the classroom
What is Constructivism ?
Constructivism is not a new concept, it has been around since the
turn of the century and was supported by:
• John Dewey, who was an American psychologist, philosopher,
educator, social critic and political activist.
• Jean Piaget, who based his view of psychological development
of children such that a child contructs understanding through
many channels: such as reading, listening, exploring and
experiencing his or her environment.
• Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist and philosopher and is
associated with the social constructivist theory. He believed that
the influences of cultural and social contexts played an
important part in learning and supports a discovery model of
Constructivism is:
Pros Cons
• students often like when • belief that learning is
they are part of the based on the students
decision making process ability to discover new
• a higher level of thinking knowledge
occures • teachers may not take
• students like hands-on responsibility for poor
activities learning
• students feel a sense of • may lead students to take
ownership when hand-on a majority rules attitude
learning occures rather rather then an individual
then just being told approach to decision
something making
Constructivism Graphic Organizer
5 E Model English Lesson
• When the students are done sharing then they will share
their findings with the class by introducing their partner to
them. The students will tell the class what they found out
about them.
• Each group will have to participate but the teacher will call
on volunteers first if any exist.
The student will define and explain
the current concept using their own
words. The student will accomplish
this using informational readings,
group discussions, and teacher
interaction. Learners will support
each other by sharing their ideas,
observations, questions, and
• After each group introduces each other, the class will ask
additional questions that they come up with about their
• The teacher will ask each student to say one thing that they
learned about at least one student in the class.
a. Engagement
b. Exploration
c. Explanation
d. Extension/elaboration
e. Evaluation