Basics of Communication
Basics of Communication
Basics of Communication
Learning objective
Since man is a social being and lives in a society, communication forms an important
part of our lives. It plays an important role in the development of mankind, society
and in the economic growth of any country and the world as a whole.
According to Ferry and Franklin “Communication is the art of developing and
attaining understanding between people.
Since communication is the process between two or more persons, there is a sender
and a receiver.
The sender sends the message and the receiver receives it and understands it. It is the
complete process of transmission and exchange of facts, ideas, feelings and thoughts.
Message or Idea
Communication Channel (Medium)
Sender is the person who sends or conveys the message. There is always a
communicator or sender in the process of communication. He may be an individual, a
group or an organization. The sender must have a clear picture in his mind about what
he wants to communicate. For example, a lecturer delivering a lecture in the class
room is a sender of a message.
When an idea comes in the mind of the sender, he puts it in a manner in which the
receiver may understand it. Giving a thought a form of language which can be
understood by the receiver is called encoding.
Communication Channel
Receiver is the person who receives the message. Without the receiver the process of
communication is incomplete. He may be a listener or reader or viewer of the
message. He not only receives the message but understands it and gives feedback.
Feedback is the receiver’s response to the sender’s message. It is the last but
important element in the process of communication. It is the reversal of the
communication process where receiver becomes the sender and the sender becomes
the receiver. It helps the sender to know that the message has been received and
understood by the receiver in a manner it was sent to be understood.
Verbal Communication
Non-Verbal Communication
Oral Communication
Written Communication
The term or word oral means anything related to the mouth. Oral
communication is a form of communication in which the message is
transmitted in spoken form. In oral communication the sender and the receiver
exchange their ideas through speech, either in face to face conversation or
through some mechanical or electrical device.
The forms or the modes of the oral communication are - face to face
communication, meeting, conference, seminar, radio, T. V., lectures,
interviews, telephone etc.
It is useful when the receiver is illiterate.
It is useful when some messages are to be given to a large number of people.
It is more flexible because ideas and counter ideas can be exchanged and
debated ……. upon.
Written Communication
It may create confusion in the mind of the receiver and to clear that
confusion there may be a lot of to and fro exchange of information
which may be time consuming.
Once the message has been dispatched, there is little scope for amendments.
If the written communication is poorly drafted, it may create
misunderstanding and confusion in the mind of the receiver.
Listening skill:
Speaking skill:
The ability to speak clearly and effectively is very significant. Man is a social
animal and he maintains his social relations mainly through spoken language.
He feels more comfortable while expressing his views through speech only. It
is a very important communication skill. But it is very essential for a speaker
to make his message clear, meaningful and easily understandable to the
receiver. Effective speech has become an important asset in this busy modern
world. Much of our time is spent speaking formally and informally. We speak
to express our needs, ideas and thoughts to others. A good speaker matches his
ideas with meaningful, relevant and impressive words.
Reading skill:
vacuum. Somebody who wrote the text had a reason for doing so.
Comprehensive reading leads to enhancement of vocabulary ofthe readers.
iting skill:
Nonverbal Communication
The word nonverbal means communication without the use of words and
language. Non-verbal communication involves neither written nor spoken
language but includes all the forms of communication which occur without the
use of words. It is a process of communicating message through facial
expressions and body language. Non-verbal communication is made through
facial expressions, eye contact, physical gestures, postures and head and body
Kinesics (body language): is the study of body movements to judge inner state
of emotions expressed through different parts of the body. Our body
movements express our feelings in a subconscious way. Our facial
expressions and eyes, postures and physical appearance convey a lot of
Intimate: Physical contact to one and half feet. Physical contact to a
distance of one and a half feet.
Personal: From one and half feet to four feet. From one and a half feel
distance to distance of four feet.
Social: From four feet to twelve feet. From a distance of four feet to a
distance of twelve feet.
Public: From twelve feet to infinity (range of eye sight & hearing).
Chrosemics (Time Language): The subject deals with the way people use time
dimension or time language. This time language is called chrosemics. It
involves the time dimensions when we are communicating with someone.
For, example, delay in reply to a personal or business letter in the office
shows the irresponsibility of the person and completion of the task within a
given time frame shows the sincerity or hard work of the person.
Body language cannot convey the full message but only a part of it.
Some of the gestures vary (different) from one region to another.
Nonverbal communication is more difficult to understand.
In nonverbal communication, sometimes the gestures can be misunderstood.
Formal Communication
Formal communication is the process of exchanging information between two
or more persons by following official rules, procedures, systems, formalities
and chain of command in the form of written communication such as notes,
letters, memos, notices, reports and statements. It usually relates to officially
accepted activities. It travels through the senior most employees to the juniors.
In this communication, every member of the organization has a position or
status. It is not necessary that it is always in a written form. It can be verbal or
through gestures.
It is time consuming.
There is lack of direct and personal relation between the top executives
and the employees.
It is inflexible because there is a chain of command and the procedures
have to be followed.
In such a system of communication, everybody has his own duty, so
everything becomes mechanical.
It may create misunderstanding because the sender is higher authority
and the receiver is lower staff.
Informal communication
changes with the changing situations. Note that informal communication can
occur in the same settings as the formal communication, such as a manager
may tell the employee something about his personal life that is not meant to be
recorded formally. Gossip is a form of informal communication. Some people
refer to informal communication as the ‘grapevine,’.
Questions on Chapter-1
Q.1 State whether following statements are true or false. Furnish true answers, if false.
A message has to be in a written form.
Written communication is a verbal form of communication.
c) Oral communication is more expensive than a ‘WhatsApp’ message
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communication is temporary in nature.
Answer key: (a) It can be in written or spoken form. (b) It can be in verbal
form. (c) It is less expensive. (d) It is a permanent nature.
The subject or form that deals with the way people use time dimension in
communication is known as …………….
Type of communication where official rules, procedures and chain of command are
practiced is called ……………. communication.
Q.7 Discuss the merits and demerits of nonverbal communication as compared to verbal
Chapter - 2
Learning Objectives:
The primary objective of this Unit is to introduce the learners to the basic elements of
English grammar. Each section of the Unit deals with a different grammatical
component, its types and usage in varied situations through appropriate examples. To
check the understanding of each concept, and provide practice to the learner, exercises
have been provided at the end of every section.
Noun is a part of speech that denotes a person, a place, a thing, an idea, a quality or an
emotion. The English word noun is derived from the Latin word “nomen” which
means "name". Every language has words that are nouns. Examples:-
Kinds of Nouns:
Proper Noun
Common Noun
Collective Noun
Material Noun
Abstract Noun
A Proper Noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing; as: Tagore,
Chandigarh, India, the Ramayana, Diwali, Christmas.
A Proper Noun always begins with a capital letter. Adjectives formed from
Proper nouns also begin with Capital letters; as: English, Indian
A Common Noun is the name given to any person, place or thing of the same class or
kind; as: Boy, men, hen, hat, chair, lake, toy, tiger, girl, book.
A Collective Noun denotes several persons or things regarded as one group; as:
Army, team, class, team, committee, family, crowd, jury
Material Noun is the name of the material or substance of which things are made;
as:Milk, silver, gold, wheat, silver, rice
NOTE- Proper, Common, Collective and Material Nouns are Concrete Nouns
because they denote things having material forms. They can be seen, heard,
touched, tasted or smelt. The Abstract Nouns, however, denote things which
cannot be seen, heard, tasted, touched or smelt.
Proper, Collective, Material and Abstract Nouns can also be used as Common
nouns; as:
The Principal ordered all the hockey teams to reach the Gandhi ground.
This cinema is built of stone.(Material)
He threw stones at the police.(Common)
Beauty needs no ornaments. (Abstract)
Meena is a beauty. (Common)
An Abstract Noun is used as a Proper Noun when it is personified. - O
Death !where art thou?
An Abstract Noun whenused as a Proper Noun always begins with a capital letter.
Abstract Nouns may also be used as Collective Nouns to represent a group.
The youth of the country is going astray.
My mother looks a lot like my grandmother.
Throw the ball.
Please close the door.
The Singular
The Plural
A Noun that denotes one person, place or thing is said to be in Singular number e.g.
book, man, knife etc. It is generally denoted by the use of definite state.
Noun that denotes more than one person, place or thing is said to be in the Plural
number e.g. books, men, knives.
The form of noun which shows whether what is spoken of is of male sex, female sex
or no sex is called Gender. There are four genders in English:
Masculine Gender
Feminine Gender
Common Gender
Neuter Gender
Masculine Gender shows that the Noun belongs to the male sex e.g. Son,
father, king, lion.
Feminine Gender shows that the noun belongs to the female sex e.g. Daughter,
mother, queen, aunt etc.
Common Gender shows that the noun is common to both the sexes e.g.
Parent, servant, orphan, child etc.
Neuter Gender shows that the noun is the name of a lifeless object e.g. Room,
chair, tree, table, pen, shop.
