M. Kabir Hassan, Rasem N. Kayed Umar A. Oseni: Introduction To Islamic Banking and Finance: Principles and Practice
M. Kabir Hassan, Rasem N. Kayed Umar A. Oseni: Introduction To Islamic Banking and Finance: Principles and Practice
M. Kabir Hassan, Rasem N. Kayed Umar A. Oseni: Introduction To Islamic Banking and Finance: Principles and Practice
Chapter 6
- Gambling
- Alcohol
- Pork
- Uncensored media/leisure
- Pornography
- Other activities that are explicitly prohibited under the
Learning Objective 6.1
Understand the unique
Review and Fundamentals of nature and fundamentals
of Islamic asset and fund
Islamic Investing management
– Be socially responsible
Non-Interest-bearing Products
• Islam places special emphasis on ethical investing
• Islam prohibits all forms of interest, whether fixed or
floating, simple or compound
• “Nominal” or “excessive” interest amounts are prohibited
and they are treated alike under the prohibition rule
• Fund managers must ensure that clients’ investments are
free from all forms of interest-bearing products and
investments are Sharī'ah-compliant
• Financial returns must bear two inseparable features of
Islamic investing, i.e. profits and loss
Learning Objective 6.1
Understand the unique
Review and Fundamentals of Islamic nature and fundamentals
of Islamic asset and fund
Avoiding Speculative Investments
• Speculative investment may involve both uncertainty
(gharar) and gambling (maysir)
• Islam prohibits:
- Investment activities involving excessive risk,
speculation or uncertainty
- Uncertainty and contingency in contracts such as short
selling and derivatives
- Conventional insurance and derivatives
• Fund managers must respect the wishes of their clients by
investing only in Sharī'ah-compliant products
Learning Objective 6.1
Understand the unique
Review and Fundamentals of Islamic nature and fundamentals
of Islamic asset and fund
Social Responsibility
The Sharī'ah
requires fund managers as well as their clients to discharge
.their social responsibility from their investment activities
• MSCI Barra
Learning Objective 6.2
Identify the criteria for the
Contractual Terms and Certification selection of Islamic stocks
for investing and review
by Sharī'ah Experts the Islamic funds’
Figure 6.1:
Example of a
Stock Market
Learning Objective 6.2
Identify the criteria for the
Contractual Terms and Certification selection of Islamic stocks
for investing and review
by Sharī'ah Experts the Islamic funds’
The Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes are the most visible -
and widely-used set of Shari´ah-compliant benchmarks
Financial Screen
The firms under investment should be operating according to
Islamic financial norms. i, e., free of any prohibited financial
practice including:
- riba (interest)
- maysir (gambling and pure games of chance)
- gharar (speculations and excessive risk)
- any other prohibited element in commercial
Learning Objective 6.2
Identify the criteria for the
Contractual Terms and Certification selection of Islamic stocks
for investing and review
by Sharī'ah Experts the Islamic funds’
- Corporate bonds
- Treasury
bonds and bills
- Certificates of deposit (CDs)
Preferred stocks
- Warrants
- Some derivatives (such as options)
Learning Objective 6.2
Identify the criteria for the
Contractual Terms and Certification selection of Islamic stocks
for investing and review
by Sharī'ah Experts the Islamic funds’
Insert Figure
6.4: The Five
Steps in the
Structure of
Islamic Debt
Learning Objective 6.3
Examine the structure,
Structure Islamic Investments marketing and distribution
of Islamic funds.
Commodity Funds
• Commodity funds involve murabahah operations or bai
bithaman ajil (BBA): the fund manager uses the subscribed
pool of funds to purchase different commodities for reselling
at a profit (based on a deferred payment arrangement)
• The amount of profit from the resale constitutes the main
income of the fund
• Profit is distributed among the subscribers based on their
pro rata subscription to the fund
Learning Objective 6.3
Examine the structure,
Structure Islamic Investments marketing and distribution
of Islamic funds.
Ijarah Fund
• The ijarah fund is
- Created through the pool of surplus financial resources
- Managed by a fund manager
- Used to purchase a leasable asset for establishing
a lease agreement with a third party (the ultimate user)
• The rentals that are charged from the lessee constitute the
income for the fund
a mudarabah contract
The two main parties are:
a) The investors (rabb al-mal) assume the role of silent
partners in the trust partnership
b) The fund manager (mudarib) as the entrepreneur
performs the managerial functions
Structure Islamic Investments
Learning Objective 6.3
Examine the structure,
Funds marketing and distribution
of Islamic funds.
Alternative Investments
- Seed-stage financing
- Early-stage financing
- Formative-stage financing
- Later-stage financing
- Expansion-stage financing
- Balanced-stage financing
Learning Objective 6.3
Examine the structure,
Structure Islamic Investments marketing and distribution
of Islamic funds.
The Islamic venture capital fund draws its funds from a wide
range of investors including:
• Sharī'ah-compliant institutions such as:
- Islamic banks and financial institutions
- Takaful companies
- Individual investors who prefer the Islamic finance
• Mudarabah contract
Learning Objective 6.3
Examine the structure,
Structure Islamic Investments marketing and distribution
of Islamic funds.
2. Mortgage REITs:
Extends credit facilities to real estate owners and operators
3. Hybrid REITs:
A combination of the above two categories where the REIT
acquires and develops properties and at the same time
lends money to real estate owners and operators
Learning Objective 6.3
Examine the structure,
Structure Islamic Investments marketing and distribution
of Islamic funds.
Fund of Funds
• Instead of creating its own portfolio, fund of funds applies a
passive investment strategy where the investing fund
invests in another fund with a different investment objective
to diversify its exposure
• Joint Venture
• Strategic Alliances
• Franchising
• Outsourcing
Learning Objective 6.3
Examine the structure,
Structure Islamic Investments marketing and distribution
of Islamic funds.
Joint Ventures
Islamic investment funds may enter into joint venture
agreements with other Islamic banks or conventional banks
- get higher market exposure and increase the investor
network at a lower cost
• The Islamic fund should make sure that the buying financial
institution complies with the requirements of the Sharī'ah
Disclosure Issues
- Other investment
Learning Objective 6.5
Learn the meaning and importance
Risk Management for Islamic of risk management issues in
Islamic funds, including risk-reward
Investment Funds profile, with specific analysis of the
risk-reward profile of the major
Islamic finance products