tested using the Head and Tail notation,

[H|T], in a recursive rule.
is_a_list([]).  A term is a list if it is an empty list.
is_a_list([_|T]):-  A term is a list if it has two
is_a_list(T). elements and the second is a list.
Base and Recursive Cases
• A recursive definition, whether in prolog or some other
language (including English!) needs two things.

• A definition of when the recursion terminates.

– Without this the recursion would never stop!
– This is called the base case: is_a_list([]).
– Almost always comes before recursive clause

• A definition of how we can define the problem in terms of

a similar, smaller problem.
– This is called the recursive case: is_a_list([_|T]):-

• There might be more than one base or recursive case.

Focussed Recursion
• To ensure that the predicate terminates, the recursive
case must move the problem closer to a solution.
– If it doesn’t it will loop infinitely.
• With list processing this means stripping away the Head
of a list and recursing on the Tail.
Head is replaced with
is_a_list([_|T]):- an underscore as we
is_a_list(T). don’t want to use it.

• The same focussing has to occur when recursing to find

a property or fact.
Doesn’t focus is_older(Someone,Person),
Focussed Recursion (2)
Given this program: • A query looking for all
solutions will loop.
parent(tom,jim). |?-is_older(X,Y).

X = tom,
Y = jim ? ;
X = mary,
Y = tom ? ;
X = mary,
Y = jim ? ;

It loops because the recursive clause does not focus

the search it just splits it. If the recursive is_older/2
doesn’t find a parent it just keeps recursing on itself
Focussed Recursion (3)
The correct program: • Can generate all valid
matches without looping.
parent(tom,jim). |?-is_older(X,Y).

X = tom,
Y = jim ? ;
X = mary,
Y = tom ? ;
X = mary,
Y = jim ? ;

To make the problem space smaller we need to check

that Young has a parent before recursion. This way we
are not looking for something that isn’t there.
List Processing Predicates: Member/2
• Member/2 is possibly the most used user-defined
predicate (i.e. you have to define it every time you want to
use it!)
• It checks to see if a term is an element of a list.
– it returns yes if it is
– and fails if it isn’t.
| ?- member(c,[a,b,c,d]).
• It 1st checks if the Head of the list
unifies with the first argument.
member(H,[H|_]). • If yes then succeed.
• If no then fail first clause.
member(H,T). • The 2nd clause ignores the head of
the list (which we know doesn’t
match) and recurses on the Tail.
List Processing Predicates: Member/2
|?- member(ringo,[john,paul,ringo,george]).

Fail(1): member(ringo,[john|_]).
(2): member(ringo,[_|paul,ringo,george]):-
Call: member(ringo,[paul,ringo,george]).
Fail(1): member(ringo,[paul|_]).
(2): member(ringo,[_|ringo,george]):-
Call: member(ringo,[ringo,george]).
Succeed(1): member(ringo,[ringo|_]]).

1) member(H,[H|_]).
2) member(H,[_|T]):-
Quick Aside: Tracing Prolog
• To make Prolog show you its execution of a goal type
trace. at the command line.
– Prolog will show you:
• which goal is Called with which arguments,
• whether the goal succeeds (Exit),
• has to be Redone, or Fails.

– The tracer also indicates the level in the search tree

from which a goal is being called.
• The number next to the goal indicates the level in the tree (top
level being 0).
• The leftmost number is the number assigned to the goal
(every new goal is given a new number).

• To turn off the tracer type notrace.

