Lesson 3: Forms of Communication: Ralph Naranjo Windy Bernales Dexter Concepcion Kia Beso
Lesson 3: Forms of Communication: Ralph Naranjo Windy Bernales Dexter Concepcion Kia Beso
Lesson 3: Forms of Communication: Ralph Naranjo Windy Bernales Dexter Concepcion Kia Beso
• Verbal Communication
• Non-verbal
• Written Communication
Verbal Communication
• The sharing of information, ideas, thoughts, and feelings between
individuals using speech or spoken communication is a verbal
Types of Conversation
• According to Angel (2016), there are four types of conversations based on
direction (one-way or two-way) and tone (competitive or cooperative). If
you are in a two-way conversation, participants are both listening and
talking. In a competitive conversation, people are more concerned about
their own perspective, whereas in a cooperative conversation, participants
are interested in the perspective of everyone involved.
Types of Conversation
• Dialogue is a cooperative, two-way
conversation. The goal is for
participants to exchange information
and build relationships with one
6.) Space
-how far or close we are to the
person we are talking with may
convey different meanings. Also
called as proxemics
7.) Appearance
- Refers to one’s grooming or
fashion style, neatness, and use
of cosmetics, which may
communicate one’s personality
8.) Symbols 9.) Aesthetic Communication
- Includes religious, status, or - Includes creative expression
ego building symbols. like dancing, painting, and the
like which may say something
about one’s talent or artistry
• It uses written language
a. Pen and paper (letters and documents)
b. Electronic documents
c. E-mail
d. SMS
e. Memos
f. Written reports
• It is indispensable in formal business
communication and legal documents.
• Its effectiveness depends mainly on writing
style, grammar, vocabulary, and clarity.
• It is asynchronous.
• It can also be collaborative in the
sense that multiple people can
contribute to the content of one
document before that document to be
sent to the intended reader.
HOWEVER, there m
ay also be some
communication. F DISADVANTAGES in
o r i t m ay n o t pr using written
in verbal commun o v ide immediate fe
ication. It also ed b ac k u nl ik e
a written commun t akes a longer ti
ication compared me to c o mp os e
actually struggl t o speech, and so
ing in writing b me people
ecause of their
w r iti n g sk i l ls.
important factor in
written communicatio
to achieve clarity,
we have to adhere to
principles of adapta the
tion, that is, we ha
our message to the r ve to fit
th e f o l l o w i ng
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LESIKAR (2 e ct i n g w or ds
e s ti on s i n s el
sugg c i p l es of
p ri n
observing the
We should strive to use common words because they are
easier to understand. We should write to express our
thoughts, and it will be more comprehensible if we use
high frequency words.
“Small men use big words; Big men use small words.”
n c e p r o du ces
v o i ce s e n te
Active e r w r i ti n g . I t
r , l i v el i
stronge c t i o n a n d
L E: s iz e s t he a
P em p ha
a v e s w o r d s .
I VE : ect ed usually s v e r , t he
PA S S i n s p
ne r a l , ho w e
w e re I n g e
e book r.
o i c e s e n t e nce
active v
T h i to
u d
t he a s b e t t er .
b y
communicat e
V E: cte d
ACTI in s pe
a u d it o
b o o ks
th e
When a verb is camoufla
ged, the
verb describing the act
ion in a
sentence is changed int
o a noun.
It is often referred
It is a process in which a to as
CMC. CMC is “ the u
person, group of people, or an se of
an application compu
organization sends a message ter to
control multimedia
through television, radio, print interactive and mess
media, and social media to a age-
based communication.”
large group of anonymous and (Walters, 1995)
heterogeneous people and
LESSON 3: 4:
Kia Beso
“The more you see, the more you know”
-Aldous Huxley
Visual Communication
-makes use of any image that communicates an idea
Cave paintings
-40,000 years ago cave paintings were used as
primitive form
of communication that were drawn on cave
walls and cave ceillings.
-around 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, images carved on rocks were believed to
have deep cultural and religious significance to the societies that created them.
Cuneiform tablet
-a combination of
ideographic elements used by ancient
Egyptian hieroglyphs
• Major Perspectives in Analyzing Visual Images
1.Personal Perspective
-image analysis depends on the individual’s thoughts and values.
2.Historical Perspective
-determination of a work’s importance based on the medium’s timeline.
3.Technical Perspective
-different media convey messages differently based on the platform
4.Ethical Perspective
-considers the moral and ethical responsibilities shared by the artist or the producer
of the image the subject and the viewer.
5.Cultural Perspective
-brings the idea that all cultures use symbols to communicate meaning within
6.Critical perspective
-allows the audience to look at the bigger issues associated with the