Waste Water

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Secondary Treatment


 The objectives of biological wastewater treatment are to

coagulate and remove nonsettlable colloidal solids and to
stabilize organic matter.
 For example, in municipal wastewater treatment, the objective
is usually to reduce organic content and, if necessary, to
remove nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
 In some cases, trace concentrations of toxic organic
compounds also require removal.
 In industrial wastewater treatment, reduction or removal of organic and
inorganic compound concentrations is essential.
 Microorganisms play a major role in
decomposing waste organic matter,
removing carbonaceous BOD,
coagulating nonsettlable colloidal solids, and
stabilizing organic matter.
 These microorganisms convert
colloidal and dissolved carbonaceous organic matter
into various gases and biomass.
 The biomass, having a specific gravity greater than water, can then be
removed from treated water through gravity settling.
 Thus, wastewater treatment facilities use these microorganisms in biological
wastewater treatment processes to dispose of wastes in a nontoxic and
sanitary manner.
(45/220)*100 = 20.5 %

= 40 %

 The stabilization of wastewater is accomplished biologically

using a variety of microorganisms.
 The microorganisms convert colloidal and dissolved
carbonaceous organic matter into various gases and into
biomass (sludge).
Classification by Energy and Carbon Source

 The relationship between the source of carbon and the source of energy for the
microorganism is important.
 Carbon is the basic building block for cell synthesis.
 A source of energy must be obtained from outside the cell to enable synthesis to
 The goal in wastewater treatment is to convert both the carbon and the energy in
the wastewater into the cells of microorganisms, which can be removed
from the water by settling or filtration.
 If microorganisms use organic material as a supply of carbon, they are called
 Autotrophs require only CO2 to supply their carbon needs.
 Organisms that rely only on light for energy are called phototrophs.
 Chemotrophs extract energy from organic or inorganic oxidation/ reduction
 Organotrophs use organic materials, while lithotrophs oxidize inorganic
Classification by Oxygen Relationship

• Bacteria also are classified by their ability or inability to utilize

oxygen in oxidation-reduction reactions.
• Obligate aerobes are microorganisms that must have oxygen.
• When wastewater contains oxygen and can support obligate aerobes, it is
called aerobic.
• Obligate anaerobes are microorganisms that cannot survive in the
presence of oxygen.
• Wastewater that is devoid of oxygen is called anaerobic.
• Facultative anaerobes can use oxygen in oxidation/reduction reactions
and, under certain conditions, they can also grow in the absence of
• Under anoxic conditions, a group of facultative anaerobes called
denitrifiers utilize nitrites (NO2- ) and nitrates (NO3- ) instead of oxygen.
• Nitrate nitrogen is converted to nitrogen gas in the absence of oxygen.
• This process is called anoxic denitrification.
 Among the well-known names of genera of aerobic bacteria that belong to
these groups are
Flavobacterium, and
 The anaerobic group includes such as
Lactobacillus, and
 Other common genera in the anaerobic group include the sulfate-reducing

 and methanogens such as

Methanosarcinia and
Classification by Temperature

 Each species of bacteria reproduces best within a limited range of

 Four temperature ranges are used to classify bacteria.
 Those that grow best at temperatures below 20C are called
 Mesophiles grow best at temperatures between 25C and 40C.
 Between 45C and 60C, the thermophiles grow best.
 From about 60 C to near boiling, hyperthermophiles grow best.
 The growth range of facultative thermophiles extends from the
thermophilic range into the mesophilic range.

 For most bacteria, the extremes of the pH range for growth are 4
and 9, while the optimum pH for growth is within the range of
6.5 to 7.5.
 Extended-aeration, activated sludge and aerated lagoons can
successfully operate at pH levels between 9 and 10.5;
 However, both systems are vulnerable to a pH less than 6.
Some Microbes of Interest in Wastewater Treatment

1) Bacteria.
 The highest population of microorganisms in a wastewater treatment plant
will belong to the bacteria.
 They are single celled organisms that use soluble food.
Some Microbes of Interest in Wastewater Treatment

2) Fungi.
 Fungi are multicellular, nonphotosynthetic, heterotrophic organisms.
 Fungi are obligate aerobes.
Some Microbes of Interest in Wastewater Treatment