Tracing Member/2
| ?- trace.
| ?- member(ringo,[john,paul,ringo,george]).
1 1 Call: member(ringo,[john,paul,ringo,george]) ?
2 2 Call: member(ringo,[paul,ringo,george]) ?
3 3 Call: member(ringo,[ringo,george]) ?
3 3 Exit: member(ringo,[ringo,george]) ?
2 2 Exit: member(ringo,[paul,ringo,george]) ?
1 1 Exit: member(ringo,[john,paul,ringo,george]) ?

| ?- member(stuart,[john,paul,ringo,george]).
1 1 Call: member(ringo,[john,paul,ringo,george]) ?
2 2 Call: member(ringo,[paul,ringo,george]) ?
3 3 Call: member(ringo,[ringo,george]) ?
4 4 Call: member(stuart,[george]) ?
5 5 Call: member(stuart,[]) ?  [ ] does not match [H|T]
5 5 Fail: member(stuart,[]) ?
4 4 Fail: member(stuart,[george]) ?
3 3 Fail: member(ringo,[ringo,george]) ?
2 2 Fail: member(ringo,[paul,ringo,george]) ?
1 1 Fail: member(ringo,[john,paul,ringo,george]) ?
Collecting Results
• When processing data in Prolog there are three ways to
collect the results:
1. Compute result at base case first, then use this result as
you backtrack through the program.
2. Accumulate a result as you recurse into the program and
finalise it at the base case.
3. Recurse on an uninstantiated variable and accumulate
results on backtracking.

• These all have different uses, effect the order of the

accumulated data differently, and require different
degrees of processing.
Compute lower result first.
• We want to define a predicate, length/2, which takes a list
as its first argument and returns a number as the second
argument that is equal to the length of the list.
• We can use recursion to move through the list element by
element and is/2 to count as it goes.

N1 is N+1.

• To make a counter we need to initialise it at a value i.e. zero.

• As the counter increases during backtracking it needs to be
initialised in the base case.

Compute lower result first: trace.
N1 is N+1.

| ?- listlength([a,b,c],N).
1 1 Call: listlength([a,b,c],_489) ?
2 2 Call: listlength([b,c],_1079) ?
3 3 Call: listlength([c],_1668) ?
4 4 Call: listlength([],_2257) ?
4 4 Exit: listlength([],0) ?
5 4 Call: _1668 is 0+1 ?
5 4 Exit: 1 is 0+1 ?
3 3 Exit: listlength([c],1) ?
6 3 Call: _1079 is 1+1 ?
6 3 Exit: 2 is 1+1 ?
2 2 Exit: listlength([b,c],2) ?
7 2 Call: _489 is 2+1 ?
7 2 Exit: 3 is 2+1 ?
1 1 Exit: listlength([a,b,c],3) ?
N = 3 ? yes
Why compute lower result first?
listlength([],0). listlength([],_).
listlength([_|T],N1):- listlength([_|T],N):-
N1 is N+1, N1 is N+1,
listlength(T,N). listlength(T,N1).

|?-listlength([a,b,c],N). |?-listlength([a,b,c],0).
Instantiation error in 1 Call: listlength([a,b,c],0) ?
is/2 2 2 Call: _1055 is 0+1 ?
fail 2 2 Exit: 1 is 0+1 ?
3 2 Call: listlength([b,c],1) ?
4 3 Call: _2759 is 1+1 ?
4 3 Exit: 2 is 1+1 ?
5 3 Call: listlength([c],2) ?
6 4 Call: _4463 is 2+1 ?
6 4 Exit: 3 is 2+1 ?
7 4 Call: listlength([],3) ?
7 4 Exit: listlength([],3) ?
5 3 Exit: listlength([c],2) ?
3 2 Exit: listlength([b,c],1) ?
1 1 Exit: listlength([a,b,c],0)?
Using an Accumulator
• You can also accumulate results as you recurse into the
program, finalising the result at the base.
• Once the result is finalised we need someway of getting
it back out of the program.

listlength([],Acc,Acc). Finalise result.

