UNIT-II HR Planning

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“Manpower Planning and “Human Resource Planning”
are synonyms.

 According to Geisler, “Manpower planning is the process

including forecasting, developing, implementing and
controlling by which a firm ensures that it has the right
number of people and the right kind of people at the right
places, at the right time doing work for which they are
economically most useful”.
 Stainer defines manpower planning as “Strategy for the
acquisition, utilization, improvement and preservation of an
enterprise’s human resources”.
Activities of HR Planning
1.Forecasting future manpower requirements, either in terms of mathematical
projections of trends in the economy and developments in the industry, or
of judgemental estimates based upon scientific future plans of the

2.Inventorying present manpower resources and analyzing the degree to

which these resources are employed optimally.

3.Anticipating manpower problems by projecting present resources into the

future and comparing them with the forecast of requirements to determine
their adequacy, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

4.Planning the necessary programmes of recruitment, selection, training,

development, deployment, utilization, transfer, promotion, compensation
and motivation so that future manpower requirements will be met.
Objectives of HR Planning

1. To ensure optimum use of human resources currently employed.

2. To assess or forecast future skill requirements if the organization’s

overall objectives are to be accomplished.

3. To provide control measures to ensure that necessary resources are

available as and when required.

4. To determine optimum training levels.

5. To provide a basis for Management Development Programmes.

6. To cost the manpower in new projects.

7. To assist productivity bargaining.

Levels of Human Resource Planning

1.National: Manpower planning by Government covers population

projections, programme of economic development, educational
facilities, occupational distribution and growth, industrial and
geographical mobility of personnel.

2.Sector-wise: This would cover manpower needs of the agricultural

sector, industrial sector and service sector.
 3.Industry-wise: This would cover manpower needs and forecast for
specific industries such as textiles, chemicals, engineering and
4.Individual unit-based: This would cover manpower needs of a
particular enterprise.
Types of HR Planning

1.Formal and Informal Planning: Some planning is informal; it

takes place without special planning sessions or a planning
division. Informal plans may exist only in the minds of
managers, or they may emerge as suggestions, ideas and
possibilities advanced in oral discussions.
 In contrast, formal plans are the product of recognized

planning programmes. They are documentary; they become

matters of record. Individuals and groups are given the task
of developing plans.
2.Replacement planning: It is concerned with recruitment,
transfer and promotion. It considers age, health problems
and other causes and identifies sources of replacements.
Types of HR Planning

3.Time span: One well-established basis for classifying plans is based

on their time span. It distinguishes short-term from long-term or
strategic planning. Short-term plans are more likely to be concerned
with specific projects and programmes. Long-term plans necessarily
consider changes in organization structures, technology and the
policies that will be appropriate as these changes take place.

4.Adaptive Planning; in which future trigger events alternatives are

identified, with options carefully considered and evaluated.
5.Contingency Planning; in which the potential hazards are Identified
and advance strategies are developed.

6.Real Time Planning; in which managers and planners co-operate in

handling unanticipated events as they occur.

An outline of the elements involved in the human resource planning approach, as

identified by Milkovich and Mahoney is illustrated in the following figure.

Organisation goals Constraints

Manpower objectives

Manpower status


Manpower Gaps

Alternative PAIR


Overall Programme


Fig. 1: Human Resource Planning Approach

Human Resource Planning Process

 The process of human resource planning involves the

following steps:

1. Deciding the objectives of Human Resource Planning.

2. Estimating future organizational structure and manpower


3. Manpower Audit.

4. Job Analysis.

5. Developing a human resource plan.

1. Objectives of Human Resource
The main objective is one of matching or fitting employee
abilities to enterprise requirements, with an emphasis on
future instead of present arrangements. The objectives
may be laid down for a short-term (i.e. for one year).

Forexample, the short-term objective may be to hire 25

persons from educationally and economically backward
class for the purpose of training. The long-term objective
may be to start a new industry or expansion and
2. Estimating Future Organizational Structure
and Forecasting Manpower Requirements
 The management must estimate the number and type of
employees required in future. Many environmental factors
affect this estimation. They include business forecasts,
expansion and growth, design and structural changes,
management philosophy, government policy and labour
market assessment. 
 For purposes of manpower planning, the main dimensions to

be taken into consideration are:

i. The total number of personnel available.
ii. The job description.
iii. Age distribution of the present employees.
iv. Qualification and experience desired.
v. The salary range etc.,
3. Manpower Audit
 Once the human resource needs are estimated the next step
is to determine the present supply of manpower resources.
This is done through “Skills Inventory”.  
Skills Inventory Proforma

