Personal Identification
Personal Identification
Personal Identification
Important terms:
• Fingerprint – an impression, designed by the ridges on the inside of
the end joint of the fingers and thumb on any smooth surface through
the media of ink, sweat or any reagents capable of producing visibility.
Delta -
1. point on a ridge at or nearest to the point of divergence of two typelines and
2. is located at or directly in front of the point of divergence.
Types of Patterns:
• Arches – 5%
• Loops – 60%
• Whorls – 35%
Fingerprint Patterns:
• Plain Arch - 1. Ridges enter upon one side
2. Make a rise or wave in the center
3. Flow or tend to flow out upon the
opposite side.
• Tented Arch - Possesses an
1. Angle
2. Upthrust
3. Two of The Three basic
characteristics of the loop
• Ulnar loop - flow toward the little finger - ulna bone.