Rewrite the following sentences after changing the Nouns in brackets into plural
Pronoun means ‘for a noun’. It is a word used instead of a noun. It is of the same
person, gender and number as the noun for which it is used. The noun to which a
Pronoun refers is called its antecedent.
In these sentences, ‘she’, ‘we’, ‘them’, ‘he’ and ‘they’ are pronouns.
Kinds of Pronouns
Personal Pronouns - I, we, me, us, my, our, you, he, she, it, they, them etc.
Reflexive Pronouns - Myself, ourselves, herself, himself, themselves.
Relative Pronouns - Who, which, whom, what, that.
Interrogative Pronouns - Who, whose, whom, which, what
Indefinite Pronouns - Some, any, anyone, none, everyone, all, few, many, other,
Distributive Pronouns - Each, either, neither, every.
Demonstrative Pronouns -This, that, these, those.
Personal Pronoun
A personal pronoun is pronoun that stands for a person or persons. As there are
three persons, Personal Pronouns are also of three types.
First Person Pronoun stands for the person or persons speaking e.g. I, my, me, we,
our, us, mine, ours.
Second Person Pronoun stands for the person or persons spoken to e.g. You, your,
yours, yourself, yourselves, thou, thy, thine.
Third Person Pronoun stands for the person or persons spoken of e.g. He, she, it, they,
his, her, him, hers, theirs.
This is yourcamera.
My friend was there.
That is our house
In these sentences, your, my and our are called Possessive Adjectives because
they are placed before Nouns and qualify them Line Adjectives.
A Personal Pronoun must be of the same number, gender, and person as the noun
When two Singular nouns joined by 'and 'are preceded by ‘each’ and ‘every’, both,
the Pronoun and the verb should be singular e.g. Every teacher and every student
was in his place.
When two or more singular nouns are joined by or, either....or, neither.....nor, the
Pronoun is Singular e.g.
But when a Plural noun and a Singular Noun are joined by either....or, neither....nor,
the Pronoun is Plural e.g.
A Pronoun that reflects the action of the Subject on the subject itself is called
Reflexive Pronoun.
Reflexive Pronouns are formed by adding - 'self' to Pronouns of the Singular number
(e.g. my, your, him, her, it) and - selves to Personal Pronouns of the Plural number
(our, your, them).
I enjoyed myself.
He has hurt himself.
She burntherself.
I myself heard her shouting (I and no-one else).
We ourselves are to blame (We and no-one else)
He himself has one it (He and no-one else)
In all these cases, the Reflexive Pronouns are used for the sake of emphasis. Hence,
they are called Emphatic Pronouns.
Relative Pronouns
A Relative Pronoun refers to a noun or pronoun, which joins two sentences. The
Noun to which it refers or relates is called its Antecedent;
Here the Pronouns who and which not only stand for the nouns 'boy’ and ‘car’ but
also joins two sentences like a Conjunction such pronouns are called Related Pronoun
because they relate or refer to the Noun preceding them.
A Relative Pronoun must agree with its antecedent in Number, Gender and
Person; as,
It is she who stole my book.
Sometime the antecedent of a Relative Pronoun is omitted; as,
Those, whom the gods love, die young.
Sincere were the prayers, that we said.
Who can be used in the Nominative, and which can be used in both Nominative and
Objective cases.; as,
Use of ’That’
That is used in speaking of persons, animals and lifeless things. It is never used in the
possessive case and is never preceded by a preposition; as,
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s is the camera that my father bought for me.
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hat that I bought this morning has been lost.
After the words- all, some, nothing, none, nothing, only, any, the few, the little etc.
'What' is used for things only never for persons. Its antecedent is seldom expressed.
← 'As’is used as a Relative Pronoun after 'as such' or 'as the same';as,
← 'But' is used as a Relative Pronoun in the sense of 'who not ' 'which not' etc.,
← 'Which' refers to things but it can also be used for persons when it implies
selection; as,
● Which is your pen?
● Which of the boys stole your camera?
● Which out of these has been selected?
← What ' is used for things or occupation, ideas or words etc.; as,
← Indefinite Pronouns
Indefinite Pronouns don't refer to any particular persons or things. They refer
to persons or things in a general way; as, All, none, some, few, others, one,
many, enough, any etc.
← The Indefinite Pronoun 'one' is always followed by one's and never by his
or her; as,
One must do one’s duty.(not his)
← But when the gender is not expressed, the Pronoun of the masculine
gender is used.
← Distributive Pronouns
← Demonstrative Pronoun
A Demonstrative Pronoun is one which points out to object to which it refers;
Reciprocal Pronouns
Each other 'and 'one another 'are called Reciprocal Pronouns as they
denote mutual action.
●'Each other' is used when speaking of two persons or things.
●'One another' is used when more than two persons or things are spoken
Exercise – 1
Exercise – 2
He runs faster than…….
If I were…………I shouldn’t do it.
This is the same pen…… lent me.
The man ……..came here was my uncle.
The two sisters loved………
The boys ….. came late, were punished.
I visited the house ….. you’ve bought.
Each one of them did ……. work
You are not so clever as……..
He is known to my father and…………
Exercise - 3
2.2 Punctuation
Full Stop ( . )
Comma ( , )
Semi-colon ( ; )
Colon ( :)
Marks of Exclamation ( ! )
Apostrophe ( ' )
Hyphen ( - )
Dash (–)
Parentheses ( )
Inverted commas or Quotation marks ( “ ” )
Mark of Interrogation ( ? )
Capital Letters
It marks the longest pause. The main purpose of the period or the full stop is to
show that a sentence has come to an end. It is used at the end of an assertive or
imperative sentence.
Full Stop is also used with abbreviations: M.A., Dr., M.L.A., M.P.
The comma is used for the shortest pause. It is the most important pause of a
The comma is used between three or more words of the same part of speech,while
the last two are connected by 'and'.
Kavita, Reena and Parul are fast friends.
He likes mangoes, apples, pears and bananas
Here is your watch, brother.
Commas are used to separate words and phrases in apposition (addition of one word
or a group of words to another as an explanation)
Mother Teresa, a great social worker, was a kind woman.
LalaLajpatRai, the Lion of Punjab, was a great patriot.
The comma is used when words of the same class or rank go together in pairs.
Inside the class or outside it, at home or in the field, with friends or
relatives, he is always making mischief.
A comma is used to separate the reported speech from the reporting verb in direct
form of narration.
He said to his mother," I shall not have my dinner today."
"Honesty" said the teacher, is the best policy.”
To separate words, phrases, and clauses inserted into the body of a sentence.
She, too, was partly blamed for the delay.
His mother, however, didn't recover from her illness.
Kareena is, after all, a good girl.
The crowd shouted, cheered, waved and laughed at the comedian.
The player gasped, panted and collapsed on the ground.
Note: No comma is required before and/or when words are arranged in pairs
connected y’and’ , ‘or’ etc.
You can send the letter by ordinary post or by registered post or by air
She got angry with you and me, her brother and father.
Use of Semi-colon ( ; )
The colon marks a longer pause than semi-colon. It is used when the pause intended
is less than as indicated by the full stop. The colon is used:-
Between statements grammatically independent but closely connected in sense.
To introduce a speech or statement that does not directly depend upon the verb:
We hold this truth as self-evident: that all men have the right to
To introduce an explanation:
The reason for my delay is this: I didn't get up early today.
To introduce a list or statement that does not directly depend upon the verb:
The four great leaders are: Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and Bose.
The mark of exclamation is used after interjections and after phrases and sentences
expressing sudden emotion or wish; as,
That some letter or letters in a word have been omitted; as. The
Hon'ble Minister, Don't(Do not) can’t (can not).
The Possessive: Monit’s toy, Aksha’s bat
Plurals of numbers and letters: 2a's, 4b's;7's,3's
There are two s's in the word 'ambassador.'
His 7's and 9's look alike.
The Dash is used:
Inverted commas are used to enclose a quotation or the words actually spoken by a
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,” says Keats.
The father asked his son," Why are you so late?"
The question mark is used after a direct and not an indirect question:
What are you doing here?
Have you been photographed?
Tell me why you didn't go.
I wanted to know why she had gone.
It is not used in the indirect speech. - I
asked her why she was late.
For titles of people, names of cities when we refer to them as unique examples
The King of England, The President of India, The Eternal City .
The Pronoun 'I' and the interjections 'Oh' and 'O' are always written with a
capital letter.
Exercise - 1
Exercise – 2
who is stronger than you the lion demanded you replied the tiger
I would rather die he exclaimed than join the enemies
the lady asked do you have any change
but why are you doing this asked Miranda
don't punish me sir said he to his masters wife it was I who had broken crockery
an american working in London university won the Nobel prize a few years ago
alas they cried one of us is certainly drowned
Spenser the great Indian poet lived in the time of queen Elizabeth
the poet Ghalib said in anger all men are liars
what is that Sylvia asked
don't retreat until I order you to do so said the officer to the soldiers
may I borrow your pen sir will return it after the class
let us go for a stroll to the park said he to us
the invigilator said to the students don't start writing till I tell you to do so
quick quick said he lets run away or he will catch us
the traveller said can you tell me the way to the nearest inn
Exercise – 3 :
2.3 Prepositions
Prepositions are used before nouns or pronouns. They show the relation between
noun and the rest of the sentence.
