Taxaton - Econ
Taxaton - Econ
Taxaton - Econ
Public Finance
Public Revenue
Objectives of taxation
Classification of taxation
Canons of taxation
Individual Income tax rate
Exemptions and Deductions from tax
What is Public Finance?
Public finance is the branch of knowledge which is concerned with
the income and expenditure of public authorities and with the
adjustment of one to another.’ It deals with the study of revenue and
expenditure of the government at the centre, state and local bodies.
Direct Indirect
Tax Tax
Direct Taxes
• Corporation Tax
• Income Tax
• Wealth Tax
• Gift Tax
• Property Tax
Indirect Taxes
An indirect tax is that tax which is initially paid by
one individual, but the burden of which is passed
over to some other individual who ultimately bears
it. It is levied on the expenditure of a person.
Excise Duty
Sales Tax
Custom Duties
Value Added Tax(VAT)
On the basis of degree of progression of tax,
it may be classified into:
Proportional tax
Progressive tax
Regressive tax
Degressive tax
Proportional Taxation
A tax is called proportional when the rate of taxation remains
constant as the income of the tax payer increases. In this system all
incomes are taxed at a single uniform rate, irrespective of whether
tax payer’s income is high or low. The tax liability increases in
absolute terms, but the proportion of income taxed remains the
Progressive Taxation
When the rate of taxation increases as the tax payer’s income
increases, it is called a progressive tax. In this system, the rate of tax
goes on increasing with every increase in income.
Regressive Taxation
A regressive tax is one in which the rate of taxation decreases as
the tax payer’s income increases. Lower income is taxed at a
higher rate, whereas higher income is taxed at a lower rate.
However absolute tax liability may increase.
Degressive Taxation
A tax is called degressive when the rate of progression in taxation
does not increase in the same proportion as the increase in
income. In this case, the rate of tax increases upto a certain limit,
after that a uniform rate is charged. Thus degressive tax is a
combination of progressive and proportional taxation. This type of
taxation is often used in case of income tax. This is the case of
income tax in India as well.
Canons of Taxation
Canon of Certainty
According to this canon, the tax which each individual is required
to pay should be certain and not arbitrary. The time of payment, the
manner of payment and the amount to be paid should be clear to
every tax payer. The application of this principle is beneficial both
to the government as well as to the tax payer.
Canon of Convenience
Canon of Economy
Every tax has a cost of collection. The canon of economy implies
that the cost of tax collection should be minimum.
Income exempt from Tax
Dividends paid by companies and mutual funds
Insurance proceeds from an Insurance company
Maturity proceeds of a Public provident fund (PPF