Disaster Management
Disaster Management
Disaster Management
AIL Project
• A Disaster is a serious problem occurring over a short or
long period of time that causes widespread human,
material, economic or environmental loss which exceeds
the ability of the affected community or society to cope
using its own resources.
• The organization and management of resources and
responsibilities for dealing with all the humanitarian
aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness,
response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of
disasters is known as Disaster Management.
2.Man-Made Disasters
Man-Made Disasters are events that are caused by humans which occur in or close to
human settlements often caused as a result of the environment.
• The main thrust of managing floods in different river basins was to modify the
floods through specific structural measures such as reservoirs, embankments,
channel improvement, town protection and river training works. Some of the
major steps of flood disaster management are:
1. Flood Forecasting
2. Reduction of Runoff
2. Artificial intelligence (AI) applications, such as tracking and mapping, geospatial analysis, remote sensing techniques,
robotics, accident and hot spot analysis, etc. are the technological components of societal change, having significant
implications for research on the societal response to hazards and disasters.
3. Social science researchers have used various technologies and methods to examine hazards and disasters through
disciplinary, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary lenses.
4. They have employed both quantitative and qualitative data collection and data analysis strategies.
5. Integrating a geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS)into disaster management enables higher
planning, analysis, situational awareness, and recovery operations.
6. Visualization capabilities, satellite images, and artificial intelligence analysis can assist governments in making quick
decisions after natural disasters.
7. AI is vital to all disaster management phases, leading to a faster, more concise, equipped response.
Telangana Haryana