Kinds of Prepositions
Single Prepositions: They comprise only one world e.g. in, for, to, with, by, from, of
Compound Prepositions: They are added with prefix or suffix, e.g. before, behind,
inside, outside, ahead, within, without etc.
Phrase Prepositions: They comprise a group of words e.g. instead of, because of, due
to, according to, in order to, in front of etc.
It is used before names of large cities, states and countries.
My brother lives in Delhi.
My uncle lives in England.
Many festivals are celebrated in Punjab.
It is used for things at rest.
There is water in the jug.
The students are sitting in the class.
It is used before names of months, years and seasons to express period of time.
I go for a walk in the morning.
I passed my diploma in 2010.
It is very cold in January.
In winter we wear woollen clothes.
It is used to show the total length of time taken for the completion of an
My uncle is coming on Sunday.
Our college will start on 25 February.
It is used for a thing in motion.
The cat jumped upon the table.
The boy jumped upon the stage.
Over andunder:
Over expresses a position‘higher than’ or ‘above’. Under indicates the opposite
meaning of ‘over’.
It is used to denote accompaniment.
I am going to Ambala with my parents.
It is used to denote the instrument of action.
I cut the vegetables with a knife.
- I write with a pen.
It is used in passive voice of sentence.
The letter was written by me.
It is used before the name of any vehicle indicating journey.
I go to college by scooter.
-We returned from Delhi by train.
c) By indicates a time not later than.
I shall return by 5 o’clock in evening.
It is used to show purpose/ destination.
These books are for him.
I have come here for attending a meeting.
It is used for a period of time.
We have been studying for two hours.
It is used for a point of time.(usually the time of beginning)
We have been studying since morning.
I have been waiting since 6 O’clock.
It conveys the meaning or location of “on the opposite side”.
My friend lives across the street.
It refers to a position which means at the side of or ‘by’
- She sat beside me.
Exercise - 1
Supply the correct preposition in the following sentences. Put the mark (x) where
no preposition is needed.
Exercise – 2
Exercise –3 :Choose the correct preposition from the ones given in brcketsen:
Conjunction is a word which joins two words, clauses or sentences. Since they are the
liking words, they are also called Likers.
For example:
I can read and write English.
I could not come to school as I was ill yesterday.
He tried but failed.
She missed the train because she was late.
She knows when her father will come.
Co-ordinating conjunctions
Cumulative conjunctions:
These conjunctions add one clause to the other.
He came in and sat with me.
Trust in god and do your best.
You are no less guilty than your friend.
Rohitas well as Sunil went to the market.
Alternative conjunctions:
They denote a choice or alternate between two statements.
Neither Rama nor her friend lives here.
Sit silently or go out.
Either he or his brother will come.
Adversative conjunctions:
They denote contrast between two statements.
He is poor but contented.
You harmed me yet I will help you.
She ran fast nevertheless she missed the bus.
Indian team is not so strongstill, we hope for the best.
Illative conjunction:
These conjunctions show that one statement or fact is inferred from the other.
I was ill, therefore I was absent yesterday.
She did not work hard, so she was failed.
He will stand first, for he works very hard.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Subordinating Conjunctions
These conjunctions join a subordinate clause with the Main clause.
Classes of subordinating conjunctions
a) Conjunctions of Time e.g.
when, while, before, after, until, till, since, as soon as, whenever etc.
Wait here till I come back.
o I will help you when you ask me.
Conjunctions of Additions
and, as well as, also, both, not only ….but also
o My parents and my relatives attended the function.
o He is both a poet and a singer.
o He is not only rich but also clever.
o He as well as his brother worked very hard.
Conjunctions of Condition
If, unless, provided that,whereasetc.
If you work hard you will pass in the exam.
o Unless you work hard you cannot achieve your aim.
o We shall go, whereas you like it or not.
Conjunctions of Contrast
Conjunctions of Comparison
He is as tall as a tree.
He is taller than his brother is.
o Chandigarh is more beautiful than Delhi.
o Many people are not as nice as they seem.
Conjunctions of Manner
as, as if
He behaves as if he is the lord of this house. o
He did not behave as I expected him to do. o
Do as your father tells you.
o Manmohan is an honest leader as far as I know.
Study hard lest you should fail.
Exercise – 3
_____ fast you may walk, you cannot catch the bus.
________he was ill, he attended the function.
Wisdom is better_________rubies.
_______ you tell me the truth, I will save you.
No sooner had he gone to bed _______ a message was brought in.
She is intelligent ________ not proud.
Either this boy ______ that girl has stolen my book.
________ you work hard, you will not pass.
You must study hard ________ you will fail.
Strike______the iron is hot.
Verbs are action words, expressing things that happen. Many verbs give the idea of
action, of doing something. For example words like write, teach, sing, dance and
work convey some action. But some verbs don't give the idea of action. They give
the idea of existence or a state of being. For example verbs like be, appear, exist,
seem, feel and belong convey a state. There can be no sentence without a verb.
Even the shortest sentence contains a verb. We can make a one word sentence with
a verb. A verb has an explicit or implied subject. For example:
I saw a snake. (‘saw’ is verb)
Types of Verbs
Main Verb
Transitive Intransitive can,
Primary/Main may,
Verbs Verbs Auxiliary should,
(with Object) (without (be, have, do) would,
Object) could,
ought to,
Kinds of Verbs:
Transitive Verb
Intransitive Verb
Transitive Verbs are those verbs which transfer the impact of the action
performed by the subject on another noun (person or thing) called Object. In
simple words, a transitive verb requires an Object to complete its meaning; e.g.
In the above mentioned sentences, ‘admire’, ‘hit’, ‘love’ and ‘like’ are Transitive
verbs and take Objects to complete their meaning.
Intransitive Verb is that verb which does not take an object is to complete the
sense as it expresses a complete sense by itself; e.g.
In these sentences ‘sleeping’, ‘song’, ‘walked’ and ‘flying’ are intransitive verbs,
as they do not need any object co complete their sense.
A verb must agree with its subject in number and person; as,
He is kind to me.
We are thankful to him.
Two singular subjects joined by 'and' take a plural verb.
He and his friend are working together.
If two singular subjects joined by 'and' are preceded by 'each' and 'every',
they take a singular verb; as
Each girl was given a prize.
Every minute of the day is useful.
If two singular nouns refer to the same person or thing and the article is used only
once, the verb used is singular;as,
- The poet and dramatist is dead.
Two or more singular subjects connected by 'either......or' or 'neither....nor' or 'not'
take a singular verb; as,
Neither Ram nor Sham is to blame
When the two subjects joined by 'either-or 'or 'neither-nor' are of different numbers,
the plural subject should be placed near the verb and the verbs should be plural;
Either Mohan or his friends have stolen my purse.
Neither you nor your parents were present in the fair.
When a plural noun denotes a quantity or a specific amount considered as a whole,
the verb is singular.
Fifty rupees is not a big sum.
If the two nouns or Pronouns joined by 'either ....or' or 'neither .....nor' represent
different persons, the verb agrees with the subject nearer to it; as,
Either you or Ram is a fool.
Neither you nor I am at fault.
If two subjects express one idea, the verb following them is singular; as,
Slow and steady wins the race.
Bread and butter is a wholesome breakfast.
A collective noun takes a plural or singular verb according to its meaning ;as,
The crowd was running in all directions.
The assembly passes all laws.
B) Auxiliary Verbs
These verbs (sometimes known as Helping Verbs) are combined with the main verb.
They, however, cannot form a complete sentence on their own and require main verb
to denote the action. They generally help to express ideas such as ability, probability,
possibility, obligate on duty etc.
(1)Primary of Main Auxiliary Verbs: These are three in number and help the
main verb to show tense, possession, or negative situations or questions.
They are: be, have, do.
(2)Use of 'Have'
The forms of have are: are: have, has, had, having.
As a main verb, it denotes possession or connections:
I have many books.
He hasn't a house.
As a helping verb
I have finished the work.
- He has done his duty.
They are also helping verbs which support the main verbs. However, unlike the main
verbs, modals do not change their form or tense. Modals or modal auxiliary verbs are
never used alone, but with the main verbs. Main modals include shall, with, would,
should, can, could, may, might, must, ought to, dare, need, used to
Use of Shall Shall is
In the sense of simple future tense when used with the first person.
It shall rain today
In the sense of request/suggestion
It shall rain today
In the sense of request
Shall I take this pencil?
Use of Will
It denotes simple future tense when used with the second and third persons,
He will come today.
You will get good marks.
It expresses willingness/intention/wish
I will not tell a lie. (I don't intend to tell a lie.)
I will come (willingness)
Use of Should
Should is the past of 'Shall'
Should you go to Delhi, see my father.
