Oisd 207
Oisd 207
Oisd 207
OISD 207
Scope of OISD 207
• This standard covers broadly the guidelines on the management system for
enhancing the safety levels of the contractor workforce deployed in
construction, maintenance and operation activities in the hydrocarbon industry.
• The safety precautions to be taken while carrying out different activities during
construction / maintenance have separately been covered in OISD-GDN-192 on
"Safety Practices during Construction"
Safety – Everyone’s responsibility
• Responsibility of all: Employers, managers, supervisors and
• Safety is essential for workers & for companies ( human and
economic losses).
• Most injuries are preventable: Stop, look and think.
• An “accident at work” is an unwanted and sudden event at work
resulting in physical injury.
• Sometimes an accident causes neither injury nor damage; this is
called “near miss”.
• Risk = Severity of harm * Possibility of occurrence
“The two direct causes of an accident are unsafe actions
and unsafe situations. 80% of accidents are due to unsafe
actions and only 20% are due to unsafe situations.”
1. The Petroleum Acts 1934 and Petroleum Rules 2002
2. The Factory Act, 1948 (As amended by Factory Amendment Act
1987) and concerned Factory Rules
3. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974 & Rules
4. The Environment (Protection) Act 1986
5. The Manufacturing, Storage and Import of Hazardous Rules 1989
6. The Hazardous Wastes Management (Management & Handling)
Rules 1989
7. The Indian Electricity Act 1910 and Rules 1956
8. The Indian Explosive Acts, 1884 & The Indian Explosive Rules 1983
9. The Gas Cylinder Rules 1981 and the static & Mobile Pressure
Vessels (Unfired) Rules 1981
10. The Indian Boiler Act 1923 and Regulations 1950
11. The Public Liability Act 1991 as amended in 1992
12. The Motor Vehicle act 1988 and Central Motor Vehicle rules 1989
13. Building & Other Construction workers (Regulation of
Employment & Condition of Service) Act 1996
• Owner’s management: To institute a mechanism for identification and compliance of all applicable Statutory rules &
regulations and provide its list in the tender document.
• Owner’s representative/Engineer-in-charge : To ensure that all Contract requirements including Health, Safety,
Environment & Security are complied with.
• Owner’s Safety Officer : To assess the hazards associated with jobs in consultation with all concerned and establish safe
working procedure including identification of the escape routes.
• Contractor’s management: To implement safe methods and practices, deploy appropriate machinery, tools & tackles,
experienced supervisory personnel and skilled work force etc. required for execution.
• Contractor’s Supervisor / Safety Officer : To ensure strict compliance with work permit system by carrying out work only
with appropriate work permits and after ensuring that all safety precautions / conditions in the permit are complied with
and closing the same after job completion.
• Contract workers : To perform work safely as per the job requirement and instructions, to wear PPE as stipulated and
necessary for the job.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Job safety analysis (JSA) provides a mechanism by which the contractor, safety
officer or supervisor take a detailed look at how an individual task is performed and
its inherent hazards and preventive measures .In a JSA, each step of the job is
examined to identify potential hazards and to determine the safest way to do the
A job safety analysis includes five steps as below:
• Select a job
• Break the job down into a sequence of steps
• Identify the hazards against each of these steps (based on knowledge of accident,
causes of injuries and personal experience) and determine the preventive measures
to overcome these hazards
• Apply the controls to the hazards
• Evaluate the controls
Job Safety Analysis Sheet – Height work (Example)
Operations Hit by falling equipment Yes Segregate area under job site
effectively. Accompanying
tools/equipment to be carried in tool
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS NEEDED FOR WORK : Safety helmet, Safety shoes, Safety goggles, Hand gloves, Gas monitor,etc.
Cutting & Grinding Burns Yes • Wear long sleeved coverall &
• Use leather hand gloves
• Keep first aid kit at site.
Cutting & Grinding Falling sparks/Hot bids Yes • Enclose the work location with
• Ensure no one is working below the
location of gas cut
HOT WORK/ WORK IN CONFINED SPACE : safety helmet, safety shoes, safety goggles,
hand gloves, gas monitor, apron; SCBA, safety harness (additional for confined space).
Excavation work : safety helmet, safety shoes, safety glasses, hand gloves, gas
monitor, barricading pipes, tapes and sign boards.
Height work : safety helmet, safety shoes, safety glasses, hand gloves, safety
harness, platform ladder, ISI approved safety belt.
•soil stability
•proper shoring for the
excavation to prevent cave-in
for side of slope >45 Degree
•proper slope usually 45
degrees & suitable benches of
0.5 m width at each 1.5 m
depth are provided
•barricading of 1m height with
glowing caution board is
provided for excavation
beyond 1.5m depth
• excavating earth is placed
beyond 1m of the edge of the
EXCAVATION : checklist
Presented by:
Ritika Kumari
Operations Officer
Jatni LPG plant
Employee ID: 31980150.