Acc1 is Acc+1,
Increase Accumulator
as we recurse listlength(T,Acc1,Out).
Instantiate result to
Output variable in base case
and pass back.
Using an Accumulator (2)
1 1 Call:
listlength([a,b,c],0,_501) ?
2 2 Call: _1096 is 0+1 ?
2 2 Exit: 1 is 0+1 ?
3 2 Call: listlength([b,c],1,_501) ?
4 3 Call: _2817 is 1+1 ?
4 3 Exit: 2 is 1+1 ? A1 is A+1,
5 3 Call: listlength([c],2,_501)? listlength(T,A1,O).
6 4 Call: _4538 is 2+1 ?
6 4 Exit: 3 is 2+1 ?
7 4 Call: listlength([],3,_501) ?
7 4 Exit: listlength([],3,3) ?
5 3 Exit: listlength([c],2,3) ?
3 2 Exit: listlength([b,c],1,3) ?
1 1 Exit: listlength([a,b,c],0,3) ?
N = 3 ?
Using an auxiliary predicate
• When using an accumulator it needs to be initialised at
the right value (e.g. [] or 0).
• Make the predicate with the accumulator an auxiliary to
the predicate that the user will call.
to main listlength2([],A,A). Initialise
predicate listlength2([_|T],A,O):- Accumulator
A1 is A+1,

• This ensures that the accumulator is initialise correctly

and that the user doesn’t have to understand the
workings of your code to use it.
Combining lists
• A common use of an accumulator is to construct lists.
• If we want to make a new list out of the combined
elements of two lists we can’t just make one list the Head
of a new list and the other the tail as:
| ?- L1=[a,b], L2=[c,d], Z=[L1|L2].
L1 = [a,b], L2 = [c,d], Z = [[a,b],c,d] ?

• We need to take each element from L1 and add them to

L2 one at a time.
• There are two ways we can do this
– during recursion, or
– backtracking.
Constructing a list during Recursion
|?- pred([a,b],[c,d],Out). Desired behaviour
Out = [a,b,c,d].

• To add L1 to L2 during recursion we can use the bar

notation to decompose L1 and add the Head to L2.
pred([H|T],L2,Out):- pred(T,[H|
• We need to have an extra variable (Out) which can be
used to pass back the new list once L1 is empty.
pred([],L2,L2).  base case: when L1 is empty make
the new list equal to the Output list.
• The base case must go before the recursive case.
Constructing a list during Recursion (2)
Always the
| ?- pred([a,b],[c,d],Out). same variable
1 1
Call: pred([a,b],[c,d],_515) ? 2
2 Call: pred([b],[a,c,d],_515) ? 3
3 Call: pred([],[b,a,c,d],_515) ? 3
3 Exit: pred([],[b,a,c,d],[b,a,c,d]) ?
2 2 Exit: pred([b],[a,c,d],
[b,a,c,d]) ? 1 1 Exit:
pred([a,b],[c,d],[b,a,c,d]) ? Out =
[b,a,c,d] ?
yes If you construct a list through
recursion (on the way down)
and then pass the answer
pred([],L2,L2). back the elements will be in
pred([H|T],L2,Out):- reverse order.
| ?- pred([a,b],[c,d],Out).
1 1
Call: pred([a,b],[c,d],_515) ? 2
2 Call: pred([b],[a,c,d],_515) ? 3
3 Call: pred([],[b,a,c,d],_515) ? 3
3 Exit: pred([],[b,a,c,d],[b,a,c,d]) ?
2 2 Exit: pred([b],[a,c,d],
[b,a,c,d]) ? 1 1 Exit:
pred([a,b],[c,d],[b,a,c,d]) ? Out =
[b,a,c,d] ?
yes If you construct a list through
recursion (on the way down)
and then pass the answer
reverse([],L2,L2). back the elements will be in
reverse([H|T],L2,Out):- reverse order.
Constructing a list in backtracking

• To maintain the order of list elements we need to

construct the list on the way out of the program, i.e.
through backtracking.
• Use the same bar deconstruction as before but add the
head element of L1 to Out in the Head of the clause.
pred([H|T],L2,[H|Out]):-  Head is not added
pred(T,L2,Out). until backtracking.

