19EE5803 UNIT-4 Path Planning: Prepared by S.Chithra
19EE5803 UNIT-4 Path Planning: Prepared by S.Chithra
19EE5803 UNIT-4 Path Planning: Prepared by S.Chithra
Path Planning
Path planning is a robotics field on its own.
Its solution gives a feasible collision-free path for going from one
place to another.
Path planning is an important primitive for autonomous mobile
robots that lets robots find the shortest or otherwise optimal path
between two points .
Path planning requires a map of the environment and the robot to be
aware of its location with respect the map
Goals of Path Planning
The goals of the path planning are
Introduce suitable map representation
Explain basic path-planning algorithms
Introduce variation of the path planning problem, such as
coverage path planning
Map representation have two complementary approaches:
discrete and continuous approximations.
In a discrete approximation, a map is sub-divided into chunks of equal
(e.g., a grid or hexagonal map) or differing sizes (e.g., rooms in a
building). The latter maps are also known as topological maps. Discrete
maps lend themselves well to a graph representation. Here, every
chunk of the map corresponds to a vertex (also known as “node”),
which are connected by edges, if a robot can navigate from one vertex
to the other.
For example a road-map is a topological map, with intersections as
vertices and roads as edges. Computationally, a graph might be stored
as an adjacency or incidence list/matrix.
A continuous approximation requires the definition of inner (obstacles)
and outer boundaries, typically in the form of a polygon, whereas paths
can be encoded as sequences of real numbers. Discrete maps are the
dominant representation in robotics.
The problem to find a “shortest” path from one vertex to
another through a connected graph is of interest in multiple
domains, most prominently in the internet, where it is used to
find an optimal route for a data packet.
The term “shortest” refers here to the minimum cumulative
edge cost, which could be physical distance (in a robotic
application), delay (in a networking application) or any other
metric that is important for a specific application.
Path and trajectory planning means the way that a robot is moved
from one location to another in a controlled manner.
It is desired to have the first joint of a six-axis robot go from initial angle of 30o to a final angle
of 75o in 5 seconds. Using a third-order polynomial, calculate the joint angle at 1, 2 3, and 4
(0) c1 0
Fifth-Order Polynomial Trajectory Planning