Lockheed C-130 Hercules: by Michael Henry 2-11-00
Lockheed C-130 Hercules: by Michael Henry 2-11-00
Lockheed C-130 Hercules: by Michael Henry 2-11-00
By Michael Henry
C-130 Development
Development of the C-130 was a direct result of the Korean War, it was at this time that the U.S.
realized that they did not have a military transport capable of short take off and landing. The project was awarded
to Lockheed Martin, and began as the YC-130. When the design was complete its appearance was nothing
spectacular, in fact it was viewed by many as a step backwards in aircraft design. At this time aircraft design was
moving in the direction of sleek more aerodynamic designs with swept wings. The blunt nose and unswept wings
of the YC-130 were anything but innovative. The simplicity of the aircraft avoided major alterations, relying
primarily on the strength of the new turboprop propulsion, and the high lift capabilities of the Lockheed-Fowler
type wing flaps.
The first flight of the C-130 was nearly 42 years ago, and since then it has been delivered to over 60
different countries. One of the most incredible characteristics of the C-130 is its versatility. With stalling speeds
as low as 115 mph and a range of 2356 miles (at max payload), it is capable of performing numerous low speed
missions. A few examples are displayed in the following slides.
C-130 Planform
• Cantilever high-wing monoplane
• Unswept tapered wings
• Blunt nose - excellent visibility
• Wingspan = 132’ 7” • W/S)max 89 lb/ft2
• Wing Area = 1745 ft2 • Airfoils
• Aspect Ratio = 10.09 – tip: NACA 64A318
• Taper Ratio = 0.8568 – root: NACA 64A412
• Twist Angle = 3o • High lift flaps
• – Lockheed-Fowler
Dihedral Ang. = 2o -30’
• Unswept Wings!
• Propulsion
– Four Allison T56-A-15 turboprops
– Thrust - 4910 hp each
• Weight
– Empty - 80,000 lbs
– Max T/O - 175,000 lbs
• Range
– 2,356 mi (w/ max payload)
• Speed
– Cruise - 374 mph
Roles for the C-130