• Now when we reach the base case we make L2 the

foundation for the new Out list and add our L1 elements
to it during backtracking.
pred([],L2,L2).  base case: when L1 is empty make
the new list equal to the Output list.
append/3 Variable changes
at every Call.
| ?- pred2([a,b],[c,d],Out).
1 1
Call: pred2([a,b],[c,d],_515) ? 2 2
Call: pred2([b],[c,d],_1131) ? 3 3
Call: pred2([],[c,d],_1702) ? 3 3
Exit: pred2([],[c,d],[c,d]) ? 2 2
Exit: pred2([b],[c,d],[b,c,d]) ? 1
1 Exit: pred2([a,b],[c,d],[a,b,c,d]) ? Out =
[a,b,c,d] ?

* append/3 is another very common user-defined list

processing predicate.
Computing in reverse
• Both reverse/3 and append/3 can be used
backwards to make two lists out of one.
• This can be a useful way to strip lists apart and check
their contents.
| ?- append(X,Y,[a,b,c,d]).
X = [], Y = [a,b,c,d] ? ;
X = [a], Y = [b,c,d] ? ; append([H|T],L2,[H|Rest]):-
X = [a,b], Y = [c,d] ? ; append(T,L2,Rest).
X = [a,b,c], Y = [d] ? ;
X = [a,b,c,d], Y = [] ? ;

X = [a,b] ? ;
Computing in reverse
• Both reverse/3 and append/3 can be used backwards to
make two lists out of one.
• This can be a useful way to strip lists apart and check their

| ?- reverse(X,Y,[a,b,c,d]).
X = [], Y = [a,b,c,d] ? ;
X = [a], Y = [b,c,d] ? ; reverse([],L2,L2).
X = [b,a], Y = [c,d] ? ; reverse([H|T],L2,Out):-
X = [c,b,a], Y = [d] ? ; reverse(T,[H|L2],Out).
X = [d,c,b,a], Y = [] ? ;

Y = [] ?
• Base and recursive cases
• Using focused recursion to stop infinite loops.
• List processing through recursion: member/2
• Introduced the Prolog tracer.
• Showed three techniques for collecting results:
– Recursively find a result, then revise it at each level.
• listlength/3
– Use an accumulator to build up result during recursion.
• reverse/3
– Build result in the head of the clause during
• append/3
Controlling Backtracking:
The Cut
Clearing up equality
• There are various ways to test equality in Prolog.
X = Y succeeds if the terms X and Y unify.

X is Y succeeds if the arithmetic value of expression Y

matches the value of term X.
X =:= Y succeeds if the arithmetic value of two expressions
X and Y match.
X =\= Y succeeds if the arithmetic value of two expressions
X and Y DO NOT match.

X == Y succeeds if the two terms have literal equality = are

structurally identical and all their components have
the same name.
X \== Y succeeds if the two terms are NOT literally identical.

\+ Goal succeeds if Goal does not true

Clearing up equality (2)
| ?- 3+4 = 4+3. | ?- 3+4 =:= 4+3.
no % treats them as terms yes % calculates both values
| ?- 3+4 =\= 4+3.
| ?- 3+4 = 3+4.
| ?- 3+4 == 4+3.
| ?- X = 4+3.
X = 4+3 ?
| ?- 3+4 \== 4+3.
| ?- X is 4+3. | ?- 3+X = 3+4.
X = 7 ? X = 4 ? yes
yes | ?- 3+X == 3+4.
| ?- 3+4 is 4+3. no
no % left arg. has to be a term | ?- \+ 3+4 == 4+3.
Processing in Prolog
To call the goal G:
1. Find first clause head that matches G:
1. bind all variables accordingly,
2. call goals in body in order;
3. if all succeed, G succeeds (and exits).
2. else try next clause down;
3. if no next clause, fail the goal G.

When a goal fails:

redo the most recent successful goal

To redo a goal:
1. discard bindings from previous success;
2. try clauses for this goal not so far tried;
3. if none, fail the goal.
Byrd Box model
• This is the model of execution used by the tracer.
• Originally suggested by Lawrence Byrd.