3) Algae.
 This group of microorganisms are photoautotrophs and may be either
unicellular or multicellular.
 Algae are of benefit in stabilization lagoons for wastewater treatment
when they supply oxygen in excess of respiration.
 Other than production of oxygen, they do not contribute to the
stabilization of waste because they use carbon dioxide or bicarbonates as a
source of carbon rather than organic carbon.
Some Microbes of Interest in Wastewater Treatment

4) Protozoa
 Protozoa are single-celled organisms.
 Most are aerobic chemoheterotrophs, and they often consume bacteria.
 They are desirable in wastewater effluent because they act as polishers in
consuming the bacteria.
Pure Culture Growth Characteristics

1) Lag phase
Accelerated growth
binary fission : 1 → 2 → 4 → 8 → 16 → 32, and so forth.
The population of bacteria ( P ) after the n th generation is given by the following

where P0 is the initial population at the end of the accelerated growth phase.
Taking the log of both sides of Equation 22-11 :

If the bacterial population is plotted on a logarithmic scale, this phase of growth

plots as a straight line of slope n and intercept P0 at t 0 .
2) Log growth or exponential growth phase.
3) Stationary phase
4) Death phase
Mixed Culture Growth Characteristics
When the supply of soluble organic substrate becomes exhausted, the
bacterial population is less successful in reproduction and the predator
populations increase.
In a closed system with an initial inoculum of mixed microorganisms and
substrate, the populations will cycle as the bacteria give way to higher level
organisms that in turn die for lack of substrate and are then decomposed by a
different set of bacteria
In an open system, such as a wastewater treatment plant or a
river, with a continuous inflow of new substrate, the predominant
populations will change through the length of the plant.
This condition is known as dynamic equilibrium.
For the large numbers and mixed cultures of microorganisms found
in waste treatment systems, it is convenient to measure biomass
rather than numbers of organisms.
Frequently, this is done by measuring
the suspended solids or
volatile suspended solids (VSS),
that is, those that burn at 550 50 C.
When the wastewater contains only soluble organic matter, the
volatile suspended solids test is reasonably representative.

• Aerobic
removal of readily biodegradable COD or BOD.
• Nitrification
oxidation of ammonia (NH4-N) to nitrate.
• Denitrification or Anoxic Decomposition
reduction of nitrate to nitric oxide, nitrous oxide, and nitrogen gas.
•Anaerobic Decomposition
molecular oxygen and nitrate must not be present.
• Phosphorous removal
incorporation of phosphorus into cell biomass that is subsequently
removed from the process.
Aerobic Decomposition

 Molecular oxygen (O2 ) must be present.

 The chemical end products of decomposition are primarily
carbon dioxide, water and new cell material.
 Odiferous gaseous end products are kept to a minimum.
 Because of the large amount of energy released in aerobic oxidation, most aerobic
organisms are capable of high growth rates.
 This means that more biological sludge is generated in aerobic oxidation than
in the other oxidation systems.
However, in small communities and in special industrial applications where
aerated lagoons are used, wastewater with BOD5 up to 3,000 mg/L may be treated
satisfactorily by aerobic decomposition.
 Aerobic decomposition is the method of choice for large quantities of dilute
wastewater (BOD5 less than 500 mg/L) because decomposition is rapid, efficient,
and has a low odor potential.
 Typically, aerobic decomposition is not suitable for high strength wastewater
(BOD5 is greater than 1,000 mg/L) because of the difficulty in supplying
enough oxygen and because of the large amount of biological sludge produced.
Aerobic Oxidation

The unit processes used to remove BOD may be

1) suspended growth where microorganisms are suspended in the
2) attached growth where the microorganisms grow on a solid

Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria predominate.

Protozoa also play a role by consuming free bacteria and
colloidal particles.

Nitrification is the term used to describe the two-step process in which ammonia
is oxidized to nitrite that is, in turn, oxidized to nitrate.
Nitrification may be accomplished by
suspended growth
attached growth unit processes.

Aerobic autotrophic bacteria must predominate to accomplish nitrification.

Ammonia is oxidized to nitrite by Nitrosomonas.
Nitrite is oxidized to nitrate by Nitrobacter.