1. Personal Factors
• Name Birth Place
• Age Occupation of parents
• Sex Present address
•  Dependants Permanent address
•  Marital status Telephone Number
Email ID:
Skills Inventory Proforma
2. Education and Training
 School attended with years
 Degrees/Diplomas obtained
 Academic Excellence (Distinctions, Prizes and Medals, if any)
 Training achieved

3. Experience and Skills

 Job areas Special skills (such as ability
 Job titles to speak/write foreign languages)
 Job dates Reasons for leaving
  Supervisory responsibilities
Skills Inventory Proforma
Additional Information 
 Salary
Test results
 Grade
Performance ratings
 Absenteeism record

Location of relatives
 Disciplinary record
Appraisal data
  Career plans
Any other information
4. Job Analysis

 The process of analyzing a job is essentially one

of data collection. Various approaches can be
utilized and the four currently most popular are:

i. Questionnaires
ii. Written narratives
iii. Observation
iv. Interview.
Job Analysis

 The questionnaire technique places great faith in the

jobholder’s ability to organize the reporting of the job. The
information received is often found to be incomplete,
unorganized, and some-times incoherent. How ever,
questionnaire can be used in providing background
information for the interview that must necessarily follow,
in order to analyze the job properly.
 Narrative descriptions can be requested for both the job
incumbent and the supervisor. This approach is used more
often on salaried jobs. A more detailed reporting of this
type would be the daily diary. Under this system, the
employee keeps a daily record of major duties performed,
marking the time when each task is started and finished.
Job Analysis

 The observation and interview methods of

collecting job information hold the greatest
promise of completeness, accuracy and better
utilization of time. If a particular job is simple and
repetitive, observation may be the only technique

 In most cases, however, interviews coupled with

observation constitute the preferred approach. The
interview will provide information not readily
observable plus the verification of information
obtained by means of other techniques
Job Description

 The first and immediate product of the job analysis process is

the job description. This document is basically descriptive in
nature and constitutes a record of existing and pertinent job
facts. These facts must be organized in some fashion in order to
be usable. A suggested order is as follows:
i. Job identification
ii. Job Summary
iii.  Duties performed
iv. Supervision given and received
v. Relation to other jobs
vi. Machines, tools and materials
vii. Working conditions
viii. Definitions of unusual terms
ix. Comments that add to and clarify the above . 
An Example of Job Description
Categories Requirements

1. Unskilled Jobs Literate, robust in health and

Sweepers, office boys and helpers preferably local candidates.

2. Semi-skilled Jobs Preferably ITI trained candidates or

Machinists, painters, literate candidates with 3 to 4 years

machine operators, fitters, experience in the line.


3. Skilled Jobs Matriculates possessing ITI Trade

Crane drivers, fitters, turners, certificate with a minimum of 5

electricians, welders. years experience in the line.

Graduates with a sound general

Job Specification

 A job specification tells what kind of person to recruit and for

what qualities that person should be tested. Job specifications
translate the job description into the human qualifications,
which are required for the successful performance of a job.
 These specifications relate to:
 Physical characteristics, which include health, body size,
height, weight, age-range, vision, voice, hand and foot co-

 Psychological characteristics, or special aptitudes which

include such qualities as manual dexterity, mechanical
aptitude, ingenuity, judgement, resourcefulness, analytical
ability, mental concentration and alertness.
Job Specification
 Personal characteristics or traits of temperament, such as
personal appearance, good and pleasing manners, emotional
stability, aggressiveness or submissiveness, leadership, co-
operativeness, initiative, human relations skill, conversational
ability etc.

 Responsibilities, which include supervision of others,

responsibility for production, process and equipment,
responsibility for the safety of others, responsibility for
generating confidence and trust and responsibility for
preventing monetary loss. 

 Other features of demographic nature, which include age,

sex, marital status, education, experience and language
Job Specification of Plant Manager

1. Physical Characteristics Good health, No significant disabilities in voice,

Essential hearing and eyesight.

Dress Neat conventional dress.

2. Attainments Bachelor of Science or Engineering; production

Essential management experience-minimum of 5 years.

Age, not above 35 yrs. Knowledge of work study,

quality control, inventory control and experience

of negotiating with trade unions at plant level.

Desirable MBA with specialization in Operations

Job Specification of Plant Manager
3. Special Fluency in speaking and writing; analytical skills;

Aptitudes ability to prepare and understand basic statistical

Essential information; competence in arithmetic; evidence of

ability to plan ahead and organize the work of others.

4. Interests Evidence of interest outside work but nothing

Essential specific.

5. Disposition Acceptability to other people; ability to accept

Essential responsibility without undue strain; co-operative in

relations with others.