It is used after the conjunction 'lest' to express
He ran fast lest he should miss the train.
You should not resign. (suggestion)
I should be glad to leave. (condition)
Use of Would
To express determination/willingness/intention
He would study regularly.
I would help you.
To express habit
She would always make excuses
She would sit free for hours.
To express a preference
I would rather die than beg
She would neither leave than be insulted.
To express wish
Would you open the door please?
Would that I were rich?
Use of May
To express possibility;
It may rain.
He my be at home.
To denote permission;
May I come in?
May we go home?
To express wish:
May you live long!
May we all prosper!
He told me that he might join a job.
The teacher said that I might go home.
Use of Must
‘Must’ is used:
To express determination;
I must leave for Delhi today.
I must succeed this time.
To denote inevitability;
Man must die.
Things must perish.
Use of 'Can'
To express ability or capacity;
I can swim very well.
She can eat four eggs.
To express possibility;
He can be in the garden.
India can win the match.
To convey a characteristic feature;
He can be irritable some time.
To dog can be dangerous.
Use of 'Could'
It is used as a past tense of ‘Cam’ i the indirect speech
- He told me that I could pass
- He said that the could win the game
To express advice:
You ought to seek help.
She ought to meet her doctor.
Use of ‘Dare'
It is used in the sense of 'having courage'. 'Dare’ and ‘not dares'
is used with the third person and singular number in the
present indefinite tense, in interrogative and imperative
The dog could be dangerous.
To seek permission
Could I take your car?
Could we play in your garden?
Use of ‘Need'
It is used in the sense of 'require' or 'want' in such cases its form with the third
person, singular number in the present tense is 'needs'.
With the third person, singular number, present tense, Need is used without
‘s’ in negative and interrogative sentences.
Exercise - 1
He beat a hasty retreat on the arrival of a policeman.
You must reap what you have sown.
His voice shook as he spoke.
His path was not strewn with flowers but he persevered.
Exercise - 2
Exercise - 3
2.6 Tenses
The tense of a verb shows the time of an action. There are three tenses.
Present Tense
Past Tense
Future Tense
Each of these 3 tenses have been forms which have been shown in the following table:
Tense Indefinite Continuous Perfect Perfect continuous
I shall write a I shall be writing a I shall have written I shall have been
Future letter. letter. a letter. writing a letter.
Tense You will write a You will be writing You will written a You will have
letter. a letter. letter. written a letter.
He will write a He will be writing a He will have He will have
letter. letter. written a letter written a letter.
Past Tense I didn’t write a I was not writing a I hadn’t written a I had not been
Letter. letter. letter. writing a letter.
Negative You didn’t write a You were not You hadn’t written You had not been
Sentences letter. writing a letter. a letter. writing a letter.
He didn’t write a He was not writing He hadn’t written a He had not been
letter. a letter letter. writing a letter.
Future I shall l not write a I shall not be I shall not have I shall not have
Tense letter. writing a letter. written a letter. been writing a
You will not write You will not be You will not have letter.
Negative a letter writing a letter. written a letter. You will not have
Sentences He will not write a He will not be He will not have been writing a
letter. writing a letter. written a letter. letter.
A detailed account of the usage of each tense and its type is as follows:
Simple Present
Present Continuous
It is used to express an action taking place at the time of speaking.
She is writing a letter.
She is not writing a letter.
Is she writing a letter?
Are they not writing a letter?
Present Perfect
It is used to show an action that started in the past and has just finished.
She has written a letter.
She has not written a letter.
Have they written a letter?
Have they not written a letter?
This tense shows the action which started in the past and is still continuing.
She has been writing a letter.
She has not been writing a letter.
Have they been writing a letter?
Have they not been writing a letter?
Past Indefinite Tense (Simple Past tense). It fefers to an action that was
completed in the past time.
It is used to describe an action completed before a certain moment in the past, usually
a long time ago. If two actions happened in the past, past perfect is used to show the
action that took place earlier.e.g.
The patient had died before the doctor came.
She had written a letter.
She had not written a letter.
Had they written a letter?
Had they not written a letter?
It is used to denote an action that began before a certain point in the past and
continued up to some time in past.e.g.
Future Tense
Time and tide wait for no man. So, a period of time following the moment of
speaking or writing is called as future tense.
Simple Future
This tense tells us about an action which has not occurred yet and will occur in future.
In Future Tense, helping verb ‘shall’ is used with ‘I’ and ‘we’. Helping verb ‘will’ is
used with all others. When you are to make a commitment or warn someone or
emphasize something, use of 'will/shall' is reversed; ‘will’ is used with ‘I’ and ‘we’ or
'shall' is used with others.
Generally speaking there is hardly any difference between 'shall & will' and normally
‘will’ is used with all.
d. Will she not write a letter?
We use the future continuous to talk about something that will be in progress at or
around a time in the future.
We use the future perfect to say that something will be finished by a particular time in
the future.
It is used to talk about actions that will commence at a fixed time in future and will
continue for some time in future.
The future perfect progressive emphasize the duration of an activity that will be in
progress before another time or event in the future.
The future perfect continuous tense progressive emphasizes the duration of an activity
that will be in progress before another time or event in the future.
She will have been writing a letter.
She will not have been writing a letter.
Will she have been writing a letter?
Will she not have been writing a letter?
ExerciseFor Practice– 1
Exercise – 2
Exercise - 3
Exercise – 4
Exercise – 5
Exercise – 6
Exercise – 7
Exercise – 8
Chapter - 3
Learning Objectives:
Develop the reading skills of the students and to encourage them to read extensively.
To “comprehend” means “to understand and grasp”, a comprehension passage is meant to test
one’s ability to understand and retain the contents of a given passage.
A comprehension exercise consists of a passage from which questions are set to test the
student’s ability to understand the content of the given text and to infer information and
meaning from it.
Generally a passage is given, followed by a few questions based on it; the questions
may be based on:
Analytical: The analytical way of writing usually presents the pros and cons of the
issue at hand. It discusses both sides of the issue and the author may, after
analysis, present the final viewpoint in the end. The questions are usually about
the main idea and the author’s viewpoint.
Discursive: A discursive style of writing is where the author discusses various aspects
of certain issues in brief and superficially. Hence, the questions that follow are
simple, basic questions on theme and the facts presented therein.
and easy to understand and usually followed by easy questions on the main
theme or the facts stated in the passage.
If the student has developed an approach of his/her own to answer the comprehension
questions and the approach is effective, should stick to it.
For those of you who feel uneasy with the comprehension passages, here are a few
tips that are helpful for choosing the right answers:
Take a look at the questions given. If you take a look at the questions before reading
the passage, you know what aspects of the passage to concentrate on.
Now read the passage carefully. While reading find out the main point and the
arguments that have been given in its favour.
Examine the attitude of the narrator. This is one of the important questions to test
Attitude of the writer: This is very important because the same sentence may carry a
different meaning if looked at in isolation. However, when used in a context, it
conveys the meaning as per the attitude of the writer, which is the overall
feeling that you get after reading the passage.
What the writer says and what he does not: It is very important to understand what
the writer says and what he does not. This will be possible if you do not hold
unnecessary assumptions.
Title of the passage: The titleis generally based on the central idea of the passage.
Keeping the above points in mind, you may comprehend the passage even in one
reading. But in case of doubts after the first reading and time allows, you
should not hesitate in going for a second reading.
Suffixes: Suffixes are added after a word to make a new word.
Exercise - 1
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in northern Kentucky. At the time of his birth,
Kentucky was part of the western frontier of the U.S. his father was a farmer and at
one point he was relatively wealthy. However, when young Abraham was only seven
years old, his father lost his land. The family moved to Indiana, where his mother died
when he was nine. When he was a young man, Abraham’s family moved to Illinois.
Abraham had little formal education growing up. He loved to read, so he educated
himself. In Illinois he studied law by reading law books. He became a lawyer in 1837
in Springfield, Illinois.
Lincoln’s political career began early and he served in the state legislature and in the
U.S. House of Representatives. He was a gifted speaker. He won national attention for
his speeches against slavery during several debates. This led to his nomination for the
presidency, which he won in 1860.
President Lincoln’s election angered the southern states and seven of them announced
they would leave the U.S. and form their own government. In 1861, South Carolina
troops fired artillery at Fort Sumter, a U.S. military fort. This began the civil war. The
war would be the central feature of Lincoln’s presidency.
Lincoln’s goal through the war was to reunite the North, known as the Union, with the
South, known as the confederacy. As commander-in-chief, he selected the Union
generals to lead the army. He issued the emancipation proclamation in 1863, which
signaled freedom for the slaves.
Lincoln was re-elected in 1864. After four long years, the Union won the Civil war in
April 1865. Lincoln’s goal to reunite the country had come true, but he would not live
to see it. Just six days after the end of the war, on April 15, 1865, President Lincoln
was killed by John Wilkes Booth. He was the first American President to be
assassinated. He is remembered today for his wisdom, compassion and patriotism.
When young Abraham was nine years old, his father lost his land.
