Sustainability in Buildings-2 (Material Usage) : Hüseyin KARADADAŞ
Sustainability in Buildings-2 (Material Usage) : Hüseyin KARADADAŞ
Sustainability in Buildings-2 (Material Usage) : Hüseyin KARADADAŞ
Green building - also known
as sustainable or high
performance building - is the
practice of:
Increasing the efficiency with
which buildings and their sites
use and harvest energy, water,
and materials.
Protecting and restoring human health and the
environment, throughout the building life-cycle:
siting, design, construction, operation,
maintenance, renovation and deconstruction.
Green Building Concept
The `Green Building' concept is
gaining importance in various
countries. These are buildings that
ensure that waste is minimized at
every stage during the
construction and operation of the
building, resulting in low costs,
according to experts in the
The techniques associated with the `Green Building'
include measures to prevent erosion of soil, rainwater
harvesting, preparation of landscapes to reduce heat,
reduction in usage of potable water, recycling of waste
water and use of world class energy efficient practices.
What makes a building "green"?
A green building is a
structure that is
environmentally responsible
and resource-efficient
throughout its life-cycle.
These objectives expand and
complement the classical
building design concerns of
economy, utility, durability,
and comfort.
Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall
impact of the built environment on human health and
the natural environment by:
Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources
Protecting occupant health and improving employee
Reducing waste, pollution and environment
How Homes Become Green
Benefits Of Green Building
Buildings have an
enormous impact on
the environment,
human health, and the
economy. The
successful adoption of
green building strategies
can maximize both the
economic and
performance of
Environmental benefits
1) Insulation
Foamed Walls and Ceiling Insulation
Foam Around Windows Not Fiberglass
Seal All Penetrations
2) Heating Systems
Geo Thermal Heat Loop System
How Water Preheated By Geo Thermal
Wirsbo Under Floor Heat
Whole House Air Exchanger (HRV)
DC Motor Furnace with Gas Backup
Sealed Duct Work
Breathe Clean UV Light Filter
Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner
3) Construction & Framing
Engineered Floor and Roof Truss
LVL And Microlam Headers
Finger Jointed Studs
Advantech Flooring
Three Corner Studs
Raised Heel Studs
Glue Bottom Plates
Andersen Low E Argon Glass Windows
Special Window Flashing and Tape System
4) Electrical
Fluorescent Recess Lights and Bulbs
Panasonic QT110 Bath Fans with Timers
CO-2 Detector
Solar Collector to Cover 25% of Electric
Off Peak Electric Water Heating
5) Plumbing
Water Saver Shower Heads
Dual Flush Toilet
Continuous Pump Loop On Hot
6) Interior Finish
Natural or Recycled Carpet and Pad
Brazilian Cherry Floors
Low Toxicity Solvent Free Ceramic
7) Finish Millwork
Sustainable Lyptus Mill Work and Cabinetry
Wheat Board in Cabinet Backings
Energy Star Appliances
8) Miscellaneous
Low VOC Paints
Regulated Construction Debris Disposal
Recycled All Sheetrock and Lumber Debris
Sealed Gas Fireplace
Recycled Aggregate
Recycled aggregate is produced by crushing
concrete, and sometimes asphalt, to reclaim the
aggregate. Recycled aggregate can be used for
many purposes. The primary market is road base.
Benefits of Recycled Aggregate
Save money
Create additional business opportunities
Save energy