Receive and Respond To Communication
Receive and Respond To Communication
Receive and Respond To Communication
communication is the process of exchanging information in the
form of messages, symbols, thoughts, signs, and opinions.
There are mainly four types of communication, which are used in
varying ways depending on the medium used or the way in which
information is exchanged.
These means of communication are used for transferring
information from one entity to the other, and always involve a
sender and receiver.
The cycle of communication is said to be complete only when the
receiver has understood the sender's message and intent(target).
Elements of Communication Process
We used to think of communication as a one-way process. This was called the linear
model of communication.
The linear model argued that communication could only move in one direction, from
the sender to the receiver.
The receiver played a passive role in the overall process.
Over the years, scholars have added to and revised the linear model.
Elements of Communication Process
We describe communication as ongoing, dynamic (active, energetic) process.
The transactional model describes communication as an interdependent(co
dependent) process whereby the speaker and receiver are simultaneously sending
and receiving messages.
Communication is a dynamic process, a process that changes from one
communication setting to the next.
Elements of Communication Process
Although it is difficult to predict the ways your ideas will be interpreted by
others, certain components are always present in the communication process:
people, a message, encoding, decoding, the channel, feedback, and noise.
The process of communication is successful only when the receiver
understands an idea as the sender intended it.
Steps of communication process
This process generally involves five steps, discussed here and shown below in Figure 1
Sender has an idea. The form of the idea may be influenced by the sender’s mood, frame
of reference, background, culture, and physical makeup, as well as the context of the
Sender encodes the idea in a message. Encoding means converting the idea into words
or gestures that will convey meaning.
Steps of communication process
Message travels over a channel. The medium over which the message is transmitted
is the channel. Messages may be sent by computer, telephone, memorandum(letter).
They may also be sent by means of a report, announcement, picture, spoken word, fax,
or other channel.
Because both verbal and nonverbal messages are carried, senders must choose
channels carefully.
Steps of communication process
Receiver decodes message. Translating the message from its symbol form
into meaning involves decoding. Successful communication takes place
only when a receiver understands the meaning intended by the sender.
Such success is often hard to achieve because no two people share the
same background.
Steps of communication process
Feedback travels to sender. The verbal and nonverbal
responses of the receiver create feedback, a vital part of the
entire communication process. Feedback helps the sender
know that the message was received and understood.
Verbal Communication
listen carefully to the conversation so that you get
6.Lack of Common Experience: it’s a great idea to use examples or stories to explain a point that is being
However, if the speaker and the audience cannot relate to these examples because they do not have the same
knowledge or have not shared the same experiences then this tool will be ineffective.
7. Ambiguity and Abstractions Overuse: leaving things half-said, using too many generalizations, proverbs or
sayings, can all lead to communications that are not clear and that can lend themselves to misinterpretations.
Example “the means justifies the end”
Most Common Barriers to Effective
. Information Overload: it takes time to process a lot of information and too many details can overwhelm and distract the audience from the important topics.
Keep it Simple, Sweetie
Good communication can be caused by
1.Poor listening
2.Use of slang(jargon)
4.Non verbal communication which sends the opposite message to what is being said
5. People who think they know everything and don’t listen
6. Making assumptions about what people do or don’t know.
7. Poor expression
Poor communication may lead to:
time being lost because work needs to be redone
poor quality service and/or products
people feeling “left out”
mistakes being made because instructions are not clear
teams not working well