Unit 3: Strategic Analysis LH 12
Unit 3: Strategic Analysis LH 12
Unit 3: Strategic Analysis LH 12
The disadvantage of value chain analysis is that it forces a company to break into segments, and
there is the possibility of losing the big picture in the details. The pitfall of conducting this type of
analysis is that sometimes a company's overall strategy and vision is lost when its operations are
broken down into segments.
Creating efficiencies in each of a company's value chain activities is important, however, the value
chain doesn't do a good job of linking each activity in the chain together. It's possible to lose sight
of how the activities relate to each other.
Concept of Resources
Resources may be defined as the sum of assets (both tangible and intangible)
that an organization uses to perfom the activities effectively. Resources provide
the input in the production process. Resources provide the streangh and
oppertunities of the organization.
Type of Resources
• Available resources: The resources that are currently available in the
organization. For example: physical, human, financial and intellectual.
• Threshold resources: That are minimum resources required to withstand
• Unique resources: That are valuable, non-substitutable, costly to imitate and
Core competency
Core competencies are resources and capabilities that serve as a source
of competative advantages for a firm over its rivals. –By Hitt, Ireland
and Hoskisson
It is the sum of competencies that is widespread within the
organization. It is something that the organization can do exceedingly
well over the competitors. It is the most important source of
competative advantages. It should be evaluated on the basis of
valuable, rareness, costly imitability and uniqueness.
Core compentencies and distinctive
• Core competencies help the firm achieve a competitive
advantage when the firm’s core competencies are different
from those held by competitors.
• Core competencies enable a firm to complete activities
• Distinctive competencies provide products to customers that
are superior to those provided by competitors.
Compentence, core compentence and
distinctive compentence
• A competence is the product of organizational learning and
experience and represents real proficiency in performing an internal
•A core competence is a well-performed
internal activity central (not peripheral or incidental) to a company’s
competitiveness and profitability
• A distinctive competence is a competitively valuable activity a
company performs better than its rivals
Resource-based view of strategy
• The resource-based view (RBV) is a managerial framework used to determine the
strategic resources with the potential to deliver comparative advantage to a firm.
These resources can be exploited by the firm in order to achieve sustainable
competitive advantage.
• The RBV focuses managerial attention on the firm's internal resources in an effort
to identify those assets, capabilities and competencies with the potential to
deliver superior competitive advantages.
• RBV focuses attention on an organization's internal resources as a means of
organizing processes and obtaining a competitive advantage. Barney stated that
for resources to hold potential as sources of sustainable competitive advantage,
they should be valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable and not substitutable (now
generally known as VRIN criteria). The resource-based view suggests that
organizations must develop unique, firm-specific core competencies that will
allow them to outperform competitors by doing things differently.
Identifying Sustainable Competative
Define Mission, Goals,
Identifying Unique
Identifing core
Macth Uniqu Resources
with Core compentencies