He studied law at Illinois.
South Carolina troops fired artillery at Fort Sumter, in 1862.
President Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865.
Lincoln’s goal to reunite the country has not come true.
Write the antonyms of the following words:
iii. Freedom
iv. Birth
v. Young
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
The process was continued for several years, for the deaf child does not learn in a
month or even in two or three years, the numberless idioms and expression used in the
simplest daily intercourse. The little hearing child learn these from constant repetition
and imitation. The conversation he hears from his home stimulates his mind and
suggests topics and calls forth the spontaneous expression of his own thoughts. This
natural exchange of ideas is denied to the deaf child. My teacher realizing this,
determined to supply the kinds of stimulus I lacked. This she did by repeating to me
as far as possible, variations of what she heard, and by showing me how I could take
part in the conversation. But it was a long time before I ventured to take the initiative
and still longer before I could find something appropriate to say at the right time. The
deaf and the blind find it very difficult to acquire the amenities of conversation. How
much more this difficulty must be augmented in the case of those who are both deaf
and blind! They cannot distinguish the tone of the voice or, without assistance, go up
and down the gamut of tones that give significance to words, nor can they watch the
expression on the speaker’s face, and a look is often the very soul of what one says.
What is difficult for the deaf and the blind?
What can the deaf and blind child not distinguish?
Who cannot watch the expression of the speaker’s face?
Write whether the following statements are true or false
Make new words by adding suffixes
Make new words by adding prefixes:
Chapter -4
Learning Objectives: The chapter will enable the student to apply writing skills through
various tools.
The students will be able to write letters, e-mails, reports, memoranda, notices, circulars,
resumes, among other compositions.
Letter is most commonly used medium for written communication. All of us have to
write many letters in the course of our life for a variety of purposes -applying for a
job, inviting people, making enquiries, placing orders, making complaints,
congratulating, etc.
Broadly speaking the letters, we write can be placed in two categories: personal letters
and business letters. Personal letters are written to friends, relatives and acquaintances
and are informal in nature. Business letters, which also include official letters, are
addressed to business firms, government or semi government offices, editors of
newspaper etc. and are formal in nature. All letters, whether personal or business,
follow certain conventions and it is important for us to know and follow them. These
letters are the most common forms of communication within and out of an
THE INTENTED FORM- This perhaps is the oldest form ofa business letter. In it
each line of an item (like the address) starts a little to the right of line above it.
THE FULLY-BLOCKED FORMS- In this form all the lines begin from the left-hand
margin. The address, the salutation, the body of the letter, the closing and the
signatures are all blocked. Even the paragraphs are not indented. The division
between paragraphs is marked by a line of space. Most of the letters in this
section are written in this form.
The Various Parts of a Letter
(The fully-blocked)
THE HEADING- It consists of the writer’s address and the date. The address is
written at the left hand corner of the page and the date is put just below it.
THE SALUTATION- It is the form of address or the greeting for the recipient. It is
written a little below the date and on the left hand side of the page.
THE BODY OF THE LETTER- This is the main part of the letter and should be
written in simple and direct language. It should be divided into paragraphs
unless it is very short. The first paragraph of the letter states the purpose of the
letter or answer the question ‘why’ you are writing the letter. We write a letter
for only one purpose, at a time, even to the same person.
The second paragraph of the letter states the action required, as a result of the
letter, from the recipient. It answers the question ‘what’ you want.
If the letter is being written for the first time to a recipient, it is advisable to
give a brief introduction of yourself in the first paragraph, at the beginning
THE SUBSCRIPTION- This is the leave-taking phrase. It is written below the last
line of the body of the letter near the left hand margin of the page.
THE SIGNATURE- This is written below the subscription or the leave-taking phrase.
Sales letters
Business inquiry letter
Quotation letter
Order letter
Complaint letter
Recovery letter
Bank and Insurance Correspondence
Correspondence with media and government offices
Ref. No.
Sender’s Address
Inside Address
(name, title, company,
Full address
Postal code)
Body of the letter
(One-line space between paragraphs)
Complimentary close
Name of sender
Sender’s designation
Modern Store
Pin code
June 23,2018.
M/S S. Enterprises
Lajpat Nagar(Main market)
New Delhi
Pin Code:
Dear Sir
We want to buy these items in August. So these items should be delivered to us by the
second week of August. Please let us know, whether/if you will be able to arrange the
supply by this time. Please mention the terms and conditions of the deal and any after-
sales facilities offered by you.
Yours sincerely
Write a letter placing order for books
Kapoor Brothers
Stationers and Book Sellers
Pin Code:
January 9, 2018
Dear Sir
We understand that you are on the approved list of book dealers for educational
institutions. Please arrange to send the following books at the above address at the
Please ensure that the books reach in a week’s time and also deduct the due
discount.The damaged or torn-out material will be sent back at your cost. Kindly send
the R/R and the invoice through the State Bank of India.
Yours sincerely
Rohit Kapoor
Reply to the order
13 February 2018
Dear Sir
Thanks for your order no. 423 dated 2 February for books.We confirm the supply at
the maximum possible discount and are arranging to dispatch books by the coming
week.You are our valued customer. Please be assured that the books will reach you in
perfect condition with big discount within 10 days from now. The bill is dispatched
list-wise according to the number of books.
Yours truly
Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner to improve sanitation condition in
your locality.
New Tagore Nagar
Pin Code:
I bring to your kind notice the insanitary condition of our locality. Our locality is very
dirty and the streets are full of pits. Dirty water stands in them and it emits a foul
smell. It is difficult to move there. The streets always stink of foul smell. People
throw rubbish on the streets. The sweeper is generally very careless,and comes once
or twice a month.
We have brought the matter to the notice of the Sanitary Inspector also. But he has
not paid any heed to it. So, I request you to look into the matter personally.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining against rash driving.
34, A Block
New Delhi
Pin Code:
March 16,2017
The Editor
The Indian Express
New Delhi
Pin Code:
I would feel highly obliged if you kindly allow me to draw attention of the authorities
and the people through your esteemed paper, to the hazards of rash driving.
During the last few years or so, the number of motorized vehicles in our city has
increased manifold. The motorcars, buses, scooters, motorcycles ply on the roads at a
great speed. Even in narrow streets, people indulge in rash driving. Perhaps it has
become a fashion these days. Cars, scooters etc pass by one whizzing speedily even at
a turning. They don’t care if somebody is hit. The truck drivers and the youngsters are
the greatest culprits in this respect.
Rash driving is a regular nuisance and is a cause of many fatal accidents daily. Many
youngsters drive their vehicles without proper training. Even children without license
are allowed to drive without any check by police. Many truck drivers ply their
vehicles under the influence of wine. They hit others, as well as risk their own life.
If we want to improve things, rash drivers must be heavily fined, so that life and
safety of people may be sustained. I hope you will give a little space to my views in
your newspaper, so that the authorities may wake up from deep sleep.
Thank you
Yours truly
Write a letter of complaint to the sports dealer about wrong supply of sports material.
Write a letter to the Manager, State Electricity Board complaining about power
Write a letter to the Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, drawing his attention to
lack of civic amenities in your area.
Write a letter to the Editor about increasing incidents of crime in your city.
4.2 Notice
A notice informs the reader of something that is to happen or has happened. A notice
can be issued about a meeting in an office, organisation, or change of address,
commencement of a course etc. Most organisations have notice boards at prominent
places throughout the offices. Most notices are meant to be pinned up or pasted on
these boards. Notices issued by government departments and other big organisations
also appear in various newspapers. Loss of a thing or when a thing is found, opening
and closing of public issues are also notified through press. Caution notice is given
in violation of trade marks. The notices should be simple, brief and clear.
Admission notice
Notice regarding change of name, address, venue timing etc.
Legal notice
Notice issued by educational institutions, organisations etc.
Public notice
Tender notice
Caution notice
Draft a notice of a document folder lost in a train.
Phone: 9874561230
Fig. 4.1
20 June, 2018
Found: A sports kit bag
A sports kit bag was found in the stadium on 19 June, 2018
during the final match. Anyone who has misplaced a red
sports bag may collect it from the undersigned within two
days, that is, by 22 June, 2018. Place: Reception Counter
Contact: Pardeep
Mobile: 9876543210
Fig. 4.2
K.S. Sandhu
Fig. 4.3
M.S. Sandhu
Fig. 4.4
2. Professor (Pathology) 1
3. Associate Professor(Microbiology) 1
4. Associate Professor(Toxicology) 1
5. Assistant Professor(Toxicology 1
Fig. 4.5
Students of various branches are invited to contribute articles, Exercise for Practice
stories, poems, cartoons, etc. for the College Magazine 2018-1. Being the school captain,
write a notice on behalf of the Principal warning
19. These should be original and written in neat hand or the students against bunking
printed2. On behalf of the Manager write a notice to be put on the notice board of the
company informing the employees of the cancellation of the upcoming
These should also carry the name and class of contributing holidays in the wake of the
targets that need to be fulfilled within a month.
students3. Writeand beanoticehandedonbehalfoverof tothethePrincipalundersignedinformingthe. students about the
conduct of an an 'Annual Athletic Meet.'
