Chapter 3 Set 11111
Chapter 3 Set 11111
Chapter 3 Set 11111
Web Security
[December 2018]
The web presents us with some security issues that may not be present in other networks, state
FOUR (4) security issues presented when using the web: 4
Two-way systems
Multiple types of communication
Importance to business
Complex software
Multiple connections to a server
Untrained users
Transmission over a public network
[December 2018]
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) provides security at the IP layer for other TCP/IP protocols and
applications to use. There are four steps for an IPSec connection. State the FOUR (4) steps.
Agree a set of security protocols
Decide on an encryption algorithm
Exchange the keys
Use the agreed protocols, algorithm and keys to encode data and send it across the
Internet Protocal Security (IPSec) has TWO (2) core protocols. State them both, giving their full name
and acronym. 2
IPSec has TWO (2) core protocols. State them both, giving their full name and acronym. 2
State the second core IPSec protocol including the full name and acronym and state TWO (2) ways
in which it differs from AH. 3
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
AH ensures integrity but not privacy
Datagram can be further protected using ESP
Encrypts the payload of the IP datagram
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) provides security for other TCP/IP protocols and applications to use.
One IPSec Core Protocol is the IPSec Authentication Header (AH). State THREE (3) actions the AH
provides. 3
[September 2017]
PSec also has another core protocol Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP). State TWO (2) security
services it provides. IP SSL PGP TLSall security protocol
Confidentiality 3 chat phay py
2) Produce a diagram to demonstrate how TCP/IP fits with other common Internet protocols in a
protocol stack. Your table should be illustrated by showing named protocols. 6
3) Produce a diagram to demonstrate how Transport Level Security (TLS) fits with other common
Internet protocols in a protocol stack. Your table should be illustrated by showing named
protocols. 6
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Transport layer security (TLS)
Simple mail transport protocol (SMTP)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
4) TLS is typically implemented as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). What is a SSL Connection? 2
// [June 2017]
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) provides security at the Internet Protocol (IP) layer for other TCP/IP
protocols and applications to use. There are four steps for an IPSec connection. State what the FOUR
(4) steps are. 4
[December 2016]
1) TLS is a security protocol developed from SSL. Explain what is meant by the acronym TLS and
briefly explain the primary purpose of TLS/SSL. 2
2) List THREE (3) security services provided by TLS. For each security service, explain how it
works. 6
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3) In April 2014, the ‘Heartbleed’ security bug was disclosed. It was a vulnerability in the
implementation of TLS in the OpenSSL Library. It was believed to leave around half a million
secure Internet web servers open to attack.
One of your friends says that this information proves that the ‘Web is broken and TLS must be
Do you agree with this assessment? Explain your answer. 2
September 2016
You are the IT manager of an insurance company that provides laptop computers to its sales
employees. You are concerned about the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information on the
2) Provide ONE (1) example of how availability of information could be compromised on a laptop
and explain ONE (1) method of how you would reduce the risk of it happening. 3
3) Provide ONE (1) example of how integrity of information could be compromised on a laptop and
explain ONE (1) method of how you would reduce the risk of it happening. 2
June 2016
Your friend wishes to set up an E-commerce site for her business and she is worried about security. In
particular, she is worried that:
Customers might not trust her website – a cyber-criminal may have set up a ‘spoof site’
Customers’ credit card details could be stolen by intercepting traffic on the Internet.
She has been told that TLS is a possible solution but does not understand what it means.
Topic 3 Page 4
2) Explain how TLS helps customers trust that her website is authentic. 4
TLS employs a Digital Certificate on the E-commerce Server which is bound to her
The browser checks validity of the Certificate and indicates validity by a green
padlock/ URL / https
3) Explain how TLS helps ensure credit card details transmitted to the E-commerce server cannot
be easily stolen. You should discuss the TLS handshake. 5
Data is encrypted
TLS Handshake
Browser requests certificate with Public Key
Browser generates Symmetric ( session) Key
And, then encrypts with public key, sending to Server
Server decrypts with Private key
And, then uses Symmetric (session) Key for all subsequent data exchange.
December 2015
1) TLS is widely used security protocol. Explain how it provides Confidentiality, Integrity and
Authentication. 3
Confidentiality: Through Encryption of data (Asymmetric & Symmetric)
Integrity: Message authentication code (MAC) is used for data integrity.
Authentication: Through Signatures and Certificates
2) Explain how the handshake mechanism ensures a symmetric key is securely distributed to both
a browser and a web server. 6
Browser requests certificate from Server.
Browser generates session (symmetric key) and encrypts with Server public key, )
and sends to server.
Server decrypts session key with its private key and the session is established, the
symmetric session key is used for subsequent data encryption.
3) Draw a diagram to show where TLS fits in relation to the TCP/IP model 1
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