Emotional Health Power Point
Emotional Health Power Point
Emotional Health Power Point
and Wellness
Chapter 5: Mental and
Emotional Health
– Lesson 5 - Mental and
Emotional Problems (pp.
– Lesson 6 - Help for Mental
and Emotional Problems
(pp. 163-168)
– Lesson 4 - Managing
Stress (pp. 156-158)
Personal Health and Wellness
• Description:
– This unit will cover the importance of healthy
choices on behavior, outside influences on
decision making and the importance of building
healthy relationships. It will also include class
discussions on positive and negative stress,
depression, problem solving as well as social and
cultural influences.
Personal Health and Wellness
Essential Questions
1. What determines a good decision?
2. How do you recognize depression?
3. How do peers influence your choices?
4. Why is it important to have healthy relationships?
5. How much stress is normal?
Personal Health and Wellness
Enduring Understanding
1. Emotional disorders can be treated so that they don't
become lifelong problems.
2. Peers can influence choices and behaviors.
3. There are healthy and unhealthy ways to problem solve.
4. Depression is a long-term feeling of hopelessness and
5. There is an importance to building healthy relationships.
6. There are different factors that influence food choices.
7. Knowing how to interpret food labels will allow them to
make healthier food choices.
Personal Health and Wellness
Emotional Health
Mental Health
Negative Stress
Peer Pressure
Peers Positive Stress
Refusal Skills
Risk Behaviors
Stress Management
Mental and Emotional Health
mental and emotional health The ability to handle the stress and
changes of everyday life in a
reasonable way
Where Mental and Emotional Health Begins
• If the physical needs of food, water, rest, and a sense of
safety are not met, it can negatively affect your mental and
emotional health.
tio Feelings
Benefits of Self-Esteem
• Being optimistic is one of the benefits of having high
• When you are optimistic, you are not afraid to try new
activities. Even if you don’t succeed, you know you gave
it your best shot.
Building Self-Esteem
Think positively.
What Are Emotions?
Managing Your Emotions in Healthful Ways
When dealing with anger, take time to cool down and think.
If you are angry about a situation you can’t change, talk to a trusted adult.
Think about positive feelings while you breathe deeply with your eyes closed.
• Drug use
• Repeated emotional
• Brain chemistry stressors such as
• Accidental injury abuse
• Heredity
Types of Mental and Emotional Disorders
Neglect of
Loss of appetite Nightmares
personal appearance
Long-lasting feelings
Difficulty sleeping Hearing voices
of sadness
also called Medication Hospitalization
Where to Find Help
referral A suggestion to
seek help or
Crisis Resources Teacher information from
another person
or place
Religious Referral
Lesson 6 Review
What I Learned
Vocabulary What is a resource?
Analyze Why might a person with a mental or emotional
disorder fail to seek treatment?
Identify What are some differences between individual
and group therapy?
List What are some resources a person could use to
get help for a mental or emotional disorder?
Stress Management
Day 3
• Stress Management
What Is Stress?
positive stress Stress that can help you reach your goals
fatigue Tiredness
Upon rolling a SIX, that person takes the pencil and starts to
put the numbers on THEIR PAPER FROM 1 TO 100.
Day 4
• You have been asked by the school counselor
from Central Middle to create a brochure relating
to health and wellness.
• Your role is to develop a brochure to help
students be more aware of different topics such
as positive and negative stress, mental and
emotional disorders, the importance of getting
help and where to get it, signs of suicide, and
strategies to manage stress.
• The teacher, textbook, notes, and peers are great
sources to help you accomplish this task. When
you have accomplished this task, you will present
your research to the “school counselor”.
Presentation Rubric
Health & Wellness Brochure
Category Needs Improvement Good (2pts) Outstanding (3pts)
Two types of Mental Student provides less Student provides Student provides all
and Emotional than two examples of three-five examples of six examples of the
Disorders and the the warning signs of the warning signs of warning signs of
warning signs mental and emotional mental and emotional mental and emotional
disorders disorders disorders
When, where, and Student will provide Student will provide Student will provide
why to get help for one example of when, two examples of when, three examples of
mental and emotional where or why to seek where, and why to when, where, and
problems help seek help why to seek help
Warning Signs of Student provides one Student provides two Student provides
Suicide example of ways they examples of ways they three examples of
could identify warning could identify warning ways they could
signs of suicide signs of suicide identify warning signs
of suicide
Strategies for Student provides two Student provides two Student provides
Managing Stress examples of ways examples of ways three examples of
they can manage they can manage ways they can manage
stress in a healthy stress in a healthy way stress in a healthy
way way
Day 5
• Present Brochure
Personal Health and Wellness
The student will know: The student will be able to:
Negative and Positive Peer develop a plan for utilizing
Pressure. problem-solving skills.
Steps to Solving Problems. create and role play various
Symptoms of Depression. scenarios of risky influences.
The Importance of Healthy develop an action plan for
Relationships. someone thinking about
Warning Signs of Suicide suicide.
Strategies for Managing make a plan for managing
Stress stress.
identify resources in the
community that offer
counselings, therapy, and/or
treatment for
mental/emotional problems.
Bring food label
from home for
next class