Exception (error)
Redo-ing a Goal
a :- fact(b,N), fact(c,N).

|?- a.

Redo-ing a Goal (2)
a :- fact(b,N), fact(c,N).

|?- a.


fact(b,N) fact(c,1)
Redo-ing a Goal (3)
a :- fact(b,N), fact(c,N).

|?- a.

Redo-ing a Goal (4)
a :- fact(b,N), fact(c,N).

|?- a.

fact(b,N) fact(c,2)
Prolog’s Persistence
• When a sub-goal fails, Prolog will backtrack to the most recent successful
goal and try to find another match.
• Once there are no more matches for this sub-goal it will backtrack again;
retrying every sub-goal before failing the parent goal.
• A call can match any clause head.
• A redo ignores old matches.
A new instantiation

a:- b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j .

a:- b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j .
Redo a:- b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j .
Cut !
• If we want to restrict backtracking we can control which
sub-goals can be redone using the cut = !.
• We use it as a goal within the body of clause.
• It succeeds when called, but fails the parent goal (the
goal that matched the head of the clause containing the cut) when an
attempt is made to redo it on backtracking.
• It commits to the choices made so far in the predicate.
– unlimited backtracking can occur before and after the cut but
no backtracking can go through it.
immediate fail

a:- b, c, d, e, !, f, g, h, I, j . a:- b, c, d, e, !, f, g, h, I, j .
Failing the parent goal
a:- b, c, d, e, !, f, g, h, I, j . a:- b, c, d, e, !, f, g, h, I, j .
a:- k. Treated as if
a:- k. This clause and
these choices
a:- m . don’t exist a:- m . committed to

• The cut succeeds when it is called and commits the

system to all choices made between the time the parent
goal was invoked and the cut.
• This includes committing to the clause containing the cut.
= the goal can only succeed if this clause succeeds.
• When an attempt is made to backtrack through the cut
– the clause is immediately failed, and
– no alternative clauses are tried.
Mutually Exclusive Clauses
• We should only use a cut if the clauses are mutually
exclusive (if one succeeds the others won’t).
• If the clauses are mutually exclusive then we don’t want
Prolog to try the other clauses when the first fails
= redundant processing.

• By including a cut in the body of a clause we are

committing to that clause.
– Placing a cut at the start of the body commits to the clause
as soon as head unification succeeds.
a(1,X):- !, b(X), c(X).
– Placing a cut somewhere within the body (even at the end)
states that we cannot commit to the clause until certain
sub-goals have been satisfied.
a(_,X):- b(X), c(X), !.
Mutually Exclusive Clauses (2)
f(X,0):- X < 3.
|?- trace, f(2,N).
f(X,1):- 3 =< X, X < 6. 1 1 Call: f(2,_487) ?
f(X,2):- 6 =< X.
2 2 Call: 2<3 ?
2 2 Exit: 2<3 ? ?
1 1 Exit: f(2,0) ?
N = 0 ? ;
1 1 Redo: f(2,0) ?

3 2 Call: 3=<2 ?

3 2 Fail: 3=<2 ?

4 2 Call: 6=<2 ?

4 2 Fail: 6=<2 ?

1 1 Fail: f(2,_487) ?
Green Cuts !
f(X,0):- X < 3, !. |?- trace, f(2,N).
f(X,1):- 3 =< X, X < 6, !. 1 1 Call: f(2,_487) ?
f(X,2):- 6 =< X.

2 2 Call: 2<3 ?

