TA C162 - Computer Programming I
TA C162 - Computer Programming I
TA C162 - Computer Programming I
At the end of the course, you should be able to solve a task by developing an algorithm, writing its equivalent C program. Also, you will be able to know little about the components responsible for
Lecture hours Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday: 12pm 1pm, in F105 Sit in the class before time Please switch off your mobile phones
Grading Test1(20%) Closed book + Test2(20%) Closed book + Online Test(25%) Open book + Comprehensive(35%) Part Open. Mid-Semester Grading, Pre-comprehensive Display, and Final Grading (not to be displayed)
Make Up Policy No make up (Online Test), Make ups for Other components (genuine)
Course notices and Online material CSIS Group Notice Board (in B block).
Tutorial classes
Tutorial Section 1 2 3 4 5 Day / Hour Venue Instructor B212 Ms.Rakhee Monday 8th Wednesday 8th IPC terminal -1 B 230 Dr. NL Monday 8th Wednesday 8th IP C Te rm in a l-4 Bhanumurthy B 212 Mr.Prasanna Tuesday 3rd Thursday 3rd IP C Te rm in a l-1 B230 Mr.Sada Siva Rao Tuesday 8th Thursday 8th IPC Terminal-4 B212 Mr.Prasanna Tuesday 8th Thursday 8th IPC terminal -1
Questions ?
W h a t is a C o m p u te r?
W h a t is C o m p u te r S y ste m ?
Collection of related components designed to work together A computer system includes hardware and software
System Software: System software is responsible for controlling, integrating, and managing the individual hardware components of a computer system. Application software: It is used to accomplish specific tasks other than just running the computer system.
B a sic O p e ra tio n s
Input : Getting Data into the Computer
E x a m p le fo r B a sic O p e ra tio n s
Compoters A computer is a machine that perfirms four basic operations: input, processing, output, and storage. Together, these four operations are called the information proceesing cycle.
Computer Software
System Software Programs that manage the hardware resources Operating System, Compilers, Linkers, Loaders, Debuggers, Disk formatters, etc. Application Software Helps users solve their problems Word processors, Database management systems, Payroll processing, Banking application,
Programming Languages
Machine Language
Instructions must be in streams of 0s and 1s The only language that computer understands
High-Level Language
Shifts the focus from the computer to the problem being solved Resembles human language, e.g. English Language Compiler translates these into machine language
Our Approach
Solve a system of linear equations
Gaussian elimination FORTRAN PowerPC Centrino C Intel x86 Pentium 4 C++ Jacobi iteration Java Atmel AVR Xeon
Instruction Set Architecture Microarchitecture Tradeoffs: Cost, Performance, and power etc.
Circuits Devices
Course Outline
Bits and Bytes
How do we represent information using electrical signals?
Digital Logic
How do we build circuits to process information?
C Programming
How do we write programs in C? How do we implement high-level programming constructs?
Thank You!