MFN Treatment: Principle and Case Study
MFN Treatment: Principle and Case Study
MFN Treatment: Principle and Case Study
-- Public order/health/morals
-- essential national security interests
new trends to exclude
• Dispute settlement: procedural treatment
• To be further elaborated through cases
Application of MFN treatment
• applies to pre- and/or post-establishment
• “Each Contracting Party shall accord to investors of
another Contracting Party and to their investments,
treatment no less favorable than the treatment it accords
[in like circumstances] to investors of any other
Contracting Party or of a non-Contracting Party, and to
the investments of investors of any other Contracting
Party or of a non-Contracting Party, with respect to the
establishment, acquisition, expansion, operation,
management, maintenance, use, enjoyment, and sale or
other disposition of investments.”
• Applies only to substantive rules,
sometimes and procedural rules (dispute
settlement mechanism) (treaty
• Debate: Whether MFN should apply to
procedural articles? (revert to MFN
articles) (look at some cases)
Plama v. Bulgaria
(ICSID Case No. ARB/ 03/ 24) (2002-2005-2008)
Legal Scholars:
• Difficult to reconcile various awards
• No rule of precedent
• Some authors try to show differences in
• E.g. Lochnie Hsu, “MFN and Dispute
Settlement: When the Twain Meet”,
Journal of World Investment & Trade,
Vol.7, No. 1, February 2006, pp-25-37.
• Many arbitrators like the idea of extending the
scope of MFN clauses – more work:
• “no reason to suppose that – absent some
specific treaty language – any given MFN
provision should be more or less narrowly
defined. In other words, MFN clauses apply to
all aspects of the regulatory environment
governed by an investment protection treaty,
including availability of all means of dispute
settlement.” (Todd Weiler, Dissenting Opinion
in Berschader)
They seem to be rather reluctant to allow for a broad
scope of MFN clauses:
• E.g. CAFTA Negotiations 2004:
“the MFN Treatment Article of this Agreement is
expressly limited in its scope to matters ‘with
respect to the establishment, acquisition,
expansion, management, conduct operation and
sale or other dispositions of investments’. The
Parties share the understanding and intent that this
clause does not encompass international dispute
resolution mechanisms such as those contained in
Section C of this chapter, and therefore could not
reasonably lead to a conclusion similar to that of the
Maffezini case.”
New trend
• exclude the procedural rules
“For greater certainty, treatment referred
to in paragraph 1 (MFN) does not
encompass dispute resolution
mechanisms provided for in this
Agreement or other International
Agreements.” (Norway, 2008)
Canada FIPA Model (2004) :
• ANNEX III Exceptions from Most-
Favoured-Nation Treatment
1. Article 4 (MFN) shall not apply to
treatment accorded under all bilateral or
multilateral international agreements in
force or signed prior to the date of entry
into force of this Agreement.
• MFN does not encompass dispute settlement.
• MFN does not extend to treatment accorded
under existing treaties.
• The MFN guarantee is therefore prospective.
• This ensures that foreign investors under the new
model cannot reach back and try to obtain the
protection afforded by previous treaties (why?).
• This provision seeks to avoid investment treaty
shopping – the argument that MFN applies not
only to the actual treatment of other foreign
investors but also to the protection guaranteed to
other foreign investors in other FIPAs .
China-Canada FIPA:
Article 5 Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment
1. Each Contracting Party shall accord to investors of
the other Contracting Party treatment no less
favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances,
to investors of a non-Contracting Party with respect
to the establishment, acquisition, expansion,
management, conduct, operation and sale or other
disposition of investments in its territory.
2. Each Contracting Party shall accord to covered
investments treatment no less favourable than that it
accords, in like circumstances, to investments of
investors of a non-Contracting Party with respect to the
establishment, acquisition, expansion, management,
conduct, operation and sale or other disposition of
investments in its territory.
3. For greater certainty, the “treatment” referred to in
paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article does not encompass
the dispute resolution mechanisms, such as those in
Part C, in other international investment treaties and
other trade agreements.
Article 8 Exceptions
1. Article 5 (MFN) does not apply to:
– (a) treatment by a Contracting Party pursuant
to any existing or future bilateral or multilateral
• (i) establishing, strengthening or expanding a free
trade area or customs union; or
• (ii) relating to aviation, fisheries, or maritime
matters including salvage;
– (b) treatment accorded under any bilateral or
multilateral international agreement in force
prior to 1 January 1994.
• Why prior to 1 January 1994? (NAFTA).
• Any trick here?
• When questioned under oath about the China
FIPPA’s reach-back on MFN treatment, federal
trade official Vernon MacKay explained:
“China has over a hundred of what we call bilateral
investment treaties very similar to FIPPAs. Most
of them we would not want access to because
they’re not high-ambition – what we would call a
high-ambition treaty. But there were a few in the
early 2000s with some European countries that
are pretty high standard. They’re not directly
comparable, so it’s hard to say, you know, just how
much more advantageous they might be to an
investor, but they were – they were ones that we
were considering……
The fair and equitable standards of some of these
treaties are very broadly worded, certainly
worded in ways that we would not word ours,
which could lend themselves to an expansive
interpretation which our Canadian investors may
take advantage of in a Chinese market
Some of these provisions were potentially more
of a broader scope and could provide high – you
know, more protection for a Canadian investor.
So since – and just to clarify, the Canadian
model, as we have included in here, does not
include that reach back to 1994, but it is – we
have the policy flexibility, if I could say that, to
modify that…. We use that 1994 reach-back as
an incentive to get the other party to reach back
as well.”
• Cited from Hupacasath First Nation v
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada and
Attorney General of Canada, Federal
Court Case No T-153-13, Cross-
Examination on Affidavit of Vernon John
MacKay (3 April 2013), at 51-3
• Reading materials: UNCTAD, Fair and Equitable
• National Grid v. Argentina (facts and fair and
equitable treatment) (facts and full protection and
• Metalclad v Mexico (facts and fair and equitable
• Pope & Talbot v. Canada(facts and fair and
equitable treatment)
• Methanex Corp. v .US(facts and fair and equitable