From the total oxidation reaction, the oxygen required for total oxidation of
ammonia is 4.57 g of O2 /g of N.
Of this amount, 3.43 g of O2 /g is used for nitrite production and (75%)
1.14 g of O2 is used for oxidation of nitrite. (25%)
Anoxic Decomposition

 Some microorganisms can use nitrate (NO3-) in the absence of molecular oxygen.
 Oxidation by this route is called denitrification.
 The end products from denitrification are
nitrogen gas, carbon dioxide, water, and new cell material.
Denitrification is of importance in wastewater treatment where nitrogen must be

 Nitrate may be reduced to nitric oxide, nitrous oxide, and nitrogen gas.
 The most common process used in municipal wastewater treatment plants is known
as the Modified Ludzak-Ettinger (MLE) process.
 Nitrate produced in the aeration tank is recycled back to the anoxic tank.
 Organic substrate in the influent wastewater provides the electron donor for
oxidation-reduction reactions using nitrate. The process is also known as preanoxic
 An alternative process called postanoxic denitrification removes the BOD first in an
aeration tank. Denitrification occurs in a second tank that is anoxic.

Both heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms

Most of the bacteria are facultative anaerobes.
Pseudomonas species
Anaerobic Decomposition

Anaerobic decomposition yields carbon dioxide, methane, and water as the

major end products.
 Additional end products include ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and
 Sulfate (SO42- ), carbon dioxide, and organic compounds that can be reduced.
 The reduction of sulfate results in the production of hydrogen sulfide (H 2S) and
a group of equally odoriferous organic sulfur compounds called mercaptans.
 Because only small amounts of energy are released during anaerobic oxidation,
the amount of cell production is low. Thus, sludge production is low.
 For concentrated wastes (BOD5 greater than 1,000 mg/L) and sludge
treatment, anaerobic digestion is quite appropriate.
Phosphorus Removal

In biological phosphorus removal (BPR or Bio-P)

enhanced biological phosphorous removal (EBPR)
 The phosphorus contained in the biomass is removed from the process as

 Microbiology phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs)

Nocardia, and
Pseudomonas. The Bio-P organisms in these genera are referred to as

 In the PAOs, the phosphorus content may be as high as 0.2 to 0.3 g P/g biomass
Bulking Sludge

 A bulking sludge is one that has poor settling characteristics and does not
compact well. This frequently leads to discharge of floc particles and consequent
permit violations for suspended solids.
 There are two principal types of sludge bulking.
The first is caused by the growth of filamentous organisms, and
The second is caused by water trapped in the bacterial floc,
thus reducing the density of the agglomerate and resulting in
poor settling.
A bulking sludge is usually characterised by a sedimentation rate of less than
0.3 m/h, SVI of above 180 ml/g respectively and a low density structure.
 A bulking sludge with a nutrient deficiency can be identified via a
simple wastewater analysis of the influent wastewater and
comparison of the BOD, N and P concentrations. Ideally the ratio of
BOD:N:P should be 100:5:1. 

 At low DO concentrations and at high F:M ratios excessive

filamentous growth may occur leading to bulking.
Rising Sludge

 A sludge that floats to the surface after apparently good settling is

called a rising sludge.
 Rising sludge results from denitrification, that is, reduction of nitrates
and nitrites to nitrogen gas in the sludge blanket (layer).
 Much of this gas remains trapped in the sludge blanket, causing globs
of sludge to rise to the surface and float over the weirs into the
receiving stream.

 Excessive foam that floats on aeration tanks has been attributed to

two bacteria genera:
Microthrix parvicella.
 These are filamentous organisms.
 Nocardia growth is common where surface scum is trapped in
either aeration basins or secondary clarifiers.

Nocardia amarae
Microthrix parvicella

A trickling filter is an attached-growth, biological process that uses an inert

medium to attract microorganisms, which form a film on the medium surface.
 A rotatory or stationary distribution mechanism distributes
wastewater from the top of the filter percolating it through
the interstices of the film-covered medium.
 As the wastewater moves through the filter, the organic
matter is adsorbed onto the film and degraded by a mixed
population of aerobic microorganisms.
 The oxygen required for organic degradation is supplied by
air circulating.
The ideal medium used in a trickling filter should have the following properties:
1. large specific surface area (e.g., plastic modules)
2. high void space,
3. light weight,
4. biological inertness,
5. chemical resistance,
6. mechanical durability,
7. low cost.
8. highly-permeable medium
9. microorganism buildup film
10. unhindered movement of wastewater and air
 A porous underdrain system at the bottom of the filter collects treated
effluent and circulates air.
 The underdrains used in trickling filters
1. support the filter medium,
2. collect the treated effluent and the biological solids, and
3. circulate the air through the filter.
 The floor should be sloped towards either central or peripheral
collection channels at a 1 to 5% grade for improved liquid flow.
 The minimum flow velocity in the collection channel should be 0.6 m/sec.
 As the film thickness increases,
1. the region of the film near the medium surface can be deprived
of organic matter,
2. reducing the adhesive ability of the microorganisms.
 Therefore, a thick film is more susceptible to the sloughing effects.
 Furthermore, the inner portion of a thick film can become anaerobic
because oxygen may be unavailable.
 As a result, the release of gases can weaken the film and increase the
sloughing effects.
 Once the thick film is removed, a new film starts to grow on the
medium surface.
Process Flow Diagrams

