T.E.Civil Unit 1
T.E.Civil Unit 1
T.E.Civil Unit 1
Recommended Books :
1) Principles of Management by : B.S Moshal
2) Management by : Stephen Robbins & Mary Cotler.
3) Human Resource Management by : K.Aswathappa .
Evolution of Modern Management
Began in the industrial revolution in the late 19Th century as:
-- Managers of organisations began seeking ways to satisfy customer
-- Social problems developed in the large groups of workers employed
under factory system.
-- Managers began to focus on increasing the efficiency of the worker–
task mix.
Evolution of management thought/ theory :
1) Scientific Management Theory ( 1890-1940 )
2) Administrative Management Theory. (1980)
3) Behavioral Management Theory (1980-1990)
4) Management Science Theory (1990)
5) Organisational Management Theory (1990- 2000 till date)
Skeleton /Division of Various Approaches.
In order to get a proper and balanced perspective of the theory and practice
of management , all developments and changes taking place since the
beginning of 20Th century till now may be placed under three main
The term “behavioral science approach” may be defined as a systematic as well as scientific
analysis of human behaviour to determine the causes of the working behaviour of an
1) Socio-Technical System.
2) Integration of Individual and Organisational Goals.
3) Conflict & Cooperation.
4) Individual Difference.
5) People are the key to productivity.
6) Contribution of Authors.
Physiological Needs :
---- At the lowest level of hierarchy of needs are physiological needs and
very powerful motivator too.
---- These are the needs which must be satisfied to maintain life.
---- Food , air ,water , rest , recreation etc. are included in this.
---- These needs must be satisfied partially or to some level before
moving on to next level.
Safety Needs :
---- These are often called as security needs.
---- Are concerned with physical and financial security . Physical security
implies the freedom from bodily threat and financial security with
security on job.
---- Thus , employee needs sufficient wage to feed , shelter and protect
him and his family .
----Also attempts to secure safe working environment, before going for
next level of need.
Social Needs:
----- These refer to the need of comfort from dear ones and social
---- Affection and association are the two things desired in this.
---- Though these needs are strongly felt by an individual, it also
affects his work environment and working behaviour.
Esteem Needs:
----Employees who perceive themselves worthwhile are said to have
esteem needs.
-----Self respect is the key to such needs.
----.They include self- confidence, achievements , competence,
knowledge, self – respect & freedom.
----Status, prestige and self-respect are the three main needs.
Self- Realisation Needs:
---These are also known as self-accomplishment needs. These are the
individual’s needs for realising his/her own potentialities , opportunity
for creativity and for continual development of the individual’s skills
and powers.
Evaluation :
1) This concept has been a landmark in field of motivation, by suggesting
the priority and nature of needs.
2) This hierarchy of needs is not rigid and fixed in order and not same for
all individuals.
Theory X & Theory Y
Douglas McGregor has contributed this theory to the field of
The managements action of motivating human beings in the
organisation , involves certain assumptions , generalization and
hypothesis relating to human behavior and human nature .
McGregor has characterised these assumptions in two points:
--- Theory X &
--- Theory Y.
Theory X :
This is the traditional theory of human behavior, with assumptions
made by McGregor as,
The average employee in an organisation is lazy , dull , self – centered ,
resists change and does not want to share responsibility.
He has needs to some extent, especially security needs.
The average employee lacks responsibility and has little ambition.
Theory X contd...
Managers have to use coercive power to get their work done from
workers and that they must be threatened and punished.
To get the work done, McGregor suggested rigid, bureaucratic and a
rules-based organisation.
A narrow span of management ,one-way communication, close
supervision , highlighting monetary incentives and centralised
managerial authority should be followed.
It was also necessary to guide, direct and control employees in
strict manner .
The assumptions about human nature are negative in their
approach, however much organisational processes have developed
on these assumptions.
Theory Y
Work is as natural as play or rest for workers.
The average employee or worker likes work, is capable of assuming responsibilities &
accepting challenges.
He has a large imagination and creativity that can be applied to job.
The role of management is to develop employees potential and help them to achieve
common objectives.
Every system has certain boundaries and within these there lies the
internal environment , which mainly consists of internal and
controllable variables .
legal, political,
technology factors Business
production distribution
Input- Process Out put Chart .
Land, capital, Conversion process Output :
machine,mgnt, Management goods & services
technology process
System approach contd..
These inputs are thus processed, converted and finally some goods and
services are produced.
Encourages analysis of organisation and its sub system and thus helps
in their management .
Managers must take into account interdependencies, interactions
among various components at the time of decision making.
Contingency Approach
This approach is related to the system approach, but discounts the
concept of universal application of managerial principles .
The various guidelines for managers are :
1) It is situation oriented .
2) After analysis of the situation, managers should prepare
inventories of management theory, principles , techniques and
3) In order to tackle situation efficiently , the validity and
applicability of management tools and techniques is to be
examined and prepare final package of tools and techniques.
Evaluation of Contingency Approach
Very specific
Very general
Everything is
made of Every situation is
systems with totally unique
techniques and
situation can be
The contingency approach of management and organisation based on
an analysis of situational variables was first proposed by Fred . E
He gave the following 4 main contingencies to be taken care of by