How Do People Get Trichomoniasis?: Vaginalis
How Do People Get Trichomoniasis?: Vaginalis
How Do People Get Trichomoniasis?: Vaginalis
• Trichomoniasis is caused
by the single-celled
parasite, Trichomonas
• Symptoms of trichomoniasis
typically occur after an
incubation period of 4-28
• In women, T vaginalis is
isolated from the vagina,
cervix, urethra, bladder.
• The protozoan is passed to an individual by contact within the body fluids of an infected sexual
partner. It often occurs simultaneously with other sexually transmitted diseases,
especially gonorrhea.
• In women, the symptoms of trichomoniasis include an unpleasant vaginal odor, and a heavy, frothy,
yellow discharge from the vagina. The genital area (vulva) is often very itchy, and there is
frequently pain with urination or with sexual intercourse. The labia (lips) of the vagina, the vagina
itself, and the cervix (the narrowed, lowest segment of the uterus which extends into the upper part
of the vagina) will be bright red and irritated.
• In men, there are usually no symptoms at all. Occasionally, a man will notice a small amount of
yellowish discharge from his penis, usually first thing in the morning. There may be some mild
discomfort while urinating.
• T. vaginalis is a pear-shaped organism
that propels itself with four whip-like
flagella that protrude from its front end.
A fifth flagellum, attached to an
undulating membrane, extends
– Trichomoniasis is a curable disease; however, if left untreated, it may affect the carrier in some
unusual ways. In the case of women, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can
affect a woman's child-bearing ability and cause pregnant women to give birth prematurely. The
baby born is likely to weigh less than five pounds in women who contain this parasite. There is
also an increased chance of HIV infection if they have unprotected sex with someone who is HIV-
– Also, trichomoniasis has been associated with herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2) acquisition and it has been
associated with a two-fold increased risk of cervical neoplasia.
– In men, Trichomoniasis can be the cause of urine canal, as well as prostate gland infections---an
unusual infection area regarding men and STDs. The symptoms may stay indefinitely, and carriers
can pass it to their partners.
*In both women and men, trichomoniasis is a risk factor for HIV and contributes
to infertility.