The Development of Management Thought
The Development of Management Thought
The Development of Management Thought
Scientific management
Scientific management emphasized faster and better methods or production and also
increased output and efficiency. Primary emphasis was on the analysis, planning and control
functions related to performance of basic tasks. Its emphasis was for achieving efficiency,
standardization and simplification.
Taylor observed that inefficiency prevails in the organization because of the following
Scientific management criticized on: the ground that a worker was assumed to be a more or
less standardized unit of production concerned only with pay. More stress was laid on the
methods of improving production without considering the effect on the worker. Taylor failed to
understand the complexities of human behavior and hence no advance was made in the human
aspect of work in an organization.
Administrative management
4, Scalar chain: From top to bottom there should be a clear line of authority.
5, Unity of direction: The organization member effort should be directed towards common
6, Centralization
7, Equity: Respect and fairly treat all employees
8, Order: Each employee and other resources are put where they have the most value.
9, Initiative: Encourage workers to act on their own to take initiative that benefits the
10, Discipline
12, Remuneration of personnel: Helped employees develop the skills to make contributions to
the organization.
Some critics: The principles professed by this theory are only proverbs because they were
based on observation and not on search. Also the concept of universality of management has
been criticized.
*In general, the administrative theory was mainly concerned with the conceptualization of
principles and functions of management in large organization. This theory provided guidance on
how to design an organization and provided the concept of line and staff organization.
Max weber (1914-1920): He offered a bureaucratic model for management of a large and
complex organization in any branch of human activity. According to him bureaucracy it the
most efficient form of management for a complex organization.
* Hierarchy of authority
* Procedure
* Impersonality
This theory has been criticized on the following grounds:
This theory stated that the employee morale has great influence on productivity and the
manager should treat them as social beings instead of economic beings or simply as cogs in a
machine. For solving any management problem, the manager should understand group
attitudes and psychology as employees are members of a group.
The behavioral science approach thoughts through its research studies of individuals behavior
and motivation indicated that the relation between morale and productivity was oversimplified
and there is no direct and deep connection between morale and productivity.
*Motivation *Leadership
*Employee development
3, Modern management theory
Modern management theory consists of three streams:
1, Quantitative theory
2, System theory
3, contingency approach
1, Quantitative theory
Also known as operations research offers systematic analysis and solution to many complex
problems faced by the management. For decision making, this approach makes use of
mathematical and statistical tools. Operation research is the most widely accepted branch of
management science.
2, System theory
3, Contingency approach
This approach focuses on applying management principles and process as dictated by the
unique characteristics of each situation. It emphasized that there is no one best way to manage
and that it depends on various situation factory, such as the external environment, technology,
organizational characteristic, characteristic of the manager and subordinates.