2 2 Exit: 2<3 ? ?
If you reach this point don’t
1 1 Exit: f(2,0) ?
bother trying any other clause.
N = 0 ? ;
• Notice that the answer is still thenosame, with or without the cut.
– This is because the cut does not alter the logical behaviour of the
– It only alters the procedural behaviour: specifying which goals get
checked when.
• This is called a green cut. It is the correct usage of a cut.
• Be careful to ensure that your clauses are actually mutually
exclusive when using green cuts!
Red Cuts !
| ?- f(7,N).
f(X,0):- X < 3, !.
f(X,1):- 3 =< X, X < 6, !. 1 1 Call: f(7,_475) ?
f(X,2):- 6 =< X. 2 2 Call: 7<3
? 2 2 Fail:
7<3 ? 3 2
Call: 3=<7 ? 3
2 Exit: 3=<7 ? 4
2 Call: 7<6 ?
Redundant? 4 2 Fail: 7<6 ?
5 2 Call: 6=<7 ?
5 2 Exit: 6=<7 ?
1 1 Exit:
f(7,2) ?
N = 2 ?
• Because the clauses are mutually
exclusive and ordered
we know that once the clause above fails certain
conditions must hold.
• We might want to make our code more efficient by
removing superfluous tests.
Red Cuts !
f(X,0):- X < 3, !. f(X,0):- X < 3.
f(X,1):- X < 6, !. f(X,1):- X < 6.
f(X,2). f(X,2).

| ?- f(7,N). | ?- f(1,Y).
1 1 Call: f(7,_475) ? 1 1 Call: f(1,_475) ?
2 2 Call: 7<3 ? 2 2 Call: 1<3
2 2 Fail: ? 2 2 Exit:
7<3 ? 3 2 Call: 1<3 ? ? 1 1
7<6 ? 3 2 Exit: f(1,0) ? Y = 0 ? ;
Fail: 7<6 ? 1 1 1 1
Exit: f(7,2) ? Redo: f(1,0) ? 3
N = 2 ? 2 Call: 1<6 ? 3
yes 2 Exit: 1<6 ? ?
1 1 Exit: f(1,1) ?
Y = 1 ? ;
1 1 Redo: f(1,1) ?
1 1 Exit: f(1,2)
? Y = 2 ?
Using the cut
• Red cuts change the logical behaviour of a predicate.
• Red cuts make your code hard to read and are dependent
on the specific ordering of clauses (which may change
once you start writing to the database).
• If you want to improve the efficiency of a program use
green cuts to control backtracking.
• Do not use cuts in place of tests.
To ensure a logic friendly cut either:
p(X):- test1(X), !, call1(X). p(1,X):- !, call1(X).
p(X):- test2(X), !, call2(X). p(2,X):- !, call2(X).
p(X):- testN(X), !, callN(X). p(3,X):- !, callN(X).

testI predicates are mutually exclusive. The mutually exclusive tests

are in the head of the clause.
Cut - fail
• As well as specifying conditions under which a goal can
succeed sometimes we also want to specify when it
should fail.
• We can use the built-in predicate fail in combination
with a cut to achieve this: “ !, fail. “
= if you reach this point, fail regardless of other clauses.
• e.g. If we want to represent the fact that ‘Mary likes all
animals except snakes’.

snake(X), !, fail. We need to combine a cut with
the fail to stop the redundant
likes(mary,X):- call to the second clause on
\+ snake(X), backtracking.
Cut – fail: why?
• However, using a cut-fail can make your code hard to
• It is generally clearer and easier to define the conditions
under which a fact is true rather than when it is false.

\+ snake(X), This is sufficient to represent the fact.

• However, sometimes it can be much simpler to specify

when something is false rather than true so cut-fail can
make your code more efficient.
• As with all cuts; be careful how you use it.
• Clearing up equality: =, is, =:=, =\=, ==, \==, \+
• Controlling backtracking: the cut !
– Efficiency: avoids needless REDO-ing which cannot
– Simpler programs: conditions for choosing clauses can be
– Robust predicates: definitions behave properly when forced
to REDO.
• Green cut = cut doesn’t change the predicate logic = good
• Red cut = without the cut the logic is different = bad
• Cut – fail: when it is easier to prove something is false than true.

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