The last date is 20.06.2018.
4. Write a tender notice for supply of certain goods and for some job work.
5. Write a notice about the general meeting of members of a company.
Anil Kumar
Student Editor
Fig. 4.6
Being the school captain, write a notice on behalf of the Principal warning the
students against bunking classes.
On behalf of the Manager write a notice to be put on the notice board of the company
informing the employees of the cancellation of the upcoming holidays in the
wake of the targets that need to be fulfilled within a month.
Write a notice on behalf of the Principal informing the students about the conduct of
the 'Annual Athletic Meet.'
Write a tender notice for supply of certain goods and for some job work.
4.3 Memorandum
Memos are brief written communications which are circulated within the organisation.
The word 'Memorandum', the plural of which is memoranda, has Latin origin and
means 'a note to assist memory.’ Memos are extremely important for the smooth
functioning of an organisation because they provide a written record and history of a
company’s decisions. Memos are exchanged as a matter of routine by employees in
their official work. They can be written for a number of purposes .Most often they are
used for conveying information. A manager may send a memo to a subordinate to give
instructions about a job, to communicate policy changes, to convey decisions, to make
announcements etc. Memos are also sent to seek explanation for breach of code of
conduct. They can carry a warning too. Memos can be congratulatory for an
outstanding work. Memos handle the flow of communication up, across or down in an
Power Cycles Limited,
Inter-office Memorandum
Date: 22 June, 2018
Let me remind you that the office timings of the company are from 10:00 AM to
6:00 PM. Exceptions resulting in late arrival and early departure must be reported
to the Time Office. Employees not reporting such aberrations and constantly
found irregular in keeping with the office hours, will be asked for a written
Parul Bansal
Example-2: An office memorandum warning an employee against habit of excessively
long lunch hours.
To: SudhakarSrivastva
Clerk, Accounts Division
From: RohitDubey
Manager Personnel
In the last two months, I have informally warned you against your excessively long
lunch hours.Your supervisor has informed me that last week your pattern of lunch
break exceeded two hours.
This memo will serve as a written notice to you that according to company policy
lunch hours are not to exceed one hour
I trust that this final reminder will help you recognise and solve this serious problem.
The company doesn't have any objection to your joining the degree course in law
through evening classes. However, please note that you will not be entitled to any
special leave to prepare for the examinations. Nor should this course interfere with
your working.
S.M. Bhasin
Example-4:Memo asking for an explanation for a job not done properly
To: SomNath
Manager, Quality Control
Some of our customers have complained that the paint boxes, containing white colour
supplied last week, are beyond the expiry date. Let me know today itself why these
boxes were not inspected properly and approved before dispatch.
You remained away from your duties on the date and period mentioned below.
Please note that you have not earned salary and allowances for the said period.
Copies to:
Staff section (North Zone)
Salary section (R.N. Sawhney)
Exercise for Practice
4.4 Circular
Example1: Draft a circular to prepare for audit inspections.
Fig. 4.7
Gauri Shankar
Administration Officer
Fig. 4.8
Circular announcing voluntary resignation
Date: June20,2018
Circular no.CA/5/95
Sincerely yours
Surinder Yadav
General Manager.
Fig. 4.9
A Circular informing the staff that a certain employee has been relieved of his office
Gramin Bank
The bank has relieved Mr. J.S. Kesar of his services as the internal
auditor from June 20,2018. All branch managers are therefore, to
note that no books of accounts will be made available to Mr .Kesar
or his office staff for any audit work.
Deputy General Manager
Fig. 4.10
Report writing is one of the most diverse and complex of all writing tasks. Writing a
report, whether for academic use or business purpose, is a powerful tool of providing
factual information, recorded data, investigations, researches, analysis, etc. to a person
or organization who wants to use that information. A report is defined as an orderly
and systematic presentation of factual information that supports in problem-solving
and decision making process.
A good report serves as an investigating and decision making tool as it clearly
presents the analysis and statistical information of the factors relevant to a particular
matter. This kind of research paper is also used for planning and critical evaluation as
it contains useful analytical information about key resources and other important
aspects to an issue. Below listed are five essentials of a perfect report.
Factual Accuracy
A report writer should be extra careful in quoting facts and statistical data.
Since the information given in the report is research-based whose findings and
analysis are used for making crucial decisions, a writer must gather
information from scholarly and legitimate sources and must proofread the
information at least two times in order to avoid presenting incorrect data.
Another characteristic of a good quality report is relevance. A report writer
must always include those empirical evidences, statistics and facts which are
relevant to the actual subject or objective of the report. Citing info from
irrelevant sources can make the paper weak and its findings unreliable. The
key here is to only look for the relevant pieces of information from scholarly
sources i.e. journals, published reports, books etc. and to give their proper
reference. For an impressive research report, accurate date and relevant facts
are inevitable.
For an academic report, a student must prepare a rough outline of the things
that will be included in the document. Using pointers will help in addressing
all the main points in the report. Also the language of the report should be
simple and clear. Try to avoid long sentences and complicated terms but at the
same time, the language should be formal and academic.
Perfect Format
Your report should follow a standard format which includes abstract,
introduction, research or analysis, results/findings, conclusion and references.
Inspection report on video player
Number: Make:
Date: Model:
Serial no.:
Checked by:
Please mark a tick (√) against the relevant item.
a) Visual inspection: Case: Normal/Stretched/Broken
Heads: Normal/worn out/sticky/ dusty
b) Mechanical Movement: Stopped/obstructed run/intermittent/noisy/smooth
c) Amplifier: Playback: dead/poor/distorted/humming/normal
d) Display: Normal/ distorted/ poor
Your resume is your most important tool when applying for a job. It doesn't matter
how qualified you are, or how much experience you have - if your resume is poorly
presented or badly written, you're going to have trouble getting the job you want - or
even an interview.
Taking the time to work on your resume is really important. The information on this
page offers some tips and advice on how to make your resume the best it can be.
The purpose of a resume
Your resume is a marketing tool. It needs to demonstrate:
Theresume is only one page long, as it is customized according to the job profile. If
one is making a general document stating all the aspects of one’s profile then a CV is
a better choice.
Generally it's always good to present the information on your resume in this order:
Contact details
List of key skills
Educational qualifications
Employment history/volunteering/work placements
Personal information
Not everything in this list must appear on your resume every time, and the order can
change from application to application. The most important thing is to get the most
useful information across first. For example, if your education history is not
specifically related to the job, put it toward the end of your resume, behind the
information that is related to the job.
You need to edit your resume to every job application so that it responds to the
specific requirements of the job you're applying for.
You might not need to change much, but you do need to make sure your opening
statement, your key skills and your personal attributes all respond to the needs of the
role, based on the job ad (if there was one) and the research you've done into the job.
You should also tailor your resume to show how your work experience specifically
meets the needs of the job you're applying for.
How to prepare your resume
Using your opening statement to link your experience and education to the
organisation and the requirements of the job
Listing your most relevant key skills first
Including examples of achievements that meet the advertised requirements of the job
Including specifically relevant key words and phrases throughout your resume.
There are a number of things that every resume should have on it.
Contact details
Make sure you include your name, email address and a contact phone number on your
resume’’. You don't have to include your home address, although there might be some
situations when doing so would be a good idea.
Include your contact details in the header of your resume.
The objective in a resume is only one to two sentences long. It can even consist of
half a sentence/statement. It can be written in the first person (I/me/my) as opposed to
the rest of the ‘resume’, which is written in the third person only. The
‘declaration/undertaking’ is also written in the first person.
Your ‘resume’ should include a list of between 5 to 7 skills that link your experience
to the job you're applying for.
If the job you're applying for was advertised, either the ad or the position description
may provide a list of skills and experiences that are essential for doing the job. It may
also provide a list of "desirable" skills and experience. Your list of key skills and
strengths needs to respond to all of the items on the "essential" list and as many items
as possible on the "desirable" list.
When putting together this list, think of things you've done or learned to do as part of:
Educational history
Your educational history only needs to show your highest level of education. You
donot need to include your results, unless showing them proves how well you're
suited to the job.
If you can, you should also include a few bullet points listing your academic
achievements (e.g., school or class captaincies, awards you've won, or groups you've
been part of).
Employment history
When providing your employment history, start with the your most recent job and go
backwards from there. Give the position title and the dates you worked there.
If you haven't had a job before, you can use other things to demonstrate your
experience, including:
Personal Information
This section includes ‘interests’ (not hobbies/part-time activities), languages
known, and the date of birth (if required).
A testimonial is another good way to prove that your skill and experience is what the
employer is looking for.
Getting a testimonial can be as easy as asking a colleague, teacher or previous
employer to write a couple of sentences about you.
You can include any testimonials you get as part of your educational history or your
employment/volunteering/work placement history. The cover letter/e-mail can list all
the documents submitted as part of one’s profile.
