Thoracic Wall.
Thoracic Wall.
Thoracic Wall.
It is the region of the body between the neck and the abdomen.
It is bounded by 12 pairs of ribs, vertebrae and sternum. It
contains trachea, two lungs, heart and great vessels, esophagus
and lymph
nodes. There are two openings of the thorax, the superior thoracic
opening which is also called thoracic inlet and inferior thoracic
opening. Head and neck and upper limbs are attached with the
thoracic cavity through thoracic inlet. Inferior thoracic opening
opens into the abdominal cavity.
Structure of the Thoracic wall
It is covered by skin and muscles. These are attached to
the skeletal part of the thoracic wall.
The thoracic wall is formed posteriorly by the thoracic part
of the vertebral column, anteriorly by the sternum and
costal cartilages, laterally by the ribs and intercostal spaces,
superiorly by the suprapleural membrane and inferiorly by
the diaphragm.
Muscles of the chest wall
Intercostal muscles (External, internal and innermost)
Pectoralis major muscles
Pectoralis minor muscles
Serratus anterior
Rectus abdominis
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transversus thoracis
Transversus abdominus
Latissimus dorsi
Levatores Costarum (12 pairs)
Serratus Posterior Superior Muscle
Serratus Posterior Inferior Muscle
Bones of the thoracic wall
(1) Sternum
(2) Ribs (12 pairs)
(3) Vertebrae (thoracic)
It is a flat bone which lies in the midline of anterior chest
Manubrium sterni, It Lies opposite T3,T4.
Body, It lies opposite to T5 to T8.
Xiphoid process, T9.
The manubrium has the facet for the first costal cartilages
and a facet for the clavicle. The facet for second costal
cartilage occur at the sternal angle. The remaining costal
cartilages fuses at sternal body.
It is a long, flattened and twisted bone makes a cage like
structure around the thoracic cavity.
There are 12 pairs of ribs all of which are attached
posteriorly to the thoracic vertebrae and anteriorly to the
sternum through costal cartilages.
Ribs are divided into three categories,
True ribs: Upper 7 pairs, attached directly to sternum
through their costal cartilages.
False ribs: 8th, 9th and 10th pairs, attached to each other and
then to sternum.
Floating ribs: the 11th and 12th pair has no anterior
On the basis of structure the ribs are of two types,