Front Office Management By: Dr. Dino Leonandri, MM, CHA
Front Office Management By: Dr. Dino Leonandri, MM, CHA
Front Office Management By: Dr. Dino Leonandri, MM, CHA
by :
Dr. Dino Leonandri, MM, CHA
Hotel Categories
• With the evolution of hotels and its proliferation around the world it is
impossible to categories them under one term. It classify them as
given under:
a. Location
b. Number of Rooms
c. Ownership
d. Pricing Plan
e. Type of Clientele
f. Length of Guest Stay
g. Facilities Offered
Hotel Categories
1. Location
Hotels are classified by their location as follows:
a. Downtown
b. Suburban
c. Resort
d. Airport
e. Motel
f. Camps
Hotel Categories
2. Number of Rooms
Hotels may be classified by the number of rooms they have:
a. 25 and less small
b. 26–100 medium
c. 101–300 large
d. 300–1,000 very large
e. Above 1,000 mega
Hotel Categories
3. Ownership
There are different types of organisations based on their ownership:
• Sole Proprietor
• Partnerships
• Public Limited Companies (PLC)
• Private Limited Companies
Hotel Categories
4. Pricing Plans
Pricing Plans are another way to classify hotels. The various pricing
plans as shown below are discussed in
• European Plan Room charges only
• American Plan Room + all meals
• Modified American Room + Breakfast Plan +
Lunch or Dinner
• Continental Plan Room + Continental Breakfast
• Bed and Breakfast Room + English Breakfast
Organisation of the Front Office
The Front Office is a prime revenue generating department of a hotel as it sells rooms. In
large hotels, it is part of a larger division called ‘Accommodations Division’ or ‘Rooms
Division’ headed by a Director. Currently, the job function at the F.O Staff has undergone
changes where the Front Desk Associate does the telephone operator, reservation (only
for walk-in guests) and cashiering.
Role of the Front Office
The Front Office as the name suggests is the fi rst and last point of contact in
a hotel for a guest. Its unique role is to:
1. Book hotel rooms through systematic methods of reservation.
2. Sell guest rooms as their revenues contribute to as much as fi fty per cent
or more to a hotel’s profi t. In many cases, such as motels and airport hotels,
rooms are the main source of revenue.
3. Control guest room keys.
4. Register guests into the hotel and assign rooms to them.
5. Provide 24 X 7 information to guests.
6. Have a proactive role in creating the image of the property.
7. Provide communication and coordination between departments.
8. Maintain guest accounts and settle bills at the end of their stay.
9. Contribute high profit margins as the cost of room sales is relatively low as
the only variable costs are the consumable guest supplies and amenities.
The principle role of reservations is to:
example :
1. Poltekpar Plb/DIK 6A/Hospitality Business
2. STPT/Class A/Revenue Management
3. Poltek Intl Jkt/AJ/Hotel Management