Wastewater treatment facilities often recirculate the treated effluent

from the clarifier to :
1. Reduce the possibility of organic shock loadings by diluting the
incoming wastewater
2. Maintain uniform hydraulic loadings especially under low flow
3. Achieve an extensive film coverage and a relatively uniform
film thickness through the filter
4. Reduce the nuisances of odor and flies
Process Flow Diagrams
Trickling filters are classified by their hydraulic loadings.

I. low-rate (without recirculation) 1.17–3.52 m3/m2-day

II. high-rate (with recirculation) 9.39–37.55 m3/m2-day
III. super high-rate 70.41 m3/m2-day

The effluent from a low-rate trickling filter is usually low in BOD and well
Wastewater treatment facilities commonly use two-stage trickling filters for
treating high strength wastewater.

 A rotating biological contactor is an attached-growth, biological

process that consists of a basin(s) in which large, closely spaced,
circular disks mounted on horizontal shafts rotate slowly through
 The disks are made of high-density polystyrene or PVC for durability
and resistance.
 Bacterial growth on the surface of the disks leads to the formation of a
film layer that eventually covers the entire wetted surface of the
 The film layer is alternatively exposed to the wastewater from which the
organic matter is adsorbed.
 Rotation also provides a means for removing excess bacterial growth
on the disks’ surfaces and maintaining suspension of biological solids
in wastewater.
 A final clarifier removes sloughed solids.
 Partially submerged RBCs are used for
carbonaceous BOD removal,
combined carbon oxidation and nitrification,

 Completely submerged RBCs are used for

Performance of Biological Contactors

 The performance of RBC systems depends on

1. the temperature,
2. the concentration of the pollutants, and
3. the flow rate

 There is a critical hydraulic retention time of 3 hours.

 It has also been shown that as the applied organic loading rate increases above
about 5.
 These show that the usual performance efficiency is better than 80 percent.
Performance of Nitrification in RBC

 The degree of nitrification that is achieved by RBCs is dependent on several

 Studies have shown that the removal of ammoniacal nitrogen is related to the
hydraulic loading rate
 full nitrification can only be achieved when the organic loading rate is less than
5 g BOD/m2 d.

 Failure to achieve this meant that the amount of disc surface available for
colonization by the nitrifying species was significantly restricted.

1. Simple operation and low maintenance.

2. Accommodates shock loadings.
3. Less cost for power, operation and maintenance.
4. Requires less space than activated sludge process.
5. Fast startup, efficient mixing, little sloughing off of biomass.
6. Problem of trickling filters viz. clogging, etc. eliminated
7. High waste water temperature, easy oxygenation
8. Lower head loss
9. Self-regulation with respect to cell retention time; biomass stably and neatly
attaches to the support


1. Lack of operational control due to over-simplicity of process

2. Complex interaction between biomass and solid, liquid and gaseous phase, kinetic
evaluation is difficult
3. Undesirable heavy growth of algae and more sludge production
4. Limited dissolved oxygen
5. Problem of odour
6. RBC must be protected from sun, cold, ….
Process Flow Diagrams

1) A series of independent stages or compartments by baffles in a

single basin
 Compartmentalization creates a flow pattern with little
longitudinal mixing in the flow direction (i.e., a plug flow
pattern), increasing overall removal efficiency of an RBC system.
 It can also promote separation of bacterial species at different

 For example,
autotrophic bacteria responsible for nitrification can
concentrate at later stages in an RBC system
where the mixed liquor BOD is low.

 Consequently, nitrification performance is more reliable and stable.

Process Flow Diagrams

2) Separate basins arranged in series .

The treatability factor (K) is a characteristic of the wastewater,
and the n value is a characteristic of the trickling filter media.

The treatability factor varies with wastewater type.

If filter media with higher n values are used, the treatability
constant is reduced for settled sewage.