Usually it is enough to include one or two testimonials in your profile. Any more than
two is probably too many.
A lot of recruitment agencies use software that scans applications for key words and
phrases. Applications that don't use the right keywords tend to be automatically
Key words and phrases that this software looks for can include the names of:
To make sure your resume has the right key words and phrases, check out the job ad
and make a list of the words and phrases it uses. If you don't have a written job ad to
refer to, you can use a job search engine to find other ads for similar jobs and see
what kind of keywords those ads use.
Once you have a list to work from, start adding those words and phrases to your
resume. Good places to add keywords include:
Here are a few things not to include on your resume. Note that there may be
circumstances when including some of the following information shows that you're a
good fit for the job. If that's the case, including that information would be a good idea.
Private information
You don't have to provide any personal or private information on your resume.
There's no benefit to be gained from providing information that could be used to
generalise about you as a potential employee.
Your resume doesn't have to include:
Factual errors
Submitting a ‘resume’ or cover letter with spelling mistakes will guarantee you don't
get an interview. You should spell check your resume before you send it, but you
should also get someone else to read it as well and check for mistakes you might have
Double-check everything that you include in your ‘resume’. If you mention the
company's name, make sure you get it right. If you mention the name of places you've
worked before, make sure you get that right. Mistakes on resumes are worse than
Don't include images or photos on your ‘resume’. Not only are images disliked by
recruiters and HR professionals, they can also create problems with recruitment
Fancy formatting
Stick to easy-to-read fonts and formats. This makes it easier for recruiters to review
your ‘resume’. It also means any recruitment software that reviews your resume can
easily read the information. Good fonts to use include:
Times New Roman
Don't use large headings to break up the sections of your ‘resume’. Use a 10- or 11-
point font for your main content and a 12- or 14-point maximum for heading.
Information in tables
Some ‘resume‘ templates present information in tables to help with layout, but some
recruitment software is unable to read tables. Your ‘resume’ should only be formatted
using line breaks and simple formatting (like setting multiple columns across the
Some recruitment software can't read pdfs. Unless a job ad specifically says to provide
your resume as a .pdf, you should always only submit your ‘resume’ in word format
(.doc or .docx).
Reviewing your resume
Having someone else review your ‘resume’ is extremely important. Make sure you
use someone who will actually tell you if they think something isn’t right. People you
could ask include:
Former employers
Career guidance counsellors
Your parents or guardians
Email: Email stands for electronic mail. It is the most preferred means of
communication because it is cheaper and faster. E-Mail can be categorized into two
Formal email: The email which is sent to an office for some official purpose.
Informal email: The email which is sent to relative or friend for some personal
Format of an e-mail.
Matter in detail
Courteous leave taking and closing
Name, designation and contact details of sender.
The format of an e-mail must be strictly followed in a formal e-mail. Just like a formal
letter, we use formal language in a formal e-mail also. Use of abbreviations, short
forms, slang language should be avoided in a formal e-mail. On the other hand, in an
informal e-mail, we can miss out on salutation, leave taking and designation and
contact details of the sender because we are writing the mail to an acquaintance.
Guidelines to write an E-mail:
One should have the email address from where the email is to be sent.
The email address of the receiver must be written correctly, if there is any
mistake of even a single character then the email will not be received at the
receiver’s end.
The sender then writes the subject of the email, it should be compact and to the
If the copy of the email is to be sent to another person, his/her email address
should be entered in CC option available.
Write salutation to the receiver.
Write the content of the email in logical, compact and correct manner. Avoid
any type of mistakes.
Write complementary close at the end.
If some other file is to be attached with the email, write it as attachment after the
content of the email.
Do read the composed email before sending to check for mistakes or
The writer should have an email address of his/ her own, so that he/ she is
capable enough to have first-hand knowledge of the process.
Sample email
Fig. 4.12
4.8 Paragraph Writing
Paragraph Composition
A paragraph is a piece of creative composition and displays the writing ability of the
writer. The basic composition of a paragraph can be elucidated as below:
The introduction consists of 4-5 sentences. It states ‘what’ is being talked about and
‘why.’ The reasons for writing can be interest, information, or entertainment to be
gained from the paragraph. One may choose to include a quote in the introduction, but
it is not necessary.
Main Body
This is the main part of the paragraph. The writer describes in this portion the salient
aspects of the topic, advantages or disadvantages (if any), and her/his views on the
topic. Illustrations in form of data examples from history or contemporary world, and
references can be included there. It consists of approximately 15-20 sentences in all.
The composition is would up, in this part of the paragraph no new point is added; also
no repetition should be done. The writer ends the composition by rephrasing the
introduction. The conclusion is always shorter than the introduction, comprising of 2-
3 sentences.
Child Labour
Child labour is a serious problem in developing countries. We often see young boys
and girls working in tea stalls, roadside restaurants, meat shops, grocery shops, small
industries and private households. Anyone below the age of fourteen is considered to
be a child labourer. The wages given to these children are much less compared to the
wages of adult labourers. These children are also made to work for longer hours.
Employing little boys and girls, enables the employer not only to save money, but also
to avoid labour unrest and other work related demands. Laws in most countries forbid
the practice of employing child labourers. But, as the number of poor people in our
country is very large, the exploitation of the children through the practice of child
labour continues. Children are made to work at a tender age when it is time for them
to go to school and enjoy their childhood. The abolition of child labour will only be
possible if the economic conditions of the poor families improve and the employment
of adults from these families is ensured.
Environmental Pollution
Importance of Technical Education
Value of Games
Value of Discipline in Life
Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones
Relevance of Computers
Information Technology
Science—a Boon or Curse
Annual Function
A Football Match
Picture composition is the art of writing by observing the various scenes in the given
pictures. This activity inculcates imaginative and creative abilities among the students.
It improves their writing skills.
Write down the main points and ideas related to the given topic.
Arrange the ideas in a logical manner.
Start the paragraph directly.
Keep to the given word limit.
Avoid repetition of ideas in paragraph.
Fig. 4.13
Fig. 4.14
Fig. 4.15
Fig. 4.16
Multiple Choice Questions/True-False Questions
10 October, 2018
October 10 , 2018
10 October 2018 or October 10, 2018
Chapter – 5
Learning Objectives:
The objective of practical is to understand language and its practical usage in everyday
life. It will help the learner in recognizing the two inevitable parts of oral
communication; listening and speaking. These practicals will support in self-
introduction, debate, extempore, formal and informal responses, greetings, making
complaints and, giving and receiving information. Each section is followed by
practice exercises.
Listening Exercises
When the students listen to the audio message, the teacher should not interrupt in the
middle, rather, should note down the points, which have to be explained later.
Thereafter, the teacher should ask a few questions if the students have grasped the
message as a whole, or it was just a superficial or pretended listening. The teacher
should then explain the main points and keywords. He/she should also instruct the
students not to focus on the grammar or the vocabulary of the message, but to cater
for the meaning of the message.
The various exercises in the practical section are an attempt to enable the students
improve their listening ability.
There are lots of situations in our daily life when we need to introduce ourselves to
others. When people join together for a meeting or conference on a single platform in
formal situations in organization,the conversation always begins with self-
In informal situations also, we introduce ourselves to strangers. The way we introduce
ourselves reflects our personality and ability.
Introducing others
On the way to market, with your father you come across your teacher. Introduce each
other. You are on the way to market, with your father and you come across
your teacher. Introduce them to each other.
Your cousin from Delhi has come to your house. As a matter of chance, your friend
comes to meet you. Introduce them to each other.
Debate is a process which involves formal discussion on a particular topic. In a debate
opposing arguments are put forward to argue opposing viewpoints. A debate is a
public discourse. It is formal, direct, oral contest or competition between two or more
people on a given topic. It is a rule governed and disciplined contest conducted within
a set framework. A debate may comprise single participants or teams of participants.
Debates are conducted in a structured setting giving chance to each participant to
present his views.
Debates provide experiences which are helpful for acquiring cognitive and
presentation skills. Debates add to their knowledge. It teaches them the skills of
learning, organizing and presenting information in a competitive set-up.
Situational Conversations
This topic provides us practice to offer and respond to offers. When we offer
something to someone, we should be polite in tone. To respond to offer, people may
accept or refuse help. There are some ways to offer help and to respond tothem. Such
as---May I help you ? Are you looking for something? Thank you.
Your uncle comes to your house, but your parents are not present. How will you offer
your uncle tea etc?
I am fine uncle. My parents have gone to market for some work and they will
come back in half an hour. Take a seat please.
Uncle: How are your studies going on?
Oh It’s fine uncle! Would you like to have a cup of tea?
Uncle: No, thanks.
Is there any message for my parents? I will tell them when they come back home.
Uncle: Yes, dear. Tell your father that I have completed the task which he gave me.
Ok, uncle.
Your best friend is in some problem. Offer him help.
In this, we request people to complete our needs with the use of descriptive language
with good expressions to get the positive response to our requests. When we request
others to do something for us, the use of right tone and right words is very important.
