ch04 Modified
ch04 Modified
ch04 Modified
First Edition
by William Stallings and Lawrie Brown
A[S,X] = “owner” (S owns X)
Engineer 1 Engineer2
Engineering Dept.
RBAC2 includes RBAC0 and adds constraints, which restricts the
ways in which the components of a RBAC system may be
A constraint is a defined relationship among roles or a condition
related to roles.
Mutual exclusive roles:
• A user can be assigned to only one role in the set (either during a
session or statically).
• Any permission can be granted to only one role in the set.
• Set a maximum number with respect to roles such as the maximum
number of users that can be assigned to a specific role. i.e. a project
leader role or a department head role would be limited to one user.
Prerequisite roles:
• A user can only be assigned to a particular role if it is already assigned
to some other specified role. i.e. a user assigned to a project lead role
must get the production engineer and quality engineer roles.
introduced access control principles
subjects, objects, access rights
discretionary access controls
access matrix, access control lists (ACLs),
capability tickets
UNIX traditional and ACL mechanisms
role-based access control
case study