Process Description
The activated-sludge process, first developed in England in 1914.

biodegradation of organic matter

Clarified wastewater discharged from the primary clarifier is delivered into the
aeration basin where it is mixed with an active mass of microorganisms
(referred to as activated sludge) capable of aerobically degrading organic
matter into carbon dioxide, water, new cells, and other end products.

Conventional Activated Sludge (F/M) 0.2  -  0.5
Contact Stabilization (F/M) 0.15  -  0.2
Extended Aeration (F/M) 0.01  - 0.07
Step Aeration (F/M) 0.2  - 0.5
Two-Stage Aeration (F/M) 0.07  -  0.15
 After a specific treatment time, the mixed liquor passes into the
secondary clarifier, where the sludge settles under quiescent conditions
and a clarified effluent is produced for discharge.
 The process recycles a portion of settled sludge back to the aeration
basin to maintain the required
Activated Sludge

These processes vary in

detention time,
the method of mixing and aeration,
and the technique of introducing the waste
and recirculated sludge into the aeration tank.
The major process modifications of the activated sludge process are

TIME (SRT) MLVSS- (lb BOD5/ft3- (%)
(days) day) day)

A Conventional 4–8 5–15 0.2–0.4 0.02–0.04 85–95 1500–3000 0.25–0.75

B Completely 3–5 5–15 0.2–0.6 0.05–0.12 85–95 2500–4000 0.25–1
C Step feed 3–5 5–15 0.2–0.4 0.04–0.06 85–95 2000–3500 0.25–0.75
D Contact 0.5–1 5–15 0.2–0.6 0.06–0.075 85–95 1000–3000 0.5–1.5
stabilization (contact (contact
tank), 3–6 tank),
(stabilization 4000–
tank) 10,000
n tank)
E High-purity 1–3 3–10 0.25–1 0.1–0.2 85–95 2000–5000 0.25–0.5
F Oxidation 8–36 10–30 0.05–0.3 0.005–0.03 85–95 3000–6000 0.75–1.5
G Sequencing 12–50 - 0.05–0.3 0.005–0.015 85–95 1500–5000 -
batch reactor
H Deep shaft 0.5–5 - 0.5–5 - 85–95 - -
conventional activated-sludge plant

 A return of activated sludge at a rate equal to about 25% of the incoming

wastewater flow is normal;
 The detention time is normally 6 to 8 hr in the aeration tank.
 This process uses long, rectangular aeration tanks with minimal
longitudinal mixing
 This process susceptible to shock and toxic loading conditions since
longitudinal mixing is absent in aeration tanks.
Step feed Aeration

The percentage of settled, activated sludge returned to the aeration tank is

usually greater than in the conventional process (about 50% typically), and
the detention time is reduced to 3 or 4 hr.
 Settled wastewater enters at several points in the aeration tank.
 The oxygen demand is uniformly distributed.
 This operation mode increases the flexibility of the process to handle shock
and toxic loading conditions.
completely-mixed, activated-sludge process

 Mixing intensity in the aeration tank of the completely-mixed.

 This process is sufficiently high to yield a uniform mixed liquor.
 As a result, this process is resistant to shock and toxic loadings
and is used widely for treating industrial wastewater.
 The SS concentration in the mixed liquor is two to three times
the concentration in most conventional plants.
 Aeration detention times are reduced to 2 to 4 hr.
 The sludge recycling ratio is generally high.
contact-stabilization, activated-sludge process

 The contact-stabilization, uses two separate tanks.

 These reactions yield approximately 90% removal of BOD within 15 –
30 min of contact time.
 The resulting total aeration basin volume is typically 50% less than that
of the conventional activated-sludge process.
Extended Aeration Activated Sludge

This process doesn't use a primary clarifier.

The aeration tank for an extended aeration process must be larger than that for a
conventional activated sludge process, in order to give a detention time of
about 24 hours instead of the 6 to 8 hours used for a conventional activated
sludge process.
Pure Oxygen Systems

This process uses high-purity oxygen instead of air.

