DVD ROM, Combo Drives and Other Storage Devices
DVD ROM, Combo Drives and Other Storage Devices
DVD ROM, Combo Drives and Other Storage Devices
Chapter 9
Explain the data arrangement in a DVD
List the types of constructional formats of DVDs
List the types of DVDs
Explain the working of the DVD drive
Explain the parts of the DVD drive
Identify the speed listings of DVD drives
Install the DVD drive
Configure the DVD drive
Identify combo drives
Troubleshoot the DVD drive
Explain the other storage devices
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Data Arrangement in DVD
Data is arranged in a spiral manner
Data is recorded outwards from the center
Each data track is made of millions of data pits
Basic composition of the DVD is made of:
• Polycarbonate plastic
• Thin reflective layer
• Lacquer
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Constructional Formats of DVD
DVD can hold data on single or both the sides
Single-sided single-layered DVD is also known as DVD-5
and has capacity of 4.7 GB
Single-sided dual-layered DVD is also known as DVD-9
and has capacity of 8.5 GB
Double-sided single-layered DVD is also known as DVD-
10 and has capacity of 9.4 GB
Double-sided dual-layered DVD has a capacity of 17 GB
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Types of DVD - I
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Types of DVD - II
DVD-ROM - Stores films, computer software in capacity
ranging from 4.7 GB to 17 GB
DVD-Video - Stores movies and requires DVD drives with
MPEG-2 decoder
DVD-Audio - Stores high-quality music and can also store
video content and slide shows
DVD-R and DVD+R - Can be written only once
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Types of DVD - III
DVD-RW and DVD+RW - Known as phase-change disks
DVD-RAM - Can be accessed in the same manner as a
hard drive or floppy disk
DVD-VR and DVD+VR - Used for the creation of movies
that can be edited
HD-DVD – Known as Advanced Optical Disc
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Working of the DVD Drive
Tracking system of the DVD player consists of tracking
motor and spindle motor
DVD drive reads the data from DVDs with the help of a
laser assembly
Laser beam reads the data on the DVD
Laser beam focuses on the reflecting layer of the DVD
Laser is reflected off the reflective layer onto a
photosensitive receptor
Photosensitive receptor studies the reflected signal for
changes in reflection
The data is then sent to the intended device directly or
through a DAC
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Difference between DVD and CD
In DVD the pit length is 2.25 times smaller
The track pitch is reduced by 2.16 times
DVD has slightly larger data area on the disc
In DVD the error correction code is 1.32 times more
efficient compared to CD
In DVD the sector overhead is less by 1.06 times
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DVD drives and specifications
DVD drive speed – DVDs rotates counterclockwise and
are recorded at a constant data rate called Constant Linear
Velocity (CLV)
Interface – Physical connection of the drive to the PC’s
expansion bus
Loading mechanism – Tray, caddy and slot are three
distinctly different mechanisms for loading a disc into a
DVD drive
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DVD ROM Drives
Read-only drives, cannot
write or record
information on a DVD
Speed of the DVD ROM
drive is indicated by a
number followed by an x
DVD-ROM drives can
have two to three speeds
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Structure of the DVD ROM Drive
Front panel of the DVD ROM
drive has a tray that accepts
the DVD
Back panel of the DVD player
has different ports for the
connecting the DVD drive to Front Panel
the computer
Back panel also includes
jumper settings
Jumper connections
configures the DVD drive as
either master or slave Back Panel
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Combo Drives
Combines the functionality of DVD and CD drives
Combo drive is a CD writer drive that can read and write
DVDs and CDs
Allows playing DVDs and CDs
Enables writing data on CD-R and CD-RW disks
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Other Storage Devices
Tape drive – Reads the data and write it to a tape. Tape
drives have large capacity to store data
Pen drive – Called as thumb drives due to their small sizes.
Storage size ranges from megabytes to gigabytes
ZIP drive – Proprietary product manufactured by Iomega.
Hold 1GB or 2 GB of data and are inexpensive and durable
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Manage the DVD drive properly in order to avoid problems
Troubleshooting the DVD drive is very important, as a faulty
drive can damage the DVD
Problem that may occur are:
• DVD is not playing
• No power in an external DVD drive
• No power in an internal DVD drive
• Tray of the internal DVD drive is not opening
• DVD drive is running slowly
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Summary – I
Digital Versatile Disk stores data digitally
DVD can store more data than seven CDs
DVD is made up of layers of polycarbonate plastic that are
covered by reflective layers of aluminum and gold
DVD is about 1.2 millimeters in thickness
Single-sided single-layered, Single-sided double-layered,
Double-sided single-layered, and Double-sided double-
layered are four construction formats for DVD
DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD-Audio, DVD-R and DVD+R,
DVD+VR are the types of DVD
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Summary – II
Motor, Laser, Lens, And Tracking Mechanism are the
different parts of DVD-ROM drive
IDE cable connects the DVD drive to the motherboard of the
Tracking system of the DVD player consists of the tracking
motor and the spindle motor
There is a photo sensitive receptor in the DVD drive that
accepts the reflected laser and studies the changes in
reflection patterns to interpret it as data
DVD drives and burners have speed listings that indicate the
speed of the drive as compared to the DVD standards
Proper installation and configuration of the DVD drive is
very important for the proper working of the DVD drive
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Summary – III
Combo drive can play DVDs and record on CDs
Tape drives have large capacities to store data
Pen drives are also called as thumb drives due to their
small sizes
Zip disks can hold 1GB or 2 GB of data and are relatively
inexpensive, durable compared to floppy disc
Troubleshooting the DVD drive can eliminate most of the
problems of the DVD drive
DVD drive can experience problems due to power supply
failures, computer problems
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