Nuclear energy involves controlled nuclear fission reactions to heat water and produce steam to generate electricity. Nuclear power currently provides about 6% of the world's energy and 14% of its electricity. Common nuclear fuels like uranium-235 and plutonium-239 are used in nuclear reactors, where control rods made of neutron-absorbing materials like boron regulate the reaction. Both ordinary and heavy water can be used as coolants, and condensers are used to condense steam back into liquid. Advantages include low carbon emissions, but disadvantages include the unsolved problem of radioactive waste and the finite supply of uranium fuel.
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Nuclear energy involves controlled nuclear fission reactions to heat water and produce steam to generate electricity. Nuclear power currently provides about 6% of the world's energy and 14% of its electricity. Common nuclear fuels like uranium-235 and plutonium-239 are used in nuclear reactors, where control rods made of neutron-absorbing materials like boron regulate the reaction. Both ordinary and heavy water can be used as coolants, and condensers are used to condense steam back into liquid. Advantages include low carbon emissions, but disadvantages include the unsolved problem of radioactive waste and the finite supply of uranium fuel.
Nuclear energy involves controlled nuclear fission reactions to heat water and produce steam to generate electricity. Nuclear power currently provides about 6% of the world's energy and 14% of its electricity. Common nuclear fuels like uranium-235 and plutonium-239 are used in nuclear reactors, where control rods made of neutron-absorbing materials like boron regulate the reaction. Both ordinary and heavy water can be used as coolants, and condensers are used to condense steam back into liquid. Advantages include low carbon emissions, but disadvantages include the unsolved problem of radioactive waste and the finite supply of uranium fuel.
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Nuclear energy involves controlled nuclear fission reactions to heat water and produce steam to generate electricity. Nuclear power currently provides about 6% of the world's energy and 14% of its electricity. Common nuclear fuels like uranium-235 and plutonium-239 are used in nuclear reactors, where control rods made of neutron-absorbing materials like boron regulate the reaction. Both ordinary and heavy water can be used as coolants, and condensers are used to condense steam back into liquid. Advantages include low carbon emissions, but disadvantages include the unsolved problem of radioactive waste and the finite supply of uranium fuel.
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Nuclear Energy
c Nuclear Power
c Nuclear power ¬ produced by controlled (¬e non-explo ¬e)
nuclear react¬on Commerc¬al and ut¬l¬ty plant currently u e nuclear f¬ ¬on react¬on to heat water to produce team wh¬ch ¬ then u ed to generate electr¬c¬ty
c Nuclear power pro¬de about 6% of the world' energy and 13²
14% of the world' electr¬c¬ty1] w¬th the U France and Japan together account¬ng for about 50% of nuclear generated electr¬c¬ty] Al o more than 150 naal e el u ¬ng nuclear propul ¬on hae been bu¬lt Nuclear Fuel
c Nuclear fuel is any material
that can be consumed to derive nuclear energy. The most common type of nuclear fuel is fissile elements that can be made to undergo nuclear fission chain reactions in a nuclear reactor c The most common nuclear fuels are 235U and 239Pu. NUCLEAR REACTOR Control Rod
c Control rod made of a mater¬al that
ab orb neutrton are ¬n erted ¬nto the bundle u ¬ng a mechan¬ m that can r¬ e or lower the control rod
c The control rod e ent¬ally conta¬n
neutron ab orber l¬e boron cadm¬um or ¬nd¬um Coolant
c E¬ther ord¬nary water or heay water ¬ u ed a the
c eavy water ¬ water conta¬n¬ng a h¬gher-than-normal
proport¬on of the hydrogen ¬ otope deuter¬um CONDENSER
c Conden er ¬ a de¬ce or un¬t wh¬ch ¬ u ed to conden e
apor ¬nto l¬u¬d
c The object¬e of the conden er are to reduce the turb¬ne
exhau t pre ure to ¬ncrea e the eff¬c¬ency and to recoer h¬gh yual¬ty feed water ¬n the form of conden ate & feed bac ¬t to the team generator w¬thout any further treatment ADVANTAGES
c Nuclear power generat¬on doe em¬t relat¬ely low amount
of carbon d¬ox¬de (CO) The em¬ ¬on of green hou e ga e and therefore the contr¬but¬on of nuclear power plant to global warm¬ng ¬ therefore relat¬ely l¬ttle c Th¬ technology ¬ read¬ly aa¬lable ¬t doe not hae to be deeloped f¬r t c t ¬ po ¬ble to generate a h¬gh amount of electr¬cal energy ¬n one ¬ngle plant DISADVANTAGES
c The problem of rad¬oact¬e wa te ¬ t¬ll an un oled one
c H¬gh r¬ t ¬ techn¬cally ¬mpo ¬ble to bu¬ld a plant w¬th 100% ecur¬ty
c The energy ource for nuclear energy ¬ Uran¬um Uran¬um
¬ a carce re ource ¬t upply ¬ e t¬mated to la t only for the next 30 to 60 year depend¬ng on the actual demand c Nuclear power plant a well a nuclear wa te could be preferred target for terror¬ t attac
c ur¬ng the operat¬on of nuclear power plant rad¬oact¬e
wa te ¬ produced wh¬ch ¬n turn can be u ed for the product¬on of nuclear weapon Than You
Plunkett's Renewable, Alt. & Hydro. Energy Industry Almanac 2012 - Renewable, Alternative & Hydrogen Energy Industry Market Research, Statistics, Trends & Leading Companies (PDFDrive)