Driver Drowsiness Detection System
Driver Drowsiness Detection System
Driver Drowsiness Detection System
2) We used Python 3.8 to code and the following dependencies were used: OpenCV, TensorFlow, Keras, Pygame. What the
python script does is that it first identifies the face in the camera’s frame and makes a box enclosing it called the Region of
Interest (ROI) which is also expanded or contracted to 24x24 pixels as the database comprises of images of same dimensions.
The script then identifies the eyes from the ROI and crops them out and stores them in 2 variables namely “leye” and “reye”.
3) These two images are then compared with the database in real-time to determine whether the driver is sleepy or not. If
the algorithm determines that the eyes have remained close for more than a certain assigned time value, it starts beeping
the alarm until the algorithm senses that the eyes are open again.
Database of 7000 images
1. Rasberry Pi 4 01 Rs 5,000
2. USB Camera 01 Rs 1,500 Cost and
3. USB Speaker 01 Rs 1,500 Feasibility
4. Case 01 Rs 200
Total: Rs 8,200
1. Quite Feasible for the
2. Doesn’t obstruct the
middle class population
driver’s view in any way.
(Rs. 8,200/- only).