The process is suitable for high-strength wastes.
oxidation ditch

 The oxidation ditch uses a ring- or oval-shaped channel as the

aeration basin.
 This process can achieve good nitrogen removal via nitrification
and denitrification.
Deep-shaft, activated-sludge process

This process uses a deep annular shaft (400 to 500 ft deep) as the reactor that
provides the dual function of primary settling and aeration.
The process forces mixed liquor and air down the center of the shaft and
allows it to rise through the annulus.
Bubble Column

 Airlift fermenter (ALF) is generally classified as pneumatic reactors

without any mechanical stirring arrangements for mixing.
 The advantages of Airlift reactors are the elimination of attrition effects
generally encountered in mechanical agitated reactors.
 It is ideally suited for aerobic cultures since oxygen mass transfer
coefficient are quite high in comparison to stirred tank reactors.
The world's largest fermenter is Air-life Bioreactor!
The fermenter is 200 high and 25 ft diam.

Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE)
Step Feed
Bardenpho (4-Stage)

Single Sludge
Oxidation Ditch
Design Concepts

In designing activated-sludge processes must consider

the organic loading,
microorganism concentration,
contactor retention time,
artificial aeration,
liquids–solids separation,
effluent quality, and
process costs.

The basic design parameters are the organic strength (BOD5) of

the wastewater and the MLSS concentration.

 The organic loading or food to microorganism (F/M) ratio is the amount of

biodegradable organic material available to an amount of microorganisms per
unit of time.

F/M = Organic loading, lb BOD5 per lb mixed-liquor SS (MLSS) day
BOD5 = Biological oxygen demand, mg/l
MLSS = Mixed-liquor SS, mg/l
V = Contactor volume, million gal
Q = Wastewater flow, mgd
 The concentration of biodegradable organic material is expressed as BOD5.
 For municipal wastewater, the BOD5 ranges from 100 to 300 mg/l.
 The viable microorganisms in the activated-sludge process are expressed in
terms of MLSS.
 MLSS is not the concentration of viable microorganisms but an indication of the
microorganisms present in the system
 The organic loading equation represents the ratio of the weight of
organic material fed to the total weight of microorganisms available
for oxidation.
 If the organic loading is maintained at a high level, the effluent quality
is poor, and solids (excess microorganisms) production is high.
 As the organic loading is reduced, the quality of the effluent improves,
and the sludge production decreases.

 Since the concentration of microorganisms (MLSS) has a direct

effect on the oxidation of organic pollutants, the liquid–solids
separation characteristics of these solids are important.
 The SVI value indicates the ability of microorganisms separate from
the wastewater after contact.
 The SVI is defined as
the volume in milliliters occupied by 1 g of MLSS after a 1-l
sample has settled in a graduated cylinder for 30 min.
 The SVI value for an activated-sludge system varies with the
concentration of microorganisms maintained in the contactor.
The SVI value is of operational importance since it reflects
changes in the treatment system.
Any increase of SVI with no increase of MLSS concentration
indicates that the solids settling characteristics are
changing and a plant upset can occur.
 The amount of recycled flow depends
largely on the settling characteristics of the
 For example, if the SVI value is 400 and
the required MLSS concentration is 2000
mg/l, a recycling ratio of about 3.5 is
 On the other hand, if the SVI is 50, the
recycling ratio required is about 0.2.
 This relationship demonstrates that the
settling characteristics of the biological
solids are important to the successful
operation of the activated-sludge process.
 For municipal wastewater,
SVI value of approximately 150 and
MLSS concentration of 2000 mg/l
recycling ratio of about 0.5.
The activated-sludge process design
oxygenation and
Methods of oxygenation and mixing include :
1. compressed-air diffusion,
2. sparge-turbine aeration,
3. low-speed surface aerators, and
4. motor-speed surface aerators.
 Air diffusers compress air to the hydrostatic pressure and release it as small air
 The larger the number and the smaller the size of the air bubbles produced, the
better the oxygen transfer.
 Releasing air bubbles beneath the surface also results in airlift mixing.
 Combining compressed-air and turbine mixing eliminates the problems of
 The low-speed surface aerator
elimination of compressors
causing extreme liquid turbulence at the surface
 The motor-speed surface aerator operates at the liquid surface
 The device has been used extensively to supplement oxygen requirements for
oxidation ponds.
Activated-sludge process design is based on the desired effluent quality.
Successful operation of the activated-sludge process with
an F/M ratio of 0.35 lb BOD5 per lb MLSS per day
effluent containing an average of 20 mg/l of SS
and 20 mg/l of BOD5.

For municipal wastewater, activated-sludge treatment removes the

following major pollutants in the percentages listed:
90 + % BOD5 (biological oxygen demand)
70 + % COD (chemical oxygen demand)
90 + % SS (suspended solids)
30 + % P (phosphorus)
35 + % N (nitrogen)

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