Risk Factor
• Your sex and age. Ganglion cysts can develop
in anyone, but they most commonly occur in
women between the ages of 20 and 40.
• Osteoarthritis. People who have wear-and-
tear arthritis in the finger joints closest to
their fingernails are at higher risk of
developing ganglion cysts near those joints.
• Joint or tendon injury. Joints or tendons that
have been injured in the past are more likely
to develop ganglion cysts
Signs and Symptoms
• pain
• tingling
• numbness
• muscle weakness
Ganglion cysts can be unilobulated, they
are most often multilobulated, with septa
made from connective tissue separating
the lobes or cavities. Thornburg points out
that because there is no epithelial lining of
the cyst wall, a ganglion cyst is not a true
cyst and, because of this histologic
observation, the theories of synovial
herniation or synovial tumor formation are
not supported and may be disputed.
Hyaluronic acid predominates the
mucopolysaccharides that make up the fluid within
the cyst’s cavity, whereas collagen fibers and
fibrocytes make up the wall lining. The development
of these cysts is histologically observable beginning
with swollen collagen fibers and fibrocytes, followed
by a degeneration and liquefaction of these
elements, a termination of degeneration, and, lastly,
a proliferation of the connective tissue, resulting in
a border that is dense in texture.
Diagnostic Exam
• x-ray
• MRI exam
• Ultrasound
Pharmacological Management
• Medication and splinting - If you’re
experiencing pain, they may
recommend an anti-inflammatory
medication and splinting to decrease
the pain
Medical Management
• Close monitoring - if the ganglion cyst isn't
causing pain or interfering with movement,
some doctors prefer to wait and see. The cyst
may simply disappear on its own.
• Needle aspiration - one of the tests to
diagnose ganglion cysts involves drawing off
the fluid with a fine needle. In many cases
(around 75 per cent), this treatment empties
the cyst and no further action is needed.
Surgical Management
• Arthroscopic excision-which is a minimally invasive
surgical technique. During an arthroscopic excision,
they look into your wrist with a small camera and
small tools. Through a very small incision,the
surgeons can remove the cyst by cutting out the
stalk. The cyst will disappear on its own once the
stalk is removed
• Open excision - During an open excision of the cyst,
there is no use of a camera, and theymake a larger
incision on top of the cyst to remove it.
Nursing Management
• Advice the patient not try to pop or break
the cyst. This can cause tissue damage and
the cyst may return.
• Advice the patient to go to hand therapy, if
needed. A hand therapist teaches you
exercises to help improve movement and
strength, and to decrease pain.
• Advice the patient towear a splint as directed
to support and protect the joint that has the
cyst. This will limit movement and help your
cyst get smaller.