6. Motivation Ambitious – evidence of fairly rapid promotion and

Job Specification of
Human Resources Director
 The following requirements (job specifications) are determined by job
analysis and derived from the job description as crucial for success in the
human resources director role. The successful candidate for the human
resources director position will possess these qualifications.​

 Human Resources Director Experience

 7-10 years of progressively more responsible positions in human resources,
preferably in a similar industry in two different firms.
 Experience supervising and managing a professional staff.
 Experience as a trusted resource as a member of a senior level executive
 Experience in multiple locations and globally is a plus for the HR director job

 Education
 Bachelor's Degree in Human Resources, Business, or a related field required.
 Masters Degree in Business or Human Resources Management or a related
field preferred.
Job Specification of
Human Resources Director
 Required Skills, Knowledge, and Characteristics
 These are the most important qualifications of the individual
selected as the human resources director.
 Strong effective communicator in writing, business presentations
and in interpersonal communication.
 Highly developed, demonstrated teamwork skills.
 Demonstrates a high degree of confidentiality in interpersonal
 Exhibits an unusual degree of common sense in working with
co-workers and the executive team.
 Experience directing the efforts of a team of diverse human
resources professionals.
 Demonstrated ability to increase productivity and continuously
improve methods, approaches, and departmental contribution
while remaining cost-sensitive.
Job Specification of
Human Resources Director

Demonstrated commitment to evidence-based, measurable HR products,

services, and activities.
Must exhibit a commitment to continuous learning.
Expert in employment law to keep the company safe from lawsuits and has a

proven ability to work well in consultation with an employment law attorney.

Strong commitment to and interest in employee relations and

Demonstrated ability to see the big picture and provide useful and strategic

advice and input across the company and on the senior executive team.
Ability to lead in an environment of constant change.
Experience working in a flexible, employee empowering work environment.

Structured or large company experience will not work here.

Familiarity and skill with the tools of the trade in human resources including

HRIS, Microsoft Office suite of products, file management, and benefits

Experience in organization development and change management.
High-Level Overview of Job Requirements
Job Specification of
Human Resources Director
 The selected human resources director must be able to perform
effectively in each of these areas:
 Guides and manages the overall provision of Human Resources
services, policies, and programs for the entire company.
 Development of an overall HR business plan with measurable
objectives and a budget.
 Staffing of the HR department to effectively serve the needs of the
 Overall talent management strategy and implementation including
workforce planning, recruiting, interviewing, hiring, training and
development; performance planning, management development, and
improvement; and succession planning.
 Organization development, change management initiatives, and
company-wide culture and environment at work for employees.
 Oversee employment law compliance and compliance to regulatory
Job Specification of
Human Resources Director
 Demonstrated proficiency in policy development, documentation,
training, and implementation.
 Oversees employee safety, welfare, wellness, and health.
 Responsible for community outreach and communication, and
charitable giving in conjunction with the community relations
 Managing external executive recruiting agencies, employment
agencies, recruiters, and temporary staffing agencies.
 Analysis of the effectiveness of all human resources efforts both
financially and in terms of whether they produced the company's
needed objectives and outcomes.
 Feel free to use portions of this HR Director job specification in
your own organization. It is a sample and you need to customize
all HR director job specifications or job descriptions to the needs
of your own organization. They need to reflect your priorities as
a company and your culture and environment for employees.
Uses of Job Analysis Information

 Job analysis is one of the most pervasive tasks of personnel

management. Its products-descriptions and specifications- have
many and varied uses. A brief listing of these uses is as follows:
i. Validation of selection procedures
ii. Training
iii. Job evaluation
iv. Performance appraisal
v. Career development
vi. Organization development
vii. Induction or orientation
viii. Counseling
ix. Job Engineering
x. Labour relations
5. Developing A Human
Resource Plan

 This step refers to the development and implementation of

the human resource plan. It consists of finding out the
sources of labour supply with a view to making an effective
use of these resources.

 The first thing, therefore, is to decide on the policy should

the personnel be hired from within through promotional
channels or should it be obtained from the outside

 The best policy that is followed by most organizations is to

fill up the higher vacancies by promotion and lower level
positions by recruitment from the labour market.
5. Developing A Human
Resource Plan
 Various external factors influence the outflow and inflow of human

 At the local level such factors are:

i. Population density at various distances (from the factory or work
ii. Local unemployment level
iii. Availability of part-time labour
iv. Current competition for similar categories of manpower from
other organizations
v. Output from the educational institutions
vi. Mobility of labour
vii. Transport facilities and communication pattern.
5. Developing A Human
Resource Plan
 At the corporate level, the following factors operate.

i. Trends in the growth of the working population.

ii. Government training schemes and systems of technical,

vocational, professional and general education.

iii. Impact of social security measures on manpower supply.

iv. Cultural factors, customs and social norms and

employment of women and young persons.

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