Some common expressions used in this, are - Will you drop me off on your way
You are going to office in the morning and your scooter or car does not start. Request
your neighbour to help you.
When you start you class test, you find that you have left your kit at home, request
your friend to help you.
Your book of English has been lost in the school and your teacher has given you some
project work, borrow a book from your friend for a day.
Your cousin has got admission in a good engineering college. Congratulate him.
Your friend had bought a new farm house to expand his business. Congratulate him
on his success.
In our day to day life, we express sympathies and condolences. In doing so, it
is important to maintain the right tone and intonation. These situations call for
sincerity and genuine feelings and in the absence of these, words become mere
cliches. Here are a few samples to practice with your partner.
Suman: I heard that your son has had a bad accident. I'm sorry about it, but don't get
disheartened. Everything is going to be all right.
Tarun: You know it's quite hard for me. He's in the middle of his examinations and the
doctor has advised him rest for a couple of weeks.
Suman:Let's hope everything will be all right. I'm sure he will cope and get well soon.
Tarun: Thanks.
Ankit: Hi Alok! I heard that your cousin's house has been looted. Poor guy!
Alok: Yeah, Ankit. They had gone out for a wedding to a nearby town. By the time
they returned, the house was ransacked. Luckily, they didn't hurt my old aunt.
Ankit: That's a blessing. Anyway my sympathies are with them. Let's hope the police
nabs the culprits soon.
Ankit: We all are keeping our fingers crossed.
Alok has lost his grandmother. His friend, Amit comes to offer his condolences
Amit: I'm really sorry about your grandmother. I understand how shattered you
must be feeling at this moment.
Alok: I still can't believe she is gone for ever. I'll always miss her badly.
Amit: I know, Alok. Your grandmother was a special person. Everyone who met
her really admired her. It's a great loss indeed. However, we must be grateful
for the fact that she went peacefully without suffering much.
Alok: Thank you, Amit. I don't know how I would have coped without your support.
Your friend has met with an accident because of which he/she won't be able to appear
in the final examination. Express your sympathies and comfort him/her.
Your friend has badly burnt his hand. Express your sympathies.
Alok does not make it to the Zonal Basketball Competitions in spite of his hard
work. His coach consoles him and expresses sympathies.
Your younger brother has failed in the examination. Express your sympathies with
Your neighbour's house has caught fire due to short-circuit. Express your
sympathies at the loss of goods and damage occured.
Apologising, Forgiving
Alok: Hi Amit! I'm terribly sorry! I forgot to wish you on your birthday. I'm
really sorry.
Amit: It's all right, Alok. No need to feel so bad about it. These things do happen.
Amit: I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean to hurt you.
Sonu: Let's forget it, shall we?
Amit : That's nice of you to say so. I promise I won't repeat it.
Sonu: Fine, let's put it at the back.
Mrs Kapoor: I'm sorry we couldn't make it to the party. Alok had his UPSC
exam yesterday.
Mrs.Ankit: That's all right.Hope he has done well. However, we did miss you
a lot.
Mrs Kapoor: He says, he has.
Mrs Sharma: Good. Let's hope for the best.
Exercise for Practice
f) Complaining
Vijay: Good Evening,Mr. Sam. I'm sorry to trouble you, but there is a small
problem that I would like to mention to you.
Sam: What is it Mr.Chatterji?
Vijay: There seems to be a leak in your bathroom pipe and the water seeps
through the roof of our house downstairs. I was wondering if you could
have the pipe repaired, please.
Sam: Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I'll have the pipe repaired immediately.
Vijay: That's very kind of you, Mr.Sharma. Thank you.
Sam: I'm glad you brought the problem to my notice. Thank you.
Rajesh: Hello, this is Rajesh Gupta. I had paid the telephone bill last month before
the due date. In spite of that the connection has been cut off. May I know
Baldev: Please give me the details of the bill, the date on which you paid the
bill etc. I will definitely look into the matter.
Your bank has deducted your EMI twice in a month. Make a complaint to the
The food you ordered is cold and stale. Complain about it.
You have been overcharged for a service. Make a complaint.
g) Warning
It is natural to warn others about possible dangers and dangerous situations. The
following samples are given for practice.
Father: Let me look at your marks closely before I sign your progress report.
Ankit: Yes, father.
Father: You have scored only 55% in English and Science. Work hard
otherwise you'll not be able to score a good percentage.
Ankit: I promise to work hard.
Alok: The staircase is pretty low here. Make sure you won't hurt yourself.
Balu: Thanks for warning. I would have hit the roof otherwise.
Your friend has recently started smoking. Warn him/her about consequences.
You see a child playing with a matchbox. How will you warn him /her ?
Your younger brother is always busy on his mobile. Warn him against the excessive
use of mobile.
As a librarian, warn the students against making noise in the library.
Being a good neighbour warn the son of your neighbour, who has fallen in bad
Rohan: Hello Rohit! I had borrowed Neetu's notebook the other day. Do
you know where she lives? I have to return the book at the earliest
and I have misplaced her address.
Rohit: I'm sorry. I have no idea.
Rohan: Oh, that's sad. Anyway, it's all right.
Rohan: Good Morning, Mrs. Rao. I heard that you are going to Hyderabad. Is
everything all right?
Mrs Rao: Good morning,Rohan. Everything is fine. We are attending my
nephew's wedding.
Rohan: That's nice. Since you are going to Hyderabad, can you do me a
Mrs Rao: Sure, go ahead.
Rohan: Would it be possible for you to find out when the Central
University is conducting its exam for Ph.D.?
Mrs Rao: Shouldn't be a problem. Will do that. Anything else?
Rohan: Thank you.
Mrs Rao: That's fine.
Rohit: Hello! Is that railway enquiry? I'm calling to find out if the Shatabadi
Express is running on time? What time will it reach New Delhi? Enquiry Office: It
is on time. It will reach Delhi at 10am. Rohit: Thank you.
Your friends are planning a tour to Jaipur. Call up the Tourist Information
Office at Jaipur and find out all the necessary information.
You are visiting Hyderabad for the first time and want to find a good place to stay
in for a few days. How will you get this information from the tourist
information officer in Hyderabad?
You have come to the Supermarket. Gather information about iron boxes and
washing machines.
You want to inquire about the local bus service. How will you do that?
A stranger approaches you and wants to know about the sites worth visiting in
Chandigarh. How will you respond?
In communication, while seeking permission, one should be polite, and use phrases
and words that show politeness and humbleness.
Monit: Excuse me. I have lost my pen. May I use your pen?
Akshat: Oh yes, by all means.
Monit: It’s very nice of you. Thanks for the help.
Rohit: My mobile phone is not working. It’s battery is dead and I have to make an
urgent call. Would you please allow me to use your phone?
Ajay: Sure, no problem. Feel at ease and use it.
Rohit: Thank you very much and it’s so nice of you.
By all means.
Of course.
In communication, while asking and giving opinions, one should be polite, and use
such phrases and words that show politeness.
To express likes and dislikes, one must be careful to use the phrases and sentences.
The phrases and sentences should be such which are polite and do not offend anyone
or show disrespect.
Mudit: Sanchit, and what do you not like here?
Sanchit: There is nothing much that I dislike, but I am a little bit not satisfied
with the quality of food in the hostel.
I like...
I enjoy...
I relish...
I do not like...
I do not enjoy...
I do not appreciate...
I do not relish...
Not satisfied
An Extempore speech is a speech that is made on a given topic without any prior
preparation. Generally, the time for this type of speech is 1-5 minutes.
Group Discussion
The participants should have a complete knowledge of the topic on which they have
to speak.
They should present their ideas in a logical manner.
They should put forward their ideas in a confident and convincing manner.
Clarity of thoughts is must.
One should not be too soft or too loud.
Pronunciation, tone, pitch should be accurate.
Slangs should be avoided.
Newspaper Reading
Reading skill helps in enhancing our knowledge. It helps in increasing word power
and development of thoughts. Reading newspaper in the classroom provides the
students not only information, but inculcates interest for the current scenario. It is the
best way for developing speaking as well as reading skills.
Mock interview
A Mock interview is when you set up an environment and scenario that resembles a
typical interview. It is the best way for preparing for an actual interview as you
prepare yourself with the right body language, the professional etiquette and practise
answering the tricky questions.
Middle section: questions regarding aptitude and subject knowledge, job experience
and future plans, etc.
Summing up: The interviewer sums up the final impression of the candidate on the
basis of answers given by the candidate.
You have to appear for the interview for an HR Executive.Conduct a mock interview
for the same.
You did something wrong, you wish to apologize. You would say:
How are you?
May I help you?
I am really sorry.
I want to meet you.
We wish to make a complaint. You will say:
Good Night.
Greetings to you all.
I wish to bring a problem to your notice.
I am sorry to hear that.
You wish to seek permission to use someone’s pen. You would say:
Give your pen to me.
I wish to take your pen.
Excuse me, may I use your pen?
By all means, give your